Interesting bit about cats........

Our range is 30 min drive north of Perth.

On the way there today, I had a cat run out on the road in front of me.

It was jet black, and at least 50% bigger than the biggest domestic cat you've seen.

When it saw/heard me coming, it flattened down on the road and actually "hissed" at me!!

I hit the "go" pedal, but even a V-6 Jackaroo (aka Trooper) takes time to accelerate, and it reached the side of the ride no problems.

I had the rifle in the car, but dismantled, with ammo in a locked box.

Directly opposite is a battery farm for chooks (poultry). Big "No Shooting" sign on the gate. Wonder how many chooks they've lost???

Would've loved a crack at him/her (and I'm a cat owner!!)

Bruce, reminds me of the time me & some mates drove out to Dalby (3 hr drive) & on the way there a Fox lazily walks out in front of the car.
We were only goin' 30mph & our guns were in the #@%$@#* boot !
Had a .303, 6.5mm Carcano, 8mm Mauser & a coupla .22's.
Now if that darn Fox had've waited for us to assemble at least one gun he would've been one dead Fox.
To top it off, Dalby was flooded out that year & we had to turn around & come home! :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Saw a big cat once...

Couger. It had made a clean kill of an Elk and did not want to share. I had to back away VERY slowly...
I had a .30-30 with me at the time - but all the sudden I didn't feel all that well armed...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

"Wild" cats are a problem in the midwestern states. When hunting pheasant or quail, I consider it open season if I see a cat more than a couple hundred yards from a farm place. Once had a good friend's G. Shorthair point a cat in the middle of a 1/4 section CRP field. The cat was munching on a hen pheasant. Don't know for sure that the cat killed it, I would think a hen would be big enough to get away unless it was hurt, but cats do raid nests and eat young birds.

I know a guy that has a 4x4 Suburban with BIG tires on it, and a bumper sticker that says "Cats flattened while you wait"

[This message has been edited by bergie (edited August 08, 1999).]
I saw a T-shirt some time ago. It had a picture of a dog licking his chops and the caption, "Cat, the other white meat."

I wish I could have gotten a similar T-shirt.
My neighbor keeps getting cats that eventually decide that they're going to live in my barn. Funny thing, they all have the same name - Target.
You mean little House Cats gone astray?

They are out there - they were wild before Man domesticated them - if they go wild again, I dont see a big problem.

I was out caming, and my camp got raided in the night by a cat - no big deal... Brown Bear - well Sir, there is a problem!

Just cause I see a cat away from its master isnt a reason for me to shoot it...
Of all the animals to shoot on sight - cat aint on the list...
Bald Eagle maybe... Kidding! JOKE!
Truthfully, the only critters I shoot on sight are:
Prarie Dogs
Loose Pitbulls
Rogue Assisins and Secret Agents


"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."


(presidential line item deleted)

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited August 08, 1999).]
The ancient Egyptians (sp?) were the only ones who had the proper attitude about cats. Anyone who did not like cats was put to death immediatly. Sounds good to me.
We used to have a little black cat named Panther (original huh) who would leave dead rabbits on our doorstep that were almost twice her size! Tuff little thing
Kodiac: The Bald Eagle is no longer on the ERndangeres Species List. Dont know that you can hunt them though.
Cats are NOT domesticated. They still retain all of theit primitive instinctive ways even while they live among us.

Better days to be,

For the last 3 yrs my garden and landscaping is intact; stuff is strangely cleaner out in the shop and barn, less bird poop out in the yard, less of that weird brown "rice"...and I have to go further from the house to find ground squirrels and rabbits

Wonder if the 5 cats have something to do with it ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Thats right - Bald Eagle are fair game now!

Excuse me while I go get me a National Symbol...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

My grandfather used to shoot cats every once in awhile out behind his land with .22 shorts. There was an incredible amount of wild cats and the local bird pop. was taking a beating.
When my daughters were home, we had cats. We never had snakes.

Daughters moved out, taking the cats with them. Suddenly we had snakes.

One daughter moved back in temporarily, bringing her cat. No snakes.

Daughter moved out, taking the cat. Suddenly we had snakes.

Is there a pattern here?
Try to find a "mockumentary" comedy short called Until They Are Gone. Pretty funny take on a guy who is convinced that the American Bald Eagle is Satan on earth, and is beset to erradicate them.

Here in TX, we find feral housecats are MURDER to any covey of quail in their vicinity. Domestic housecats are not a big problem, as they'd rather eat easy than hunt hard, and get fed at home.

Feral housecats are best disposed of humanely. They breed like rats, and are as big a nuisance.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Feral cats are a sad problem. I don't mind cats in general. This thread reminds me of a domestic cat I met at a friends house years ago. Entering the home I was told to wait in the kitchen for my own safety. I assumed he had a guard dog of sorts. Once informed it was a cat, I laughed out loud. He was serious. First saw the cat draped on the back of a 6 ft. couch occupying way too much space. He said he got it neutered and it just kept growing. Thyroid type thing I guess. It was BIG. Had a gutteral growl and huge pads. Was told to keep my distance while he changed. I had some fast food and tried to make friends. Got sort of comfortable until it swiped at a chicken liver and split my index finger like an overdone ballpark frank. I witnessed first hand this thing chase off a german shepard and heard of another disbeliever who lost most of a pair of jeans and a chunk of leg. Still wonder what happened to that mutant.
i have cats who want to share what they kill with me. no game birds, just mice and rabbits ,snakes and robins.
i also have stray cats that people dump in the country. if they behave, i keep them, if they act up, i shoot them.
cats are not like dogs, they have a mind of their own.
here is a side question: isn't "RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE" that quaint little group that wants to arm the homeless?
We still have real live mountain lions in California. They don't call my town Los Gatos for nothing. About once every other year, a jogger gets attacked by a mountian lion (the cat mistakes the jogger for a deer). Personally, I'm rooting for the cats. ;)

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited August 16, 1999).]
Nothing against the domestic Tabby mind you, but Bruce's posting on trying to run over that cat had me roaring with laughter.

Ewok isn't kidding about those catamounts/mountain lions running loose in California. They've range as far south as the SF Bay Area (Richmond, Marin County) and he's right about them nabbing a jogger.

Last time I went hunting I saw some cat tracks. They were bigger than my outstretched hand. Armed with a bow, I really felt stupid and for every two steps forward, I would look over my shoulder to make sure nothing was stalking me. No more bow hunting unless I have a shotgunner/rifleman to protect me.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Felis concolor - also known as puma concolor, puma, mountain lion, catamount, among others - inhabits pockets of its former habitat from Alaska to Chile. Unlike true lions, it doesn't roar; it just purrs really loudly. :)