Is America headed for another Revolution?

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One of us wrote:

OK, since you are lumping homosexuals in with criminals, how many of them would want to stand with you when SHTF? Consider, Democrats at pretend convincingly that they care. When we, as gun owners or libertarians, actively insult homosexuals, what kind of impression does this make on newcomers to this forum?

I am not saying what my position on the Boyscout case is. I am only commenting on lumping homosexuals (or Jews, Gypsies, intellectuals, etc.) in with criminals. Come on! The real homosexuals with whom I work, debate, shoot and search for ways to defeat the statist encroachments are the same people as the rest of you, no better, no worse. I wouldn't mind having my next door neighbors on my side.They campaigned actively for CCW in Minnesota and got new people to join us at the range. You do not have to like them -- just don't drive them away. Same goes for bashing Christians, which I see on other forums -- it plays right into the hands of the statists. They can quote you and show just how they "protect the downtrodden from the bigots".

Cornered Rat, now at bay Updated July 14
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited August 05, 1999).]
To all fellow TFL members. I am responding because I don't want any of you to think I have skirted those who have attacked me about Vietnam. I have sent private e-mails to a couple of the gentelmen as I don't want a flame war on TFL. To help clearify things; Those of you who think I slapped the Vietnam Vets PLEASE re-read my post. Nowhere in that post did I mention MY thoughts on Vietnam. I stated "How many of YOU who thought the war was wrong but went anyway" Please I beg all readers to read carefully. If we don't then we are no different then those we are at odds with. Read with your HEAD not your heart.

"Solidarity is the Key"
We'll stand with you, but we are taking notes. ;)

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited August 05, 1999).]
Good point, Bulldozer, about the fact that the media focuses only on the 2 Us Coasts and big cities or suburbs in general. Last night on crossfire, Ieven heard Adam Novak, a conservative who I at least half respect, say that it is good that there are only a few farmers left to produce the food we eat. Bill Press, the flaming liberal pointed pointed that it is no good that most small fasrmers have disapeard and that only a few control the food supply. Press was 100% correct and Novak is a idiot!. It is one of the greatest,if NOt THe Greatest trajedies of our nation that the small farmer has nearly disappeared. Most small farmers are gone and what remains is agribusiness and a few tenant farmers. The food supply is controlled by a few and the so called conservatives are as guilty in supporting the planned destruction of the small farms as they were in supporting the planned destruction of our manufacturing base. we are now importing over 40% of our foostuffs and the rest is controlled by a handful of multinational corporations. Teddy Roosevelt would be amazed if he were around to see what has really happened to our agricultural and manufacturing bases. That beast Henry Kissinger said it correctly when he talked about controling a nation by controling its food supply. The masses in the cities and suburbs have fallen for the medias praise of this one world economy hook ,line, and sinker! But when the food shortages start occuring, maybe they may wake up. But too late.Quick,lets go out and get some more stocks!
Thank you, CR. I was not in favor of discrimination against them, but I learned a lot while while doing security in a gay club for six months. You know what I found? (Not you, Rat, or Jim March. I'm sure you guys can guess.) I found that homosexuals are just like any other group. There are a few I don't care for, and there a lot of very nice people as well...many of whom would go out of there way to help virtually anyone. Just because. I don't see the point of alienating these people, some of whom I am proud to call my friend. You may not agree with their choice of lifestyle, but to lump them with pedophiles is way out of bounds, and seems to speak more of fear than anything else. We continually fight a battle to win the hearts and minds of a media-brainwashed society, and truth is on our side. We have no room for groundless hate.
Lets not get carried away. We all have our favorite perversions and stand ready to defend them.
I do agree that we should not lump homosexuals and pedophiles together.Lets remember that we all cherish freedom.

Better days to be,

Ivan, you ever heard of growin' your on??
ain't nobody said you have to go to the grocery store to get something to eat..

what me worry?
Well I obviously hit a nerve with the homosexual comments.

Personally, I think homosexuality is disgusting.........just like pedophiles are disgusting. The thought of the things they do make me sick and then they want me to accept it as normal? I'll tell you what! It ain't gonna happen! It's not normal.

One thing that is bogus is the research that concludes homosexuality is born into an individual. That is the biggest crock I've ever heard. If that were true, the process of natural selection would have eliminated that characteristic from the races long ago.

So it is a voluntary choice, a moral perversion. Yes, I fear for the children. I fear the slow moral decay of our society. I wish they would get back in the closet and get out of my face. I see them as disgusting as pedophiles and I rightously lump them in that category.

I find it interesting that always someone responds as though I am intolerant, a racist, etc when expressing my views on this subject..... but you are wrong. I understand the need for tolerance because of difference in skin color, religion, ethnicity, etc. Homosexuality is where I draw the line. There are just some things I cannot accept as normal. Homosexuality is one of is beastiality. Where do you draw the line? Or don't you have one? Then why isn't sex with willing children something to be tolerated? You see, some just draw their line within the realm of perversion and that's a line too far for me.
When I first read this post I was going to make a comment and decided to wait and see what others would say. Anyway here is what I was going to say...........

I noticed that 'ElevenO' joined this forum the same day that this post was made and had only made three posts. Total is 4 at this time. So that got me wondering what else had been posted by 'ElevenO'. Since the search is not working the thought of going through all the posts was more than I wanted to take on.

What I'm getting at is we need to be careful how we reply to these type of posts. Yes I may be paranoid and I'm glad to see that most of the replies have been general in nature. I wish I could have known what the other posts by 'ElevenO' had been.

I also find it interesting that 'ElevenO' has not responded to any of the comments made by the members regarding this post.

If I'm wrong, I apologize to 'ElevenO' for questioning the motives of this post. With all that is going on, these type of posts set off a red flag when I see them.

Just my .02 worth,


Perfect Paranoia is Perfect awareness

Guns! We are trying to keep our guns. Our sexual preferences, beliefs, lines that we draw, etc. are not relative to keeping our guns.

Guns! Think guns!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 06, 1999).]
I think we need to remember that we - and other Americans who hold the same beliefs we do - truly are a "Silent Majority." Somehow, we've allowed a vocal, ardent, minority group of liberals to essentially take over the government (especially the federal agenicies that regulate our day-to-day lives) and the media. (CNN's my fave! Dan Rather's up there, too!)

I'm not sure that I agree with JJR's comment (no flame intended) that elected politicians are OUR politicians. While I certainly respect the process, the results often don't reflect - in my opinion - the beliefs of "ordinary" Americans.

Take our beloved commander-in-chief as an example. In 1996 Clinton received approximately 47.4 million votes. At the time, the population of the U.S. was about 270 million. That means that only about 17.5% of all Americans (of course, everyone can't vote, but...) voted for the fat pantload (Don Imus' endearing expression.)

I tried to find a breakdown of the election returns by race, sex and religion but wasn't successful. But, try this - from that 17.5% figure, subtract people who voted solely on a one-issue basis (race, abortion rights, anti-gun agenda, homosexual rights, animal rights, environmental activism, etc.) Who or what's left? Not much. How many "ordinary" Americans - people who go to work every day, raise their families and who MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS - voted for Clinton? About three?

What can we do? Become politically active. Vote in EVERY election, all the way down to the school board and city council. Offer contributions to politicians who actually have some integrity. ($20 may not sound like a lot - but a liitle here and a little there adds up.) Join the NRA and GOA. Write letters to the editor. Try to change laws that infringe on our rights by organizing referenda like the folks in CA are with the SB 23 initiative. We can become a vocal MAJORITY if we make the effort.

Will this happen? I'm not real confident that it will. Seems as if the vast majority of us have become way too complacent.

Anyone on this forum who hasn't read Unintended Consequences really needs to soon.
Like I always said "the souths gonna do it again"........ start it in south carolina, they are the only ones with cahones enough to stand up to the NAACP and tell them to drop dead......
Guttsmoke, You stated-
"Really think about if you revolt there is a good chance that there will be no tomorrows for you. When your dead your dead. No more kisses from the wife, no hugs from your kids,
no birthday parties for the grandchildren. Nothing, nada, zip, your worm food,dead."

If it comes down to a revolt against our Goverment that means that our freedom is in question. If that be the case, and one is not free then you might as well be dead!!!!!
Stay on track, people. Read the original post. It's not about homosexuality, bestiality or Devil Worship. If I have a say in the matter, it never will.

Interesting point of view. While I think we're all willing to give ElevenO the benefit of the doubt, I agree that we should each keep the public nature of this Board in mind. Thanks for the reality check.
Didn't Locke, in his "Second Treatise..." affirm that the citizens have a right to replace their government when it fails to serve their best interests?

Didn't Thomas Jefferson use Locke as the foundation for The Declaration?

Then, as a matter of course, and a logical progression and precedent the documents that for the basis for our government give the citizens the inherent right to overthrow their government, by whatever means necessary (as the Second Amendment was actually intended).

I don't think the government serves my interests very well and I could do better with private or privatized services and government corporations.

It does, IMO, serve those who belong to minorities (not well, though), which is not wrong, IMO, but not at the exclusion of or lack of preference for the majority. It also serves those who pay few or no taxes better than those who pay the lion's share of the tax burden, such as with welfare programs that previously had no limits to duration.
Hmmmmm? It looks like I've created an interesting little thread here?

I noticed in one of the post that a member was wondering why I started this thread and why I hadn't made many other post about this topic. There is a two-fold answer to that question:

(1) I like to read other peoples post more than I like making my own.

(2) I spend much of my internet time cruising the rec.guns and the talk.politics.guns newsgroups. I don't spend the majority of my time at the firing line and, again, I would rather read the newsgroup post more than make my own.

The reason I brought the subject up, to begin with, was simple. I was just curious. Nothing more and nothing less. I was not (and I am not) advocating a rebellion. However, times have not been good for the pro-gun movement this year. Kids are killing other kids and somebody hollers for more gun control because, you know, "it's for the children". A pyscho goes nuts in Atlanta and (you know the rest of the story) somebody hollers for yet more gun control. We (supposedly) have this "conservative", pro-gun majority in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, yet more efforts to restrict us law-abiding gun owners from excercising our Second Amendment rights continues to march on without hardly skipping a beat. And then we have the situation in California. Yes, people, I'm referring to SB23 and other bills like it. I know what it means (i.e. registration does, in fact, lead to confiscation) to gun-ownership (across the country) and I don't like it.

I vote. I vote whenever we have an election. Well, I should say "almost" whenever we have an election. I think I may have missed (at the most) 3 elections in the past 9 years. They were all run-off elections as I recall. I have voted in every major election since I became old enough to vote. I am almost 28 years old now.

I've done more than just vote. I have lost count of the times that I have called or emailed my Congressman and Senators. Actually, I shouldn't complain about (some of)the people who represent me. I have one Senator who has been very faithful to the Second Amendment (and to conservatism in general). My other Senator and my Representative are both Democrats. Guess where they stand on the Second Amendment?

I don't want to get off the topic here but let me tell you a story about my congressman (or, rather, the staffers that work in his office). Back when the Brady Bill was up for debate, I called my congressman's office to let him (or his staff) know where this lone constituient stood on the Brady Bill. Obviously, I was against it and I informed the staff employee how I wanted his boss (my rep) to vote when the debate ended and the voting began. The staffer questioned me about the bill and said, something to the effect, that all it required was a waiting period and a background check. I knew that, already, and I didn't need him to tell me something that I already knew. I told him I was a law abiding citizen and that I didn't need the governments permission to exercise a Constitutional right. To make a long story short, this guy tried to make a half-hearted attempt to get me to change my mind. I didn't like that, either.

What I'm trying to say is is that no one can accuse me of not being involved in the political process. Yet, despite this, two of my representatives (1 senator and 1 representative)have all but ignored the Second Amendment (and conservatism, in general). To put in bluntly, I don't see any real progress coming from Washington, DC. I see the Constitution being trampled upon (on a daily basis) and not just in the gun control debate.

I love this country. I love being an American. I love being conservative and being a Christian and being a gun owner. I love the "Star Spangled Banner", Old Glory, Mom and Apple Pie. If America was attacked today, I would like to think that I would be brave enough to lay my heart and my life on the line to defend Her. I don't want to lose my courage and fell from giving my all for my country. If it did come right down to it, I don't think I would run or lay down without a fight. I've tried to "do my duty" and be a good, productive member of society. Yet, it breaks my heart to see the people of this country lose our precious freedoms because of crooks,cowards, idiots and power-hungry politicians (who are supposed to be our leaders).

Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe things aren't as bad as they seem to be but I don't see how we (as a country) can continue, on the path that we are on (more laws, more this, more that, everybody becomes a criminal, sooner or later, simply because there are so many laws on the books) and still remain free and at peace. Hence, the reason why I started this thread. I don't want a war and I'm not going to advocate starting one but if the government continues to push and push and push then, sooner or later, we are going to have to push back. Otherwise, we will wind up like the frog in the pot full of slowly, boiling water. Dead. If our choices are to either fight (and remain free) or lay down (and become a slave and, eventually, a dead slave) then we must fight to preserve the honor and freedom of this country (and ourselves).

Okay, I'm done and I'm getting off of my soapbox now.

Very well said! Couldn't have done better myself. Glad you were not offended by my questioning your motives for posting this topic :) It's getting so hard to be a gun owner these days with the media and government trying their best to make us out to be scum of the earth.

I too hope it does not come down to taking up arms against one another. The last thing in the world I want is to be put in the position of making the choice to fight, or not, when my family is begging me not to because they do not want to risk losing me.


[This message has been edited by DrJon (edited August 07, 1999).]
Now, THAT is a soapbox you can bring around me and MY friends at any time.
(Let me know ahead of time and I'll bring the beer! :) )

I really liked the following words you said.......

"I love this country. I love being an American. I love being conservative and being a Christian and being a gun owner. I love the "Star Spangled Banner", Old Glory, Mom and Apple Pie. If America was attacked today, I would like to think that I would be brave enough to lay my heart and my life on the line to defend Her. "

I have beleived this for all of my life and I too would die for it.

I have a problem though. My problem is that all that is good about America is slowly disappearing. The constant onslaught of new laws that circumscribe virtually evey aspect of your life, the 40 to 50% tax rates, the 75% inheritance taxes, special rights for homosexuals, closing off of roads so I can't hunt certain areas anymore, attempts to take away my guns, environmental laws that shut down your own private land to farming or development and no compensation given to the land owner for the loss of value to his land because of this government, environmental law, the democrats ever increasing taxes campaign (I swear, all they do is sit around and try to dream up new ways to tax you), the closing of BLM lands, charging yearly fees for the right to enter our national forrests, the closing of a multitude of roads by the interior department (the interior department is run by a clinton appointee, Bruce Babbit, who has succeeded in closing off a majority of public roads into our national forrests and BLM lands for the express purpose of keeping you out so you can't hunt or enjoy the outdoors), the constant media onslaught of violence towards our children, the constant media sensationalizing of mass killings that spawns other copycat killings...................... all of this amounts to a situation where my support for this country is fading fast. When they succeed in taking away my gun right then that will be the last straw. That is when I stop supporting the first amndment right of the media, to bombard our youth with violence, the concommitant social costs thus incurred and their efforts to promote sexual deviancy as normal. At that point I will value the second amendment MORE than I do the first. I don't want to make that choice as I value all the constitution. But I will be forced to choose one or the other if the media and our current politicians have their way and ban my right to own firearms. That is when I stop supporting this country, that is when I stop sending my children into the military to fight for freedom because it ain't freedom their fighting for no more....... you see, that is when freedom is dead and a new social, moral corruption has set in. That is not worth fighting for and should be destroyed. We are fast approaching that state.
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