Is America headed for another Revolution?

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In light of all of the recent gun control measures that have been passed (or are trying to be passed) into law, do any of you here think that America may be on the verge of another revolution or civil war?

Please understand that I am not advocating having a war, I just want to get the opinion of any of the members here who are willing to answer the question.

You don't have to explain or qualify your answer (unless you want to). All that I am looking for is a simple "yes" or "no".

I'll start. I think the answer is yes. FWIW, I think the first salvos will be fired in California. I also think that the American Gunowners (and other conservatives, in general) will win.
Yes I think we are getting closer to that everyday but not just because of the new gun control measures but of all the abuse of government. But how many people are on our side?
I am not sure how many will be involved, but when men in their 70's who served in Korea talk about digging out M-2 Greaseguns and the spare mags because of what is happening, I would guess more than we know.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I am on your side. If that time comes then it won't be the same country that I served for 6 years.I hope to GOD that it doesn't,but I won't give mine up withouy a fight.I just pray that enough people think the same way. I don't want to overthrow the goverment,I just want to live in peace and and be left alone.
I hope so, but I doubt it. :(

Everyone is waiting for that one great tyrannical event that will be a call to arms... but what will that be? The govt. is just too clever for that. They are (and have been) disassembling the Constitution one small piece at a time. No one single action has the weight to merit a bloody revolution and the vast majority of the population will always fail to see what has been done as a whole. Even those who do understand will be difficult to spur into action. Someone above posted a statement that pretty well sums up the battle cry of the "modern" American Patriot: "I don't want to overthrow the government, I just want to live in peace and be left alone."

The government will never go door-to-door confiscating guns. Besides all the legal hassles, they just don't have the manpower to do that. No, they will confiscate guns one small piece at a time. A bayonet lug here, a magazine type there... even different caliber’s that seem to be a threat to the "greater good." 10 round mags will give way to 5 round mags and 4 shot revolvers and in a few years we'll be left with a piece of pipe, time sensitive black powder and Federally regulated percussion caps (and we'll still have our RKBA, don't ya' know!). We'll bitch and moan and write letters to our congressman and participate in the CNN internet "poll" but that will probably be the extent of it. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I haven’t been given a reason to feel otherwise.

And then there's the other problem: Who are you gonna shoot? Policemen, soldiers, Federal employees? Those are working folks just like us who are trying to pay the rent and put food on the table. The Politicians? Yes, they're idiots but their our idiots! They were elected to their offices by the principles of democracy that we hold dear. I for one am perfectly willing to defend myself and my beliefs against anyone who attacks me, but I would have a difficult time dropping hammers on someone just because they represent something I don't believe in.

I apologize if I've offended anybody. I don't like feeling this way but I can't help it. I think a Revolution is the only way we can salvage this country, but I just don't see it happening. I sincerely hope I'm wrong about everything I've said.
JJR, any reading of history will tell you that thousands of people dropped the hammer on "mere employees" who were representatives of a hated regime.

The American Revolution, the Mexican Revolution, the Russian Revolution--and the aftermath of North Vietnam winning...

It's a very, very old story.
JJR: you are right about a little bit at a time and not all at once,but when will we know when the time is right? what will it take fot the people to say thats it, no more, when will the line be drawn? It will take concentrated numbers of people acting together not as individuals.It would have to be nation wide. mabey I didn't express my self very well,if thats what takes, then thats what will have to be done. I will not live as a slave on my knees.I will be a free man or I won't be here period.They taught me how to chase little men in black pj's through the jungle,if I have to I can take it right back to them. sj
Well, I don't think the government is going to DELIBERATELY do something suddenly to provoke a revolution. Then again, the Democrats didn't deliberately engineer their loss of Congress, did they? Remember, these guys are falible, and don't have a very good feel for how we will react. They're perfectly capable of doing something which triggers a reaction without intending it.

Remember, we're people, not Helium molecules; Our behavior isn't linear or predictable. It's more like a lump of U235; You've got one pound, it's a little warm. Two pounds, a little warmer. You figure at about 100 pounds it will heat your house, but somewhere well short of that it blows up in your face, and takes out the whole neighborhood.

Far more likely than a direct attempt at gun confiscation followed by spontaneous revolution, is the sort of scenario laid out by John Ross in his book, Unintended Consequences. They will continue to piss us off, more and more, and at some point somebody snaps, starts offing the people responsible, and it catches on as a fad. No armies manuvering in the night, just anti-gun politicians and bureaucrats being assasinated at an ever increasing pace, until Belfast looks like a walk in the park. While they go balistic, and attempt to impose the totalitarian state they've dreamed of, long before they were ready.

That's how I think it will go down.

You are absolutely right, but I don't think our enemy is as clearly defined as in the situations you mentioned. As much as we want to believe it, I don't think our oppression is the result of a tyranical dictator or a power-hungry regime. Rather, I think America it taking the same downward slide into socialism as any nation which has seen too much prosperity and security for too long. We've run out of big problems so we, naturaly, must create a million little ones to occupy our time. Cigarettes and SUV's now pose a greater threat to mankind than global nuclear war. Bill Clinton has done more to destroy the American way of life than any other elected official in American history. The real tragedy is that he was elected (twice) by the citizens of this country. Is he the cause of Americas decline or a result of it?

As far as physical combat with representatives of the regime... who is the regime? Federal land grabbers? Big government? Teachers striking in Oregon? Insurance companies? Lawyers? Tobacco Companies? The health care industry? The dept. of Sanitation? Boy scouts who don't want to mention God in their oath? The City of Atlanta? The IRS? Dan Rather? 250 million people trying to solve 250 million petty little problems. Enough people trying to make enough things right can result in one horrendous wrong.

I'm not sure if any of that makes any sense. My point is that I cannot find any one group or individual who has single-handedly and deliberately wronged the United States. I think society in general, through natural political and social means, has destroyed the principles on which this country was founded.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm with you guys all the way. Guns are loaded and I've got plenty of slim-jims... I just can't confirm any targets.
Yes, but no one will show up.

It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
I think we are already in a revolution but not the way you think. We've been in one since the Civil War but it has been a revolution to get away from our original constitution. So really the question should be is there going to be a counter-revolution?

From where I sit I don't think you will see it in our time. I'm willing to bet all my worldly goods that at least 75% of all the members of TFL when push came to shove would give up without a whimper. I don't say this to slap the members in the face. It is just I know human nature and all those with their chest heaved out are full of hot air. Really think about if you revolt there is a good chance that there will be no tomorrows for you. When your dead your dead. No more kisses from the wife, no hugs from your kids, no birthday parties for the grandchildren. Nothing, nada, zip, your worm food,dead. Now ask yourself honestly are you REALLY willing to take that risk? While your reflecting on this think of how many times you've observed something that was really wrong whether at your job, neighborhood, or even your church. When you observed this did you stand up to be counted or did you just hang your head and make excuses. How many of you went to Vietnam knowing it was the wrong thing to do but you went anyway. How many have seen a follow worker unfairly treated or terminated at work but did nothing or been ordered to do something at work which you knew was wrong but you did nothing, because you where afraid to loss your job. Get my point! There really isn't anything wrong with being a sheeple. Hell how do you think we got so far down this wrong road.
The only people who can really be counted on are those like myself who have nothing left to lose. I've lost my job, my wife and my health ain't the best. So death would really be a blessing in disguise."I've decided to live outside the law---it's better defined"

"Solidarity is the Key"
JJR makes a valid point. Just who is the enemy?
We, the American people, are our own worst enemy. While some, like the members of these forums, are indeed worried and angry, the vast majority of Americans are much more conserned with the color of their new SUV than what the government is up to. The sheeple are so self absorbed to even notice anything as small as the death of the Constitution. These mindless masses are the ones who elected Clinton, Schumer, Fienstien and the rest because they were promised that government would solve their problems for them. WE have created a generation of Americans who really don't know how to take care of themselves and what's more, they don't WANT to know. WE created the "Nanny" government, WE stood by as they chipped away at our rights for the promise of saftey, WE ignored the warning signs and WE got exactly the kind of government WE wanted.
Until WE as a nation can get our collective heads out of our asses, WE will suffer under the government WE allowed to control our lives.

It is up to the few of us who see the danger to spread the alarm and wake up the masses. Then and only then can a second American Revolution suceed. Hopefully it will happen in the ballot box and not on the battlefield. Either way though, it will happen.

"We have seen the enemy and they is us."
Pogo Possum
It is claimed that there are 80,000,000 gun owners in the USA. How you might ask can a majority like that be defeated at the polls?
How about APATHY ????

Better days to be,

JJR: "First thing we do is kill all the lawyers" ...

But in reality, you are right, I think that right about now, most of the people I know are loaded and ready, but they haven't a clue where to aim.

I tend to agree that the scenario might play out similar to "Unintended Consequences", but even then the outcome might be up for grabs unless things escalate quickly.

Mind you, I'm *not* advocating anyone starting this thing off. I'd rather see it resolved at the ballot box, but history has a tendency to repeat itself, and right now, we seem to be in that spiral that has usually ended in "revolution" or a type of feudalism ... and the "revolution" ending only worked once, for slightly over 200 years (so far).
Let us keep in mind that at the time of the American Revolution, the population of the colonies was only about 800K. It is estimated that only 5 to 7 percent of them actually fought in the Revolution. That works out to just 56,000 people on the high end....and we kicked butt.
It has always been thus...even though a large percentage of the people of a particular country might advocate revolutionary change, only a small percentage will actually put their lives on the line. It's sad, but it's a fact, and one that I can live with. All it takes is a few good men....

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
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