
smenkhare said:
I personally believe nearly all immigration should be shut down
Fine by me as long as we can reciprocate and throw all americans out of here. (and yes we have plenty of you here.)

It's just one irrational troll talking. Don't mind him. We love you, the people of Oz.
I don't know how many illegal immigrants have come from America into Australia but I have no problem with you throwing them out or closing off your border so no more people come in.

Simply put America can not exist in its current form if another 100 million people are added to it - environmentally, socially and economically the country would be far different and far worse off.
Simply put America can not exist in its current form if another 100 million people are added to it - environmentally, socially and economically the country would be far different and far worse off.

The United States does not exist "in its current form" but in a state of constant evolution. The ten million or so native inhabitants of the Americas in 1492 could not have envisioned today's US population of over 300 hundered million, but that is what it is and we are doing quite nicely, thank you.
We aren't doing nicely, have you not looked around at what kind of shape this countries (sic) in?

If the United States is doing so badly, why are so many people from other countries so anxious to come here?
Because their standard of living is so poor that anything is a step up, while Americans standard of living has been on the down turn.

America will continue to degenerate unless this is stopped.
but that is what it is and we are doing quite nicely, thank you.

Perhaps in your mind and those in power but in truth we are in decline, Your correct in one respect "some" do quite nicely but this country once stood for more. The idea of a rich/poor society does not appeal to me.
Uncontrolled immigration is just part of the problem, one piece of the puzzle that will in time change America until the idea it stood for is gone.

No country can survive uncontrolled unlimited immigration.

If the United States is doing so badly, why are so many people from other countries so anxious to come here?
They will come until the golden goose is dead.