“Is 6 Shots enough? …I'm also a firm believer [in] Murphy's Law. “ [M1Rifle30-06]
Me too.
But most gunfights are over before the revolver cylinder is empty. However…
Since experiencing a first shot failure (dud) in a very accurate 10-shot 45ACP SW99, I am now carrying a S&W 22-4, 6-shot 45ACP moon clip revolver. Problem is the same problem with the 44 Magnum S&W 29 snubbie – its heavy, and some (well most) days my back wants a lighter load…so now I mostly carry a lightweight 44 spl S&W 396NG, 5-shots and speed-loaders, which unlike moon clips are fraught with Murphy’s Law…in a standard revolver, on reload a case or two might stick and not want to eject, then the speed-loader can come apart or jam on the cylinder…all the while you must take your eyes off the target…Murphy’s Law rules when it comes to reloading a standard revolver…this is when you really need a BUG, and is the major reason most cops carry hi-cap semis. Hard to argue against more rounds, especially with multiple assailants.
Moon clips are very fast, allow for fast ejection and fast reload, without taking your eyes off the target.
More important is…will your body be able to tolerate a heavy daily carry?
And yes, with a 6-shot primary you should always carry a BUG…ankle carry works well, especially with a small semi.
Check you 6.