In The Home Carry

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People who use anomalies to justify behavior need to have someone buy them a large dose of Reason.

I don't need to carry a gun in my own house anymore than I need to wear a life preserver in the bathtub or carry a defibrillator attached to me.
To Patriot, You can carry on private property without a CCL????

I am not really an expert on WI gun laws yet. If memory serves OC is legal but they had some odd restriction of motor vehicles (considering I use a tractor there a lot thats a no no) I would rather just be 100% covered with an out of state recognized CCL.
I'll feel free to either point out that you need to move or "may" point and laugh at you the same as I would a jogger running around a high school track with a flashing DOT barricade strapped to his back in broad daylight.

People who use anomalies to justify behavior need to have someone buy them a large dose of Reason.

Whatever happened to "do what works for you?" If you feel more comfortable strapped 24/7, who are you hurting?
Moderator Note

A couple of people who posted above (you know who you are) need to re-read the forum rules. Specifically the bit about "no personal attacks." Nobody's over the line yet, but given the tenor of the posts a reminder seemed to be in order.

Speaking as the moderator, I'm weary of watching these types of threads degenerate into polarized sides muttering "paranoid!" and "sheep!" at each other. Let's not do that, this time.

I envy the people who don't feel the need to carry. I'm 99.99% sure I could go a hundred lifetimes and never need to use a weapon as a civilian. Why take any chances though? My peace of mind is more then worth having someone spit paranoid in my face.

Were all sheep and paranoid in some aspects of our lives at some point or another. I know I'm both most of the time.
As far as I'm concerned, it isn't the odds that matter. It's the stakes. I've carried from pants on till pants off for years, and will continue doing so. If you don't want to do that, it's your business. The only way I know of to have a gun when you really really need one is to have one at hand all the time. Some people try to address that issue by hiding guns all over the house. I'd rather have a gun on my person and not have to keep up with guns all over the place. Again, if you choose to hide guns all over, that's your business- feel free. Or if you want all your guns locked up in a safe all the time except when you're actually planning to use one, that's fine by me too. It's not my business, it's yours. Stuff happens, sometimes weird stuff happens, and on rare occasions having a gun at hand is a good idea. If you can predict when that will be, you're better than I am. I haven't learned to either predict or schedule my emergencies.

Local newspapers* had a story not long ago about sumdood who was using a shotgun from an overpass to disable cars on I-95 not far from here, then robbing the occupants when they pulled over. This is high weirdness as far as I'm concerned, nothing at all a normal person would expect to have happen on a normal day. But it happened. And it was uncomfortably close by. Fortunately the last set of people he tried to rob - guess what - had a handgun handy. Robeson County is a lot of things, but it's never boring...



I envy the people who don't feel the need to carry. I'm 99.99% sure I could go a hundred lifetimes and never need to use a weapon as a civilian. Why take any chances though? My peace of mind is more then worth having someone spit paranoid in my face.
I am not certain about that myself because I don't live in a well fenced home
with an expensive security system, nor guard dogs because I choose to live in
an apartment complex because I don't want to buy a home I might be forced to sell. But I never worry about what others think. I been making up my own mind about such subjects all my life. What works for one person may not work for someone else. My philosophy is that if someone does pick my home to invade, I doubt they will give me the time to go to another room to get my gun, and I don't have small children. I would guess too that far more people carry guns all the time in Texas than in any other state. :)
Originally posted by Bartholomew Roberts
Actually, I think carry in the home makes a lot of sense. The two prime aspects of a firearm for self-defense are keeping it out of the hands of unauthorized people/children and having it accesible in a very short time frame. Normally these two requirements are in direct conflict with each other. The one exception to this is a handgun you are wearing.

The handgun is safe from children and other unauthorized people because it is under your positive control at all times. It also provides the fastest practical response time if you need to access it in an emergency.

I agree with this 100%. I also happen to live in a marginal neighborhood and having the gun at hand is important. Just yesterday I had a shady dude come to my door selling his "CD."
A lot of good a gun in a glove box is. This story illustrates the importance of keeping a combat grade knife handy in a vehicle at all times. Something for deep, plunging thrusts to rapidly incapacitate your opponent while minimizing your risk of injury. It's a given these days anytime you are around a road, you are a possible target. A sad commentary on the state of affairs in America, where you once could See The USA In Your Chevrolet and not have to lock your car doors at motels.
L_Killkenny said:
But it's absurd to even try to prepare for everyone of life's downfalls let alone the ones with the least probabilities. That's why we wear seat belts but not helmets when driving,

The issue is not one of just probability; but consequences as well. The probability I will need a seat belt (to use your example) is extremely low. I wear one in spite of that low probability because the effort it takes to do so is minimal and the consequences of being on the wrong side of that probability can be very severe.

Personally, I've never understood the mentality that buys a handgun for self-defense purposes and then leaves the firearm in a nightstand or locked in a gun safe. The whole point in owning a handgun is that it is convenient to carry it. If you aren't going to carry it, why sacrifice accuracy and power for an advantage you'll never use?

I'll feel free to either point out that you need to move or "may" point and laugh at you the same

If you want to go around unarmed pointing at armed people and laughing at them, that is your business; but it doesn't sound like good tactics to me ;)
Home invasions where people are murdered, raped or severely beaten can and do happen everyday. But it's absurd to even try to prepare for everyone of life's downfalls let alone the ones with the least probabilities. That's why we wear seat belts but not helmets when driving, why we tie off when working in high places but not when on a 2 foot ladder and why we don't go jogging with dark clothes on in the middle of the highway at night.

I disagree with this statement only because I feel the non-helmet as a coincidence. The tides of change come and go, and I can actually see helmets becoming more accepted while driving as the yrs roll on.

just like hockey
Thanks, therealdeal, . . . I needed a grin and a giggle here early this morning.

just like hockey

As I read that, . . . I of course know that you meant the hockey that is played on the ice, . . . skates and sticks, etc. :D

Us rednecks, hillbillies, ranchers, and farmers know of a different hockey, . . . and I grinned when the thought came to me, . . . "Yeah, . . . it would be that kind of hockey if it came to government mandated helmets while driving." :eek:

Anyway, . . . thanks for the chuckle. ;)

May God bless,
;)Some people think that if things are bad enough, what we need to do is move. There are cicumstances that prevent people from that option. Besides, since when do I want to allow the criminal elements to dictate where I will live. If I live in the city limits and the police can't protect me,
and if the government cannot provide homeland security, I provide my own.
This I think is the American way. Like the old sodbusters in the old west, who
kept moving everytime, they were pushed out. After awhile they got enough backbone to refuse to move. I don't go armed because I fear criminals. I go armed because I intend to raise the price for them to make me a victim. That does not guarantee I won't be a victim, but it raises the probablity that any home invader, or criminal intent on doing something pays the price. We are not very effective at changing any criminal's behavior, but we can make it cost them. So when crime comes to my neighborhood, I don't think it is time to pick up and move. Too much stubborn blood in me!
i'm moving to a gated community for old geezers (not quite there yet myself-but close:eek:). only have to worry if demented, blood thirsty geriatrics take their geritol.:rolleyes:then i will have to home carry.:cool:
seat belt...I wear one in spite of that low probability because the effort it takes to do so is minimal and the consequences of being on the wrong side of that probability can be very severe.

I wear one because the next ticket I get for not wearing one will be my third. The three strikes and you're out law could get me a life sentence. :rolleyes:
If i got my pants on my p3a2 is in my pocket. For the last few years i have'nt carried a bigger gun around the house, don't really expect anything to ever happen. I expect we at the most danger from road rage, someone that's been up for days on dope just has to think you cut then off or about anything. That's why i never leave home without packing.
My old granny used to use the phrase, " just wears me out..." to express her frustration.

It just wears me out to hear people discuss "probability" or "chance" as if it has anything at all to do with an individual occurance.

I live in a nice, quiet, rural neighborhood (about 20 miles from a small town).

The crime rate (probability or chance) is very low.

In the past 20 years, I have had three friends and one acquaintance who were murdered in their nice rural homes (well, one in her front yard).

As others have intimated here, "It ain't about the odds, it's about the outcome."

I'm virtually always armed.


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