Is America headed for another Revolution?

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Forgive me, but I just got to do this.

Don't let the court ruling on homosexuals in Scouting bother you. It is perfectly normal for the plaintiff in these cases to win the first round or two. BSA always, I repeat ALWAYS, wins the appeal.
Personally, I don't agree with the gay lifestyle. However, when TSHTF I don't give a good GD what your preference, color, religion, ethnic background or whatever is, if your willing to stand with me Then welcome! I'll take all the help I can get.
When we start targeting specific groups just for being different, we are no better than the anti-gunners who target us just because we believe in something different from them.
Prejudice cuts both ways.
No forgiveness required. Your committment to Scouting is honorable and worthwhile. Your post is fair and cogent.

Your point is well taken and your patriotism unquestioned.. We each have specific issues that rankle us. I only ask that this gay issue be taken to another Board.

No response required, guys. Carry on.
There will not be a civil war but it is only a matter of time before there will be a revolution. And it will be a damn bloody one...guns or no guns.

History has shown that without a middle class a nation cannot function. Big business, along with most poiticians, are presenty destroying it. A nation that has only the very wealthy and the very poor is doomed. The government becomes overly repressive, to protect the wealthy and the status quo and then, "thats all she wrote..."

Believe me, I am not a communists, and hope it never happens here. And I am not saying that communism would be the results of a revolution, but it will be the end of our form of government as we know it. It did happen in Russia, and other nations, for the very reasons I have stated here. And the process is already in motion here.
Mr. Foley,

If I remember correctly, the fighting usually occurs when the middle class starts feeling the pinch. For some reason- perhaps similar to the abused wives who stay with their violent husbands- the poor do not seem to be the ones to start anything of the nature described in this thread. If the middle class is in danger of being taxed out of existence, there will be conflict, indeed. I can see such a day coming if events do not change.

John Shirley
I Vote, I Call and Write My Reprasenitive's I Mean I Bug The Hell Out of Them. So They Know Exactly Where I Stand On The Firearms Issue's. But If I Have Shoot To Defend My Liberty, So Be It!

There's a LOT of people I like on this board when we talk guns, that I can't stand when don't.

Let's keep our guns. Let's keep my buddy's boyfriend (a gunowner!) out of the topic of discussion.

As a right-winger, I'm not trying to tear down the government, I just want to return to a few basic rights that I feel should belong to everyone.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
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