Interesting bit about cats........

We have 'em down in San Luis..about 10 yrs ago my place was in one cat's hunting ground...we'd see tracks about every 2 weeks. F&G caught him and said he had an 80 sq.mi territory. Was quiet for awhile and now more and more sightings are occurring. Wish the cats would form up and focus on SLO town...lots of juicy treats there :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I have three house cats. They don't go out. Ever. They rule inside over our fifty pound dog. Two of them are polydactals with extra toes on their front paws. The other one is a couple of years older and doesn't think much of the two "commoners".
If cats are outside and a nuisance, I guess they are fair game. That's why we keep ours inside. I don't have much sympathy for people that don't take care of their pets, or let them roam around and bother their neighbors.
DC, humans seem to have the dubious distinction of just not tasting very good. ;) Now if the good people of SLO were to attempt to run away from the big cats, then they're fair game.
Several years ago I went coyote hunting at night.We parked the truck on the edge of a cut bean field.This field was huge with a long sloping grade down into a timbered creek bottom.Anyway I blew on the rabbit squealer for about 5 min.then waited for 5min.then turned on the spotlight. We saw a set of red glowing eyes on the edge of the field.I laid my Colt Sauer 25-06 on the hood of the pick-up and took aim. When the cross hairs settled on the eyes I squeezed her off.No more glowing eyes.Well to my surprise my new coyote fur turned out to be two halves of an eight pound pussycat.
I still have'nt lived that down.
I hate cats, being severely allergic to them. I just see one and need to run for the Benadryl.

We don't have mountain lions here in Dallas, but on the outskirts of town, we have coyotes, which help keep the feral cat population in check.

I also don't like cats because of their mistaken notion that they are the masters and we are the pets...too vain...

All cats on our property are fair game, we've just about bagged our limit for the year ;)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited August 09, 1999).]
Wow ... looks like I started something with what I thought was just an interesting event.

I, too, am a cat-owner; his name is Tout Seul and he's a chocolate-point Siamese. I call him, like someone else here, "Target" or, occasionally, "Stupid"! ;)

However, feral cats are a large problem here in Australia. They -- and the foxes (also feral) -- reap terrible destruction on our largely defenceless nativa fauna. Several councils here in Perth are looking at legislation making de-sexing compulsory, and even banning cat ownership altogether. ("Gee! Something else to ban!!")

Accordingly, if found in the bush, away from habitation, cats are assumed to be feral and shot on sight.

Of course, you don't have indigenous felines (or canines) in OZ. Right? I'm guessing the pommies (can't use the full name, because of the moderators ;)) brought foxes over, so they could hunt them.
I'm not a hunter, but the funny thing is, as I understand it, the big problem in California is feral pigs! Hello! Let's dig some pits, put some charcoal at the bottom, fly in some pineapple, and have us a lua!
Feral dogs, feral cats, all fair game in the wild. OTOH, I have a big ole Burmese that I'm real fond of and I'd inflict severe retribution on anyone who tried to hurt him. We have pumas (aka Carolina Panther)here in VA, last May there was one sighted numerous times out around Reston and Wolftrap (which is serious suburbia, not even country). I guess nature is trying to take back, I occasionaly see deer or the odd fox in my front yard early in the AM, and I live inside the beltway.
Yo EWOK....
Ever hear of DINGOES ?
We got lots...but there a protected species just like a Crow !
Yep, our Govt. protects CROWS whilst us gunners are becoming an endangered species. :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Here in Virginia we have infrequent sightings of mountain lions (cougars?) out in the Blue Ridge mtns. Coyotes have become fairly common, too.

Several years ago, one of the delegates to the Virginia General Assembly introduced a "Cat Leash Law" - he apparently had a constituent who was tired of finding fresh paw prints on his car every morning.

Can you imagine trying to walk a cat on a leash? (The legislation failed, BTW.)
We did have in Tasmania "Tasmania Tigers"
marsupial dog like things. They became extinct in the 1930's. Although like bigfoot many still see them.
These were also on the mainlaid but died out when aboriginals brough their dingoes in. Dingoes were just domesticated/half wild dogs that they brought with them. We also had giant wombats kangaroos and other stuff around then that strangely died out when aboriginals arrived. It is politically incorrct to say their arrival had anything to do with it of course.

In this area we have Tiger Quolls - they are a bit bigger than a domestic cat and are a marsupial I think. They can be pretty wild but you never ever see them. Occasionaly they will break into someones chookpen and bite the heads of all the chooks.
First one I ever saw was in the San Diego Zoo.

We also in this area are home to the "Kangaroo Valley Panther" Supposedly visiting American servicemen during ww2 had one or more as amascot and they esacaped. There were a lot of sightings of it about 15 years ago.
I think it's a load of rubbish but this old bloke that works up past us saw something crossing the road. Now he is an old bushie sort of and would know a feral cat, a wombat, a quoll, or a half bred dingoe if he saw one. He didn't blab about it to everyone but kept it to himself. I don't believe there is a panther but what he saw does make me wonder.
This urban myth also exists in Victoria and a few other places around Australia. Always the same story about an escaped mascot too.

I also had a black cat called panther, mean bugger but he would catch full sized rabbits easy enough. Looked more like a feral cat the way he was built. Our current cat only goes for baby rabbits.
A year or so ago I had a bit of a copetition with him to see who could get the most. I'd go out shoot a rabbit - that night he'd bring one back. I think he ended up with about 17 or so over a few weeks. :)
Asd for shooting feral cats we don't have too many here. I have to be careful because if I shot a cat it would most likely end up being a reatives cat.

As for not being able to shoot game when you come accross it in a car - with rabbits - who needs a gun - old mr Dunlop does the job very well. Although I've had 2 rabbits with miraculous escapes recently :)
Don't try this with wombats however. You will be worse off. Although a 4wd ute is ok - a bit bumpy though (it was accidental).
I'll have to get a permit to cull some though - there are heaps around at the moment. I'll get my friend who is liscenced to use explosives to help out. After seeing a few demonstrations I'm addicted to them.
According to orders issued by the Japanese high command during WWII, Americans in particular aren't too tasty. You see, towards the end of the war, they authorized their combatants to cannibalize enemy combatants to stave off starvation. According to the orders, Americans were to be avoided because we were too tough and stringy. Australians, I'm afraid, were preferred.

I wish I was making this up. It was declassified 8-10 years ago.

So, maybe our Australian friends should avoid Cougar (& Grizzly) country...
Re: tasty Aussies; must be the beer. You know, like Kobe beef. ;) Re: me being an idiot; doh! of course the indigenous humans aren't indigenous either, and they brought the doggies! Never mind!
We in Michigan have a severe case of too many white tailed deer. Could we trade a few hundred of our deer for fifty or so cougar? I see several good things from this trade, we lose a few deer, you guys with the cougars lose a few of them, we supply food for your cougars and you supply a deer removal system. If we are lucky we will also lose little barking dogs, rollerbladers, pissant antigun joggers and the like. Kids will be kept off the streets and peace quiet will reign, except for the screams of those meeting Mr. or Ms. Cougar up close and personal.
Please ship any donations to
Govenor John Engler
Lansing, MI

LOL :D :D :D ;) :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I try to avoid shooting any animal I'm not hunting. If I'm after deer, I won't shoot anything but deer. Bears, wild dogs, large cats, etc, I try to leave alone. the way I look at it, when I'm out in the wild, I'm on their turf. Also, shooting at random crows, cats, rats, foxes, etc can be dangerous. I once had a .308 impact a tree 2 ft. to the left of my head, on a level with my eyes. the bullet came from some yahoo trying to shoot a crow out of a tree with a rifle.
I have to side with the cats. For people who resent the "cats are masters" image, remember that's man made, not a cat's doing.

On the big ones you occasionally official breed (one I'm dying to get) is called a pixiebob. Half domestic cat half bobcat. They are territorial like dogs, can be walked on a leash, and males weigh in around 20+ pounds or so. You can get them for 300$ in Cat Fancy :-) Truly, an apartment mans cat!
I'm really proud of the way this thread is turning out. When I told my wife,(a real animal lover, but not anti-hunting),about it she figured it would be dominated by cat killers who brag about their shots at cats. Instead we are shooters who are making comments about cats they have seen or live with. There is hope for the human race!
Yeah, I've got two myself...a fat old gray tabby named Bo and a one year old, yellow tabby Manx (no tail) named Sunnie. They pretty much run the place, don't go outside (no claws, leather furniture in the testosterone room) but provide the wife and I with good company and lots of entertainment as Sunnie chases Bo throughout the old house.

I lived in Florida for three years, and the Florida Panther (Eastern Cougar, I guess) is still hanging in there...but just barely.

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited August 10, 1999).]