Illinois AG says release names of gun owners

Evidently, it's the Associated Press that requested the data through the Freedom of Information Act. The Illinois State Police, who issues the FOID cards, denied the request, citing privacy concerns. That's when the Attorney General's office stepped in and ordered the information be made public because
"The public has a legitimate interest in ISP's enforcement of the FOID card act."

Illinois Senator Kirk Dillard is sponsoring legislation making FOID information private.

FYI, the Illinois FOID card does not equal "gun owner". A FOID card is required for the purchase of a firearm, or ammunition. A FOID card is required even to handle a firearm in a gun shop. A FOID card is required if you transfer a firearm or ammunition FTF in a private transaction.

The AP wants a list of those who can legally own a firearm.,0,5686959.story
For those who find this to be no big deal, do you want BGs firearm shopping at your house? If they issued a list of the color, brand, material, and size of everyone's couch could you possibly expect that some day you would come home and not have a couch to sit on?

This is a problem in that it is no one's business what you have in your home whether it be your firearms or your couch. Putting out a list is like putting out a shopping list for the BGs.

I am soooooooo very glad that I live in CO!
Would it be a shorter list to release the names of people who cannot own fire arms and go to there house and see if they have guns
To whom, pray tell? Also, in Illinois, does one need to be "authorized" merely to own a gun?

It seems like they want to make it like the sex offender's registry list. Local articles have said that the supposed list won't contain addresses or phone numbers. That doesn't matter though. If your name is more unique than someone else's your name might just be enough to make you a target. Also it's not difficult to pin down an address using a phone number. Social engineering has been around since before the wheel.

Yes, we have to be "authorized" to own a gun. It's a stupid card we have to have. Can't buy, own, transport, firearms or ammunition without one. Also the cashier at Walmart selling you ammo has to have one as well. You can't even TOUCH a gun at a gun shop without showing your FOID. Lisa Madigan is a cow that needs to be run through a meat grinder.

I can not wait until these idiots lose.
As others have said, here in our great state of Illinois you have to have a FOID card issued by the state. You cannot buy, possess, transport guns or ammunition without one - failure to do so is a class 3 felony. And currently the process is taking about 2 months for the ISP to conduct the background check and issue the card.

The problem with this request is that having a FOID does mean that you are a "gun owner". I will support the legislation to keep the FOID card information private.
The Names are useless to legitimate research

because it is the number, and probably the location, of the FOID holders that is relevant. Any request for the NAMES is seeking them for political purposes - whether to "out" some antigunners or other political reasons. Any request for the actual addresses is either coming from the antis, who plan to publish it all for the world to see, or from criminals. (Or in the case of the AP, perhaps both).
they would just case your house until your out at work to rob you. We can't bring them with us here in IL so they are always in our homes unless we are going to the range.

That sucks, is Ill that liberal of a state? I also am very glad I dont live there.

Best get voters involved, that is the only thing that will make a politico change their way of thinking.
SVO posted Owning a gun isn't like being a child molester....

To some people it certainly is. To those people, owning a gun is a sure sign that evolution left the gun owner behind. That is, the gun owner was left back in the "Neanderthol" era. To some of the elites, gun owners are thought of as beer-swilling, knuckle-dragging, cavemen, who would probably also molest children if given half a chance.
It's too bad that Illinois (primarily a rural, agricultural state) is controlled by Cook County. :(
Oh my god....

I can't find it now but I was just reading an article today at lunch stating the AG also wants to release a list containing what firearms someone owns....So this may grow not only into a list of FOID card holders but also their weapons....scary stuff.
You know the part there not thinking about is although this list endangers gun owners it also endangers non gun owners because obviously now the BG's will know whos not armed.

Seems like there would be so many possible legal issues for the state in doing this...
I am astounded that some here think this isn't a bad thing n

Do you think a push for the publication of everyone with a handicap parking permit and the handicap they have which warrants it would also be reasonable?

We could also move on to listing everybody's race, perhaps religion and maybe also require the wearing of symbols identifying such items...
This is a vile and bilious act being undertaken. It can only have the effect of empowering criminals in any number of nefarious ways. For example, a stalker will now have the ability to know whether the object of his attentions has armed herself for protection and act accordingly.

The irresponsible officials responsible for this are endangering the lives and property of untold thousands of Illinois citizens - and to what end? To give themselves a sense of personal payback against gun rights advocates and Illinois gun owners.

Out of respect for the proprietor of this forum and the moderators who must administer it, I will refrain from any further comment, as it is certain to be inflammatory and outside the boundaries of what is permissible here.
I can't find it now but I was just reading an article today at lunch stating the AG also wants to release a list containing what firearms someone owns....So this may grow not only into a list of FOID card holders but also their weapons....scary stuff.

I don't see how this would be possible. IL doesn't have gun registration. State would have to round up all the ATF 4473 forms in the sate. That won't even cover all guns owned by citizens. Now Chicago on the other which does have registration... who knows.

But what everyone else said...this is just such a bad idea. I might find myself tempted to buy more guns for fear of being targeted by some goblin. One in the bedroom, one at my desk, one in the kitchen...ugh.

Illinois where our governers make our license plates

Don't forget that Cicero chick. :)
The battle is joined!

The state Police are refusing to release the names. They may end up in court.

Illinois Officials Spar Over Order to Make List of Gun Owners Public

By Judson Berger

Published March 02, 2011 |

In a showdown over the privacy rights of gun owners, the Illinois State Police are refusing to release a list identifying all firearm permit holders in the state after Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan determined that the information "must" be made public.


Also, in confirmation of another poster's claim that the types of firearms are also on the table, the story says:

The Associated Press made a Freedom of Information Act request to the police for the names of cardholders as well as information about the weapons each permit holder is authorized to carry.
The Associated Press made a Freedom of Information Act request to the police for the names of cardholders as well as information about the weapons each permit holder is authorized to carry.

Har har, joke's on them.

Seriously though, it's comforting knowing that the IL State Police told Madigan to go F herself.