Illinois AG says release names of gun owners


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Illinois: Release Names of All Gun Owners

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan says state police must release the name of everyone in the state who is authorized to own a gun.
State police determine who gets a Firearm Owners Identification card, which allows people to own guns. The police have always kept the list private.

I believe Alabama will be one of the last State to go along with something like the above.
i live in massachusetts...when it comes to gun ownership the regulations are pretty harsh here..on the other hand i can carry concealed which is good though...
>>Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan says state police must release the name of everyone in the state who is authorized to own a gun<<

To whom, pray tell? Also, in Illinois, does one need to be "authorized" merely to own a gun?
If the information is a pubic record they may have to release the information. I'm not wild about the idea, but!

I live in NC which gives most firearms control to the local city and county governments. My county of residence is slow at best to issue purchase permits and even slower to issue C/C permits. They will issue them but purchase permits are limited to a total of five (5) per year, issued two (2) at a time a new application is required each time along with a 30 day processing delay.

Oh-Well, it's not as good as it could be but it's better than some states.
Wow, I never expected NC to have such draconian gun laws. We need no permit to purchase, and unless you're a felon or wife beater, CC permits are pretty much issued as a matter of course.
I live in the gun loving, gun toting state of Texas!
We love our guns here.
The majority of us think it ought to be a law to own a gun to be a citizen - LOL!!!!!:D
Why is this so bad? I dont care who knows I own guns, best to let all bad guys know that. Could be a push for many to go out and buy one for themselves.
>>Why is this so bad?<<

Why is it anybody's business?? And secondly, why give the bad guys a list of who's house to break into when no one's at home?
Along with being moved to the proper forum for such a discussion, the thread title has been changed to something a bit more indicative of what is actually being covered.
Why is it anybody's business??

Well if it a law, you have 3 choices, move, dont buy a gun, or try to get the laws changed. If enough voters get together maybe they can get this changed.

I still dont care who knows I own guns, burglars? Well someone is there most of the time. Let em drive out to my place and try to gain entrance :) most dont have the gas money to get out of the city and then try to find the place :)

Getting all upset on a public forum just wont do anything to change it in any way. Thank a legislater for this. And why is a super lib a AG anyway?
Releasing the names isn't necessarily 100% bad.

There might be some useful surprises in there such as anti-gun legislators and media figures who have FOIDs. While many don't flinch at being hypocrites (Blago?), others might be quite embarrassed which could be useful.

Just make darn sure that those celebs aren't given special shielding from that embarrassment.
Damn you beat me to it Duke!

I think their are 4 primary negatives to this(for starters)

#1 It discourages gun ownership "your name is on a list! you must be bad!"
#2 It subjects lawful gun owners to potentially being targeted by criminals looking to steal guns(at their own risk mind you)
#3 It can also serve as a "Don't rob this house" list for criminals, taking much of the mystery out of if a home owner will have a gun subjecting NON gun owners to greater overall risks.
#4 It subjects gun owners to potential discrimination in a host situations, including housing and work related discrimination.

I see nothing good coming from this, the motivation is obviously just a "push back" by anti gun elements within the Illinois Democratic party.
Their is no reasonable need for the general public to have this information, Why don't we just release peoples medical and prescription drug records while we are at it? because of something called an expectation of privacy.

@ Ron: I think you would find MANY prominent "anti gun" figures in Illinois politics on that list.
>>the motivation is obviously just a "push back" by anti gun elements within the Illinois Democratic party<<

Ah, but you watch.... for "security" reasons the names of politicians will be omitted from said list. You know they don't have to play by the same rules as we "commoners". Glad I live in a free state!
Don't Remind me RUT, only 4 counties voted for our Governor Pat Quin. With the weight afforded by cook(contains Chicago) you only need to win 1 or 2 other counties to win state wide races.

In the end I hope this goes nowhere , the thought of my name on a government list makes me a bit uneasy.
In Rhode Island, there was recently legislation proposed to keep applicants for CCW confidential. Apparently, if you have a CCW, your information is already confidential. However, if you have "applied" for a CCW, that information is subject to disclosure via FOI laws. I'm not sure how you get a CCW without applying for one but apparently the Providence Journal identified this as a loophole and had tried to exploit it. I assume they are trying to identify high profile individuals that have applied for a CCW and publish that information.

"Hey you, I have guns in my house, want to steal them when I' not home?"
I'll take her seriously when I see her release the list of all the people who get free government money.

Oh, but that's different!
This is bad bad bad! The criminals are robbing gun shops up here all the time and getting away with it most of the time and now we can give them a list of all the houses that may have a gun or guns to steal and use for crimes!

Who really needs this info anyway? My next door neighbor does not need to know if I have a gun or not. The Police don't need to know if a law abiding citizen has a gun. The only people that would need this info is a criminal looking for a place to rob.

OK I saw that this might make them look elsewhere because they know that you have guns but, they would just case your house until your out at work to rob you. We can't bring them with us here in IL so they are always in our homes unless we are going to the range.

Bad Bad Bad!:barf:
going back to the know or don't know and whether this is bad or one doesn't care if this makes sense:

is it a yes, no thing or would the list state how many guns this person owns. that can be an issue to security and a lawsuit down the road after someone gets screwed especially if it lists specific weapons

ok apparently its just a list of names with authorization for the gun. sorry to jump gun - watching charlie sheeness on 20/20
Do they plan to give out the names and addresses? That could be really handy to crazy abusive or stalker ex's (also might be illegal to disclose)