Is it a good idea to "Announce" to the world that you love guns and are carrying one?

There are locations that anything resembling a "republican" piece of propaganda will get you tires slashed or a good old fashioned keying. That's how I know gun rights will end. Gun ownership is no longer socially acceptable. Probably right under dog fighting in the unsavory ratings.
On the other hand, there's a lot of people that have been converted. I know people who have been converted from being antigun to progun. So all hope isn't lost yet.
rickyrick said:
.There are locations that anything resembling a "republican" piece of propaganda will get you tires slashed or a good old fashioned keying.

Please see my post 29. This happened in Colorado
Nobody ever touched it. Don't believe any such thing is advertising.
One anecdote doesn't prove or disprove anything. I know several people whose cars were broken into, and the common thread was the bumper stickers.

A sticker promoting firearms may not lead a criminal to believe there are guns in the car, but it does suggest that the owner can afford nicer personal property than the owner of the '78 Chevette parked next to it.
Sounds like I'm on my own on this topic. We are living in crazy times as far as the 2nd amendment go. Its not just changing politically but also on a cultural level. I own quite a few shirts/ hats and wear them quite a bit. My reasoning is to put it in societies face but in a positive manner. Not negatively. There's a strong push to change people's view on guns and in my opinion now is not the time to hide our love for guns or our support for the 2A. we seem to be losing a lot of political battles. Let's not lose the cultural battle.

You're not alone at all; some of us just use different methods in this "cultural battle." I like your method and your fire about this. It's needed.

As I mentioned before I live in a community where the vast majority are Republicans and very much pro-gun/pro-law enforcement, etc. Not much battle to do here. It's a true red state voting-wise.

Man do I wish the whole country was like this. Maybe it'll swing back some day. It used to be that way.
I do not advertise my owning hand guns with anything on my vehicles, but I do have a sheriff dept sticker on my windshield right above my registration sticker that my son gave me. Never had a problem with it being on there. But no gun stickers. I do have a Hornady t-shirt I sometimes wear to the range and also a Colt t-shirt. I do not wear them when going shopping or out to dinner. I have a CCW permit and it is my business only, I do not care for anyone else to know I am carrying that is why it is concealed carry.
I would be the opposite, i would not advertise i had firearms on my person or in my house they are attractive to criminals and terrorists. Advertising you have firearms here could set you up for a robbery or worse a attack.
I don't advertise when I have a gun with me. Nor do I wear a sign when I go to the bank to deposit a large amount of money. That could make me dead broke. :D
It's silly to me why some other feels a need to brag he'/she's carrying concealed or openly. Should not be a subject for open discussion or for show & tell on a street corner. Think >discreet and be observant< when carrying concealed. That's my advice on this thread subject. "Announce" to the world" :rolleyes:
It's silly to me why some other feels a need to brag he'/she's carrying concealed or openly. Should not be a subject for open discussion or for show & tell on a street corner. Think >discreet and be observant< when carrying concealed. That's my advice on this thread subject. "Announce" to the world"

Agree very much. Our CC permit instructor made a huge point of that during the class portion of the training. He even made it clear that a person carrying has a much bigger responsibility to de-escalate potential confrontations than an unarmed person has.

That gun is not to be known by any other than you, otherwise you're placing yourself in the category of an aggressor just by making it known you have a gun.
If you don't want to do it, fine but don't tell me how and where to carry. Everything in today's society is a "lifestyle choice".
I don't have gun related stickers on my vehicle, I don't open carry and I don't wear tacticool clothes or any clothing with any gun related pictures or print. The one exception is sometimes in the Winter I will wear a Colt ball cap. I figure the majority will think I am an Indianapolis fan, and sure enough, the only person that has ever mentioned it said, "Oh, you'r a Colts fan" and I said, "I sure am" while thinking "I have three of them".
I can't believe how "politically correct" we as gun owners have become. 20 years ago this wouldn't have shown up on gun forms. I've had NRA stickers on my truck for 10 years and NO ONE has touched my truck. I have a AR15 bolt face sticker on the back of the truck canopy. I have a magpul sticker on it. And I have a Jane Fonda sticker that says "Viet Nam Vets are not Fonda Jane". I get many thumbs up and horn honks going down the road about the Jane Fonda sticker!!!:D:D I also have a "American Veteran and Proud of It" sticker. And another one that says "Freedom is Not Free".

I want people to know I AM the NRA. I'm a Vet and proud of it. I want them to know I like Evil Black Rifles. We need to quit hiding and let people know that we support the 2nd and we like guns. I spent 3 years in the US ARMY defending out rights and I'm not afraid to let people know that I like guns. Many of our people gave much more to defend our way of life. Everyone's free do what they want. I want to get in their face and let them know that I own guns and support the 2nd amendment!!! We need to let the Nation know just how many of us are out here. We're not a bunch of phycos, we are millions of their neighbors. Ok I'll get off my soap box now!!!!:D
I'll admit there was a time when I had several such stickers on my cars, but that was many, many years ago. I long ago decided that such stickers do nothing to convert the anti-gun person, nor impress the pro-gun person. Ever since I started to carry concealed I am even more diligent about maintaining a low profile. No gun related hats, shirts, or jackets. No stickers on bumpers or car windows. However, when it comes to motorcycles, I do own numerous shirts proclaiming my favorite brand or model at the time. My son in law still teases me when he sees me on my Honda and wearing a Triumph shirt.
It's not about being politically correct, it's a matter of security in many places. Where I live now, it's very possible to get your home damaged for having a candidate sign in your yard from a particular political party. Neighbors have had American flags set ablaze while still hanging on the porch.

That's just how things get done politically now, bullying. Not that we are weak, it's that we must support out families. Can't do that if we get arrested or injured at a rally. Gonna miss work if our cars are vandalized or porches burned. If we are burglarized, it's gonna cost us too. It's just not worth the possible side effects just to get under someone's skin or to show pride.
I can't believe how "politically correct" we as gun owners have become. 20 years ago this wouldn't have shown up on gun forms

That would be 1996 - right after the AW ban was passed. Not too many folks with pro-gun stickers on their cars in 1996. Also, many folks were still raging angry at the NRA for the '86 machinegun ban and the '89 import ban, all of which happened with Republican presidents. So, not many NRA fans back then either.

I see way more pro-2A and pro-gun bumper stickers today than I ever did 20 years ago.

As to bumper stickers in general - I think it comes down to this: some folks like 'em; others hate 'em and there isn't much in between. I have to do business with all kinds of people on a daily basis - some like guns; some don't like guns; others are indifferent. I just don't want my personal politics, biases, hobbies, etc. to get in the way of me doing business with folks. My views on this go back to 1990 when I entered the business world.
My sentiment used to be I wanted the world to know; My auto tag read GUNLUVR but now I've moved on. The political battle is always an ongoing thing but the anti-gun crowd has been thumped and steamrolled so many times in elections and in court that they've generally raised the white flag. I might get an NRA Benefactor life member sticker again but that's about it.

Also, as far as security concerns go I've found that criminals in urban settings don't really go after long guns, they are interested in handguns, apparently out of the fear that cops will shoot them on sight if they are seen carrying a rifle.
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I can't believe how "politically correct" we as gun owners have become

Not PC at all. I just don't want some scumbag following me home knowing that I own firearms and come back when I am at work and break in. I have had two attempted break-ins at my house while at home and I have had a package stolen off of my front porch. I see no reason to advertise the fact that I have guns because of these incidents.

If someone wants to dress in 5.11 pants and shirt with a Glock ball cap all while open carrying a G17 and two spare mags, then go ahead....doesn't bother me at all.
I have a Weatherby sticker on my camper shell and I have had people ask me where the nearest dealer was since they like the style of the shell. :D

My license plate says 6.5CM. So far no one has figured it out. :rolleyes:

We give people way to much credit. For years I thought Titleist was referring to a womans anatomy. :p