I never have been.
Back when I was in the service during Desert Shield/Storm, we were all instructed about how to minimize the terrorist threat because the higher-ups believed that we were a target. Even then, I was not afraid of the terrorist threat.
Now they crash a few airliners and knock down some buildings and everybody freaks out.
Not to make light of the loss our country suffered on that day, but it simply didn't present a threat to a man living in East Podunk, Iowa. So I was deeply hurt and angered, but I wasn't afraid.
Even with the spectre of nuclear terrorism staring us in the face (in truth, it has been for the last decade) I'm not frightened.
I was never scared by terrorism because they have limited means and my family is pretty far down the food chain.
I'll tell you what frightens me: Totalitarianism. It frightens me that my government may be listening in on my telephone conversations and internet communications without a warrant. It frightens me that they could show up any minute and drag me out the door and make me disappear. No charges, no chance to argue my case in court. It frightens me that they might torture me for information I don't have. It frightens me that my government has been disseminating propaganda in the press. It frightens me when people tell me that I should publicly support my president (as if we're living in North Korea or sumpthin'). It frightens me that when somebody asked our president if these were the 'end times'....it took him so long to answer and that he believes he was 'chosen by God' to lead us in this time of peril.
It frightens me that our government can break the law and violate my rights without reprisal.
It really frightens me that this sort of thing goes on in America. Not only goes on, but is actually supported by freedom loving Americans.
Terrorists aren't a threat to me. My government is.
Back when I was in the service during Desert Shield/Storm, we were all instructed about how to minimize the terrorist threat because the higher-ups believed that we were a target. Even then, I was not afraid of the terrorist threat.
Now they crash a few airliners and knock down some buildings and everybody freaks out.
Not to make light of the loss our country suffered on that day, but it simply didn't present a threat to a man living in East Podunk, Iowa. So I was deeply hurt and angered, but I wasn't afraid.
Even with the spectre of nuclear terrorism staring us in the face (in truth, it has been for the last decade) I'm not frightened.
I was never scared by terrorism because they have limited means and my family is pretty far down the food chain.
I'll tell you what frightens me: Totalitarianism. It frightens me that my government may be listening in on my telephone conversations and internet communications without a warrant. It frightens me that they could show up any minute and drag me out the door and make me disappear. No charges, no chance to argue my case in court. It frightens me that they might torture me for information I don't have. It frightens me that my government has been disseminating propaganda in the press. It frightens me when people tell me that I should publicly support my president (as if we're living in North Korea or sumpthin'). It frightens me that when somebody asked our president if these were the 'end times'....it took him so long to answer and that he believes he was 'chosen by God' to lead us in this time of peril.
It frightens me that our government can break the law and violate my rights without reprisal.
It really frightens me that this sort of thing goes on in America. Not only goes on, but is actually supported by freedom loving Americans.
Terrorists aren't a threat to me. My government is.