In The Home Carry

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I would carry in home but since I have to go out side to smoke ( I know bad habit no preaching ) and not having my conceal carry yet ( filed and waiting ). I would have to take it off to go outside and on when I came back in . But with a child that is almost 3 I could not just leave it laying around . Once I get my CCW I would carry all the time I can.
I would carry in home but since I have to go out side to smoke ( I know bad habit no preaching ) and not having my conceal carry yet ( filed and waiting ). I would have to take it off to go outside and on when I came back in . But with a child that is almost 3 I could not just leave it laying around . Once I get my CCW I would carry all the time I can.

I thought you could carry on private property in OK...
Quote: Stressfire
Is it not still considered private property provided that you are on the grounds?

Might need owner's permission...

All he needs though is a gun permit, after which he can carry them
without owner's permission, I think, just as it is in Texas. I have to conceal
once I leave my residence since I cross common areas. I wonder if any
apartment managers anywhere, try to restrict the right to own a gun in the
lease. :confused:
All he needs though is a gun permit, after which he can carry them
without owner's permission, I think, just as it is in Texas. I have to conceal
once I leave my residence since I cross common areas. I wonder if any
apartment managers anywhere, try to restrict the right to own a gun in the
Manager of apartments knows I have guns and has not tried to restrict. But does not want me to carry unless I am covered under law ( CCW )
Yes, pocket gun, not one in the pipe to prevent AD doing house work.

Seems with regards to the above quote, the only way to have a AD is no holster and the other would be playing pocket pool while doing house work.:D If you choose to carry with an empty chamber my advise is practice your draw, racking of the slide, and getting on target and I'll add in record time! :eek:
With all the continual discussions about nightstand guns, I'm glad to read that someone has sense enough to recognize the danger of having a gun within arms reach while asleep.

He stated a specific reason. Not everyone falls into that category.
While I do not carry inside the house, I have a firearm available next to where ever I'm spending time. The comfortable clothes I wear around the house does not permit me to carry. Unless the intruder can all of a sudden appear in my house within 2 seconds, I will be able to access a firearm before he/they come him.
The most important thing for me is awareness of sound outside the house etc. I have other security apparatus in place to alert me because I hate surprises:D:D
A Kel Tec P32 is 9.4 oz fully loaded. That's the same as a Ruger LCP empty. Unless one sits around in their underwear all the time, drop that in a pocket holster and you're good to go around the house even in a thin pair of running shorts. Anyone visiting your house will never think you're carrying.
I have a M&P.40c. Ntac (like the Raven holsters). Very comfortable. Only thing is I find that I would much rather have it out of the holster in the house. If I am in the living room or bedroom I have my Romanian Draco ak-47 in arms reach. Yeah it is an overkill. But, the sound IMO of the bolt racking back and releasing is pretty dang intimidating by itself.
i'm moving to a gated community for old geezers (not quite there yet myself-but close). only have to worry if demented, blood thirsty geriatrics take their geritol.then i will have to home carry.

Here in FLA a few years back there was a murder in a gated community so they can be safer but its not a given.

With all the continual discussions about nightstand guns, I'm glad to read that someone has sense enough to recognize the danger of having a gun within arms reach while asleep. Having to take a step or three to reach the gun insures against confusing a dream with reality or possibly confronting a family member returning late from a date or whatever.

I understand the dream aspect of it and for the folks that did not experience the horrors of war night stand gun is a good idea. We all know what WE are like when being startled from sleep. Let all be there own judge as to what is safe or not
A few years ago, during Hurricane Rita, some hoodlums thought it would be a good idea to enter the only restaurant still open in a Southeast Texas city, brandishing pistols, and rob the place and its patrons. Turns out the place was open because the law enforcement folks had gathered there as sort of an impromptu "HQ" and rally point. The parking lot was full of LEO vehicles, from the city, county and state agencies. Our brave hoodlums apparently failed basic math as far back as kindergarten, and walked in with guns drawn, demanding money. Let's just say things didn't turn out as they'd planned.

The point is, you can't rely on a criminal to be even marginally reasonable or insightful, so why NOT protect yourself? Sure, it may not come up, but given the critical thinking ability of some people, what could it hurt?
Our brave hoodlums apparently failed basic math as far back as kindergarten, and walked in with guns drawn, demanding money. Let's just say things didn't turn out as they'd planned.

That would've been a sight to see.:D

The point is, you can't rely on a criminal to be even marginally reasonable or insightful, so why NOT protect yourself? Sure, it may not come up, but given the critical thinking ability of some people, what could it hurt?

I agree. I'm not banking on them leaving after they get what they want, and I don't want to be the one trying to figure out a gameplan because I didn't have my firearm in close proximity.
I carry at home. :p

If I am upstairs doing something and someone breaks in, it won't do me a lot of good if the pistol is downstairs in a lock box.

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