Illinois AG says release names of gun owners

Just because you have a FOID does not mean you own a gun. I got my first FOID when I was 12. A Freind of mine got his sons when he was 9.
Is it right to give out the information of minors?
The other point that no one is seeing is....what if an abused spouse moved to a different county and got a FOID card, and a pistol to protect her from the abusing husband. If the names and addresses are released he can now find where she lives and go after her.

Keith, bingo. It is a grave mistake to think there is only one way a criminal can use such a list (or the absence of a name from this list). Criminals are far more resourceful, clever, and determined than this AAG gives them credit for. Why give them any opportunity at all to take advantage of the citizenry? There is no public interest whatsoever in releasing these names other than in the fantasy world of Ms. Madigan.
Back when getting a concealed carry permit was the latest craze here in Fairfax County, Virginia, one of the local neighborhood papers published names of those who had applied. That went on for a few issues but I don't recall any letters about it or even how long ago it was. Nor was there a rash of burglaries of firearms, since there are crime reports also published in the papers.
Likewise when Larimer County Colorado started issuing permits ( the newly-elected Sheriff decided he would issue and made that the major point of his campaign to unseat the incumbent same-party-but-won't-issue Sheriff) the local newspaper published the names of permit holders. There were about 500 or so permits outstanding at the time. The article came and went without any real consequences either way.

The gun owners weren't intimidated by the newspaper and there wasn't a detectable crime spree. Many more permits have been issued since.
Has the AG considered that she's also putting unarmed citizens in greater risk?,0,6114050.story

"You potentially make us targets," Vandermyde said. "Or, on the inverse, you could say, 'These are the homes that don't have FOID cards so it's likely they don't have guns, so therefore they make better targets.'"

The state police made the same argument, but the attorney general dismissed it as "speculative and conclusory."

Vandermyde is Todd Vandermyde, NRA lobbyist here in IL.
The point of it is to intimidate gun owners... pure and simple....

Should we now start advertising people who have a driving license in case they have a suspended license so we can report them in the public interest.

The kind of thinking that goes into decisions like this AG's is stupifying...
A couple states did some wrong things.

-- An investigation by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel published in 2007 found that 1,400 people who were given concealed-carry licenses in the first half of 2006 had earlier pleaded guilty or no contest to felonies but qualified for guns because of a loophole in the law.

--In Memphis, Tenn., The Commercial Appeal found at least 70 people in the Memphis area who had concealed-carry permits despite violent histories including robbery, assault and domestic violence. A firestorm erupted after the newspaper posted an online database in 2008 of names of all concealed-carry permit holders in Tennessee.

Legislatures in Florida and Tennessee have since voted to make information on permit holders private.

--The Indianapolis Star found hundreds of people convicted of felonies or other "questionable" cases in which people were subsequently granted concealed-carry permits, often over protests cases from local law enforcement officials and in some instances where it appeared the state police had a legal obligation to deny them.,0,5686959.story

Fla and Tenn enacted laws to prevent this disclosure. Ill voters need to contact their legislators and tell them what is needed here.
An investigation by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel published in 2007 found that 1,400 people who were given concealed-carry licenses in the first half of 2006 had earlier pleaded guilty or no contest to felonies but qualified for guns because of a loophole in the law.

--In Memphis, Tenn., The Commercial Appeal found at least 70 people in the Memphis area who had concealed-carry permits despite violent histories including robbery, assault and domestic violence. A firestorm erupted after the newspaper posted an online database in 2008 of names of all concealed-carry permit holders in Tennessee.

Legislatures in Florida and Tennessee have since voted to make information on permit holders private.

--The Indianapolis Star found hundreds of people convicted of felonies or other "questionable" cases in which people were subsequently granted concealed-carry permits, often over protests cases from local law enforcement officials and in some instances where it appeared the state police had a legal obligation to deny them.

So the implication in the South Florida case is they were legally entitled at least under state law to bear arms and people who had done nothing in addition to this group need to have there privacy violated for the "good of the people".

In Memphis apparently law enforcment or a court clerk or someone didnt do thier jobs in 70 cases and again the privacy of the completely legal gun owners had to be violated.

In Indianapolis a unspecified number, supposedly hundreds (101 - 999) were found to have CCW permits once again showing law enforcement or a clerk or whoever didn't do their job or intentionally ignored the law and yet who was punished, once again the lawful gun owners suffered.

Anyone starting to see a trend here? If the good of the public is the overriding concern in all cases then we dont need a Constitution or a Bill of Rights. The state can simply mandate what is for the "good of the people" and we can override whatever.

Other countries have done this in the past but the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, is not exactly the company I want our system of government to be in. (Not as a statement of politics but as a matter of rights)
I cannot understand how releasing information about FOID card holders can be beneficial to anyone legally. Why is it anyone business? As previously mentioned why not make everyone’s financial records public too? I am glad that the Illinois state police are holding their ground on this one.

I wish more people voted. More than half of the people I know that live here in Illinois do not vote. It’s a shame. :(

I don't see how this would be possible. IL doesn't have gun registration. State would have to round up all the ATF 4473 forms in the sate. That won't even cover all guns owned by citizens. Now Chicago on the other which does have registration... who knows.

It’s possible. Even if they could not go back and list everything you currently own, they could mandate that all gun owners register their guns or submit records of what they own. Is that not what Chicago did years ago?
If nothing else, they could also just start listing “new” purchases. Once the ball starts rolling, it will just gain momentum. I just don’t think it is any of anyone else business unless I want to share it. I have eight pairs of shoes, three vehicles, two full-size refrigerators, and a home gym…do they need to know all of that as well?
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It would be disastrous to publish. First it makes a handy burglar's guide. Easier with addresses, but still quite feasible without.

Even more chilling is the possible effects on job discrimination. See this thread for how firearms ownership is viewed in some companies:

So you find a job you're well qualified for, send in your resume and get rejected nevertheless. Why? Because somebody in HR saw your resume, liked it but decided to check your name against the firearms owner's list. Since they found your name on it, you get rejected.
So the implication in the South Florida case

All I am saying is that these other states enacted laws to prevent this type of disclosure. So again you that live in Ill need to contact the lawmakers of your state and get something done.

Griping about it on a forum does what??? take action and do something about it. Write a letter, send an email, get all of your friends to do the same.
Just got done writing an email to my area's reps.

Timothy Schmitz has a good history of replying to me however I have yet to hear back from Chris Lauzen.
I've noticed that some people have said that the addresses are not included. That dosen't matter. Try finding your own address online. Takes five minutes tops, maybe ten if you have a really common name. A list like this is a bad, bad idea. Someone will put something like the sex-offender sites together using the list and a mapping software. Bam, now gun-control activists will be able to plug in their addresses and see who lives near them and what guns they carry.
Seems only fair to me that the names and addresses of everyone who works at the various newspapers, Television and Radio stations should be published too.
Okay, well I am new here but I wanted to reply about Markj's comment concerning the laws and the release of information.

There is a law in Illinois that prevents the ISP from releasing the names of FOID holders but like any good SocialCommy Democrat, Lisa Madigan doesn't care about the law. Well, she doesn't care about laws that protect innocent law abiding citizens anyway.

If the names are released I hope someone with a little money files a suit for the release of all of the useless bags on welfare [recipients]. I am sure that she would have a problem with this because it is her electoral base like every other Democrat.

Just remember, these SocialCommy pigs [people] hate America and those who believe in the rights of the citizen and especially the right to keep and bear arms.

That FemiNazi [lady] knows full well what is going to happen if and when the list is released. The anit-gunners are going use the increase in gun theft for their anti-gun agenda. They are going to use the increase in stolen guns used during the commission of a crime use as a tool.

Hopefully, someone will file suit against the B!@tch [her] and the Supreme Court will shove it up her A$$ [slap her down].

Edited for example of how not to post. Al Norris. :mad:
Markj's comment concerning the laws and the release of information.

Well someone voted those folks in. I recall living in Chi town 1970 lived in that crap whole for 3 years. Moved back to my home area, wont move again the laws of Iowa are fine for me.

And Iowa votes dem most of the time...... isnt a party thing, is a idiot thing and she just may be one (the AG).

I still would not fear if Iowa released my info as a permit holder without address or phone, a quick lookup finds 5 or 6 with my name in this one county alone.

... SocialCommy Democrat ... useless bags on welfare ... SocialCommy pigs ... FemiNazi ... B!@tch and the Supreme Court will shove it up her A$$.

Watch out; or your first post could be your last. The mods here are pretty sticky about such language and name calling regardless of how many here might harbor similar feelings.