Improved 9mm rounds ?

Personally, I've never found the 9mm to HAVE the claimed "faster, more accurate followup shot" over the .45. Not in my hands, at any rate, and if I can't do it, then there IS no advantage, for me

In a full size I really haven't either, I always though of the .45 as a soft shooting round. In compacts, not so much. Though my primary reason for choosing 9mm over .45 is capacity, and yes even though I live in MA I still have plenty of preban high capacity mags for my 9mm pistols.
Any difference in performance between any of the common chamberings is really splitting hairs as long as comparable ammo is used. It has always been this way when people bother to actually look at real data. But many people make their choices on what "everyone says" rather than the truth.

Against human threats 9mm is as good as anything else. Why deal with increased recoil, cost, and reduced ammo capacity when you gain nothing for it. I'm sure there are "better" 9mm loads today than before. But there are "better" loads available in all calibers. You still get the same results comparatively.

I can see 40S&W being a slightly better option for larger 4 legged threats because of heavier bullets. But the 10mm is better still, and is my choice where 9mm leaves off.
It seems my thread has been hijacked by posters who have made it 9mm vs .40s&w contest. I only only wanted to know exact names of these improved 9 mm cartridges.

Some of them are:

Federal HST
Winchester Ranger-T
Sig Elite Premium
CorBon DPX
Winchester PDX-1
Hornady Critical Duty and Critical Defense

Some even newer, and not so proven, are the new rounds of solid copper and some made of bonded poly material. These are:

Ruger ARX
What are those new improved 9mm rounds that meet or exceed performance of 40s&ws'? Thanks
Is there some 9MM ammo being advertised as such, or is this gunshop talk?
New bullet design, combined with a lot of research on the part of amunition makers has ed toa vast increase in perforace of all hadgun ammo in the last twenty or so years.
Personally, I've never found the 9mm to HAVE the claimed "faster, more accurate followup shot" over the .45. Not in my hands, at any rate, and if I can't do it, then there IS no advantage, for me.

Get a timer. It can be real. I can lay down 45's with .4-.5 splits at 7 yds. With 9mm, I can beat this by .1 or .2..,, 1911 vs cz75 SA....both tuned.
I think the OP phrased his question in wording that created a question without an answer. I believe many of us, who were accused of hijacking the thread or starting a caliber war, were simply attempted to point out the 9mm does not exceed the .40 S&W in performance but added the reasons why more folks are going to the 9mm.

I thought some of us were attempting to provide a more complete answer. You now seem to only be asking what are some of the best 9mm rounds without .40S&W coming into play. This is a different question. :confused:
Exactly. In order to answer the original question, the two rounds have to be compared. The OP cannot then take offense when that comparison is made.
Get a timer. It can be real.

No doubt in my mind it is real, for some people. My point, in this case is that if it takes a timer for me to notice the difference, then there is no practical advantage in speed, FOR ME.

Best measured "time" I ever turned in was 9 rounds of .357 MAG in 4.37 seconds, at a local bowling pin shoot, decades ago. Didn't even come close to placing 3rd. ;)

Games where a .1 or .2 difference in time decide the winner are outside my abilities these days. Also games involving shooting and the run, dodge & jump. :o

Lots of people say the 9mm has less recoil, and faster recovery times, but I don't see it, for me. Therefore, it's of no concern, to me.

The 9mm having a large capacity advantage over the .45 is another thing, one that depends on just what it is you are shooting. I have four 9mm pistols, three of them hold ONE more round than my 1911A1 (8 vs. 7). The other is a single shot! ;)

No, I'm not typical, I suppose, not that it matters. All I'm saying is that the "hard and fast" advantages of the 9mm are not universal.
What are those new improved 9mm rounds that meet or exceed performance of 40s&ws'? Thanks

Here's a the results of some backyard testing I recently did. In the pic you'll see a 9mm+p, 40 S&W, and 45+p.

I'm not really sure what the point of this post is. There is as much variation between different loadings of the same caliber, in many cases, as variation between different calibers.

To see this, just view these testing results just posted on a different thread.

At the end of the day, people choose the caliber that they like, and they may like it over another for any numbers of reasons. All the facts and test results in the world won't change the caliber that you most 'like'. And there is always a test done by someone, somewhere that confirms your choice. Its personal preference at best.


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Someone posted the link elsewhere, so I'll just mention it. did a very extensive ammo test and posted the results with pics on their site.

Go read it and you'll have your answer.
Rereading the OP, and a subsequent post I think question was simply what is the name of some kind of wonder nine ammo he heard about in a conversation. Maybe seen in a once too often watched cable TV gun program. Orsomething a guy in a gun shop said his cousin's brother in law's dad's neighbor said.
Not really wanting a comparison between 9MM and 40 S&W performance. Nust where he can get this miraculous ammo he heard about.

What are those new improved 9mm rounds that meet or exceed performance of 40s&ws'? Thanks
I'm going to go out on a different limb. While there is no doubt some advances in bullet technology since the advent of the 10MM and subsequently the .40 I think another realization has been proven: If the ultimate goal is perfectly dependable and immediate physiological incapacitation of a physically sound and determined attacker no "duty style" handgun is going to meet the criteria.

Once one accepts that and realizes the differences between the available service caliber handguns is relatively small a return by government agencies to the more cost effective solutions is understandable.

So to me I think it is less about how a __________ (in this case 9MM) performs and more about how the other options frankly fail to perform.
The opening questions of both this thread and the recent "Game Over for the .40S&W..." thread in Semi-Auto strike me as straw men.
That time does not come for free though. A full size.22 or .32 would give even faster splits and more capacity

Except 9mm is an accepted self defense round, not so much for .22 or .32, and th egap between 9mm and .40 is marginal at best, again not so much for 9 vs .22 or .32
Get a timer. It can be real. I can lay down 45's with .4-.5 splits at 7 yds.

I have one and the only way I'm getting 1/2 second splits at 7 yards would be to be deliberately slow.

If 20% faster splits isn't enough to convince you then compare shooting them one handed off-hand.

Where did you come up with 20%?
Is that shooting the same +P 9mm that most people carry?
What gun/guns are you comparing, poorly designed guns that use the same weight slide and same rate spring in 9mm and 40 IE Glock or a well designed one like a FNS that puts a little more slide mass in their 40?
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Except 9mm is an accepted self defense round, not so much for .22 or .32, and th egap between 9mm and .40 is marginal at best, again not so much for 9 vs .22 or .32

I find this premise lacking. Basically it is circular in nature. Conclusion: 9MM, .45, .40, .38, .357 are the only rounds we should be discussing as self defense rounds. Premise: Anything else should not be discussed (or reverse the premise and conclusion - regardless it is circular).

IF bullet technology has improved so much that 9MM is now a valid round in this conversation was it a valid round before? Considering it was part of the conversation we have to assume it has??

What if that same technological improvement now lets .380 or even .32 meet that standard (whatever that vague undefined standard is)?

The argument for 9MM that is presented as "conclusive" basically argues we should only consider 9MM, .40, .45 (maybe 10MM) and that capacity and low recoil should be the standards we consider as most important in those rounds. It should be no surprise based on the standards and with no consideration of other rounds with less recoil (and possibly more capacity) that 9MM is the conclusion