I'll Bet She can Beat hillary.......

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Either she was acting extremely irresponsibly in regard to her unborn baby...or she lied about her daughter's pregnancy and birth.

Now we have self-appointed ob-gyn's practicing on here. We can't question Barry's birth certificate or say his middle name, but we can look into Sarah Palin's uterus.
I could go search the archives, but I'm pretty sure I remember telling WildAlaska he was nutz when he first suggested Palin as a pick.

I'm not taking this new Hillary bet. ;)
Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure why her parents, or anyone else concerned about her and her self-esteem, might pull those photos from a website?

What? Chicks aren't all sensitive about being called fat, are they?

I'm sorry to see this non-story is even being discussed here at TFL.
That family photo is from 2006, so unless the daughter was pregnant for 14 months, I'd say whoever started that rumor is mistaken. Or most likely just an idiot.
If you truly want to see desperation, go HERE where they are even critiquing the EARRINGS she wore while visiting Louisiana with McCain.
Barracuda update

It appears the Sarah Barracuda name goes back to her days as a HS basketball player and not her days in politics. So here is another great attribute of Sarah Palin: she was a HS basketball hero. My what a great credential to tout as you run for VP of the US.

Maybe we should give the person with the most Gold Olympic medals the presidency as a reward. That would make as much sense as using HS basketball performance as a credential for the vice-presidency.
The facts are now out! It was Palin's husband who had the baby and she faked her pregnancy to save his reputation. She got the idea watching Desperate Housewives. She didn't want to denigrate the accomplishment of the first man to have a baby -- who was really a woman who became a man, but who's gonna let the facts get in the way?
Judging by the rapid onslaught of panicked and vicious desperation attacks by the Dems, it's obvious that Palin is a great pick as McCain's VP.

As Bo Grites used to say "If you're taking flak it means you are right on the target."
The facts are now out! It was Palin's husband who had the baby and she faked her pregnancy to save his reputation. She got the idea watching Desperate Housewives. She didn't want to denigrate the accomplishment of the first man to have a baby -- who was really a woman who became a man, but who's gonna let the facts get in the way?

The humor is much appreciated. :)

I do question the decision making skills of a mother who's water broke in Dallas to wait so long to seek medical attention though. I've asked every woman I know (most who have had kids) and they have been pretty shocked at the time line.

Not to mention her response to a 2006 question:
Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

Sarah Palin: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance

Let's not let her get facts and history involved in her answers or anything
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