I'll Bet She can Beat hillary.......

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What will they come up with next, that the child is actually an extraterrestial alien fathered by one of the survivors from the crash at Roswell??
Lance, DUDE..the site isn't the evidence...it's whats ON the site. And that information didn't come FROM DK...DK just compiled it.

What is said on the page isn't made up..it's their for the world to see.
Either she was acting extremely irresponsibly in regard to her unborn baby...or she lied about her daughter's pregnancy and birth.
Or ... she checked with her doctor, who okay'd her to fly. From some reports I've read, that's exactly what happened.

So let's see: Palin checks with doctor - that's responsible. Doctor okays her to fly, and she trusts her judgment - that's extremely irresponsible?

Note: Someone on this forum posted a link to one of those reports, but I can't find it anymore.
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I don't know if it's true, but some of the arguments are very d@mning either way.
I am so insecure in my choice for president that I will do my best to spread any bs I can possibly find in the desperate need to shore up my dismal candidate.

Such as the flying while 8 months pregnant with a child that you know to be a downs baby. Her doctor would have HIGHLY discouraged flying that late in a pregnancy..and more so because the baby had downs syndrome. So a responsible mother (which supposedly she is, with all of her "family values") likely would not have flown...unless she was much less than concerned about her pregnancy.
I don’t know what medical-OB/GYN degree you hold but you may want to consult with her Dr. just as she did unless you are engaging in purely political mud-slinging to obfuscate known facts.

Anchorage Daily News

Early Thursday -- she thinks it was around 4 a.m. Texas time -- she consulted with her doctor, family physician Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, who is based in the Valley and has delivered lots of babies, including Piper, Palin's 7-year-old. "I don't think it was unreasonable for her to continue to travel back," Baldwin-Johnson said.
So the Palins flew on Alaska Airlines from Dallas to Anchorage, stopping in Seattle and checking with the doctor along the way.
Either she was acting extremely irresponsibly in regard to her unborn baby...or she lied about her daughter's pregnancy and birth.
Either/or, eh? Please…How about NEITHER mud-slinger.
Either way...she doesn't look good.
She looks fine. You’re probably not the least bit ashamed of yourself.

The sleazy tactics and vitriol chosen by some have ensured that my vote in Nov will be the most personally satisfying of my lifetime in many ways.
I don't know if it's true, but some of the arguments are very d@mning either way.
Yes, they are very d@mning ... against the people who cast aspersions completely contrary to available facts.

Palin has better qualifications than Obama has, and playing the gender card against her won't change that.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that the liberals are always wrong and that the conservatives are always right. The truth is that both sides sometimes get it right..and sometimes get it wrong. That both sides sometimes make mistakes. And that BOTH sides sometimes lie.

Just because DK is saying something, it's foolish to believe that it can't possibly be true.

The liberals do not have a monopoly on lies and half truths.
Its amazing to me how short some people`s memory are. Seems as though, recently many Obamamanians including Obama himself were highly upset when things were said(true or otherwise) about Obamas family, namely Michelle. Hope thoughs same people are upset about things being currently said about a political opponents family. Talking about a politicians spouse is one thing, going to the level of children that young stoops to a lower level yet.:barf: Palins experience speaks for itself and so does Obamas. Its not hard to find who`s got the most and in what areas.
The believers that Sarah Palin is not Trig's mother point to such things as a photo of Bristol Palin with a tummy bulge and Sarah Palin's flight on an airplane just prior to delivery. I guess none of these believers have kids of their own, because I've seen plenty of young women Bristol's age - friends of my kids - with tummy bulges, and so far none of them have been pregnant. But if you don't believe me, go to a shopping mall on a Friday or Saturday night and do some people watching.

Besides, if Sarah Palin had concocted a conspiracy to hide her daughter's pregnancy, Sarah must have mutant powers that rival those of X-Men characters. Again, check out this photo:

Of the females pictured, only Sarah looks like one who has recently given birth. If DK is right, Sarah Palin has the mutant ability to absorb "baby fat" from other people, because Bristol sure doesn't have any.
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The believers that Sarah Palin is not Trig's mother point to such things as a photo of Bristol Palin with a tummy bulge and Sarah Palin's flight on an airplane just prior to delivery.

This is the usual Democrat politics of personal destruction, using the most absurb, vile, smear tactics against a young girl in order to harm her mother. Obama is supposed to be above all that, but he's gleefully released his attack dogs to do it for him. But don't criticize the messiah, the actual candidate, he doesn't have to answer for anything. Like why he didn't know he was consorting with mad bombers, or that his pastor was a hate-spewing demagogue. Oh no, must not touch the almighty Barack, but this is OK? Disgusting.
Judging by the rapid onslaught of panicked and vicious desperation attacks by the Dems, it's obvious that Palin is a great pick as McCain's VP.
If Palin were to become president I would hope she would fire all of the State Department and CIA as accomplices to our enemies. Not that all believe this, but the top-down forces would diminish any that did not follow the anti-US line and therefore none can be trusted.
So far astray

when I read the post over how its the liberals who are positing lies about Palin I have to ask is it liberals who keep referring to Obama the Muslim. Truth be told both sides have a group of fanatics who will post anything they can get away with in order to promote their own candidate. Truth be dammed winning is its own sanctimonious reward.
Personally I am not sure a Republican will be able to defeat Hillary in 2008.

Sorry for being off-topic here but that statement was the funniest in this thread. Back when that was originally posted, I would have thought that Hillary was so certain for '08 that there was no need to even have a coronation... er... I mean election.
Happy anniversay to this thread.

And I just noticed; this is the one-year anniversary for this thread. Good call by the OP.

Her nickname really is Sarah Barracuda... WILDALASKA

I guess things in Anchorage are different than in the rest of the state. I never head such a reference until you posted it. Did you make that one up Wild?

It has the same credibility as the stories of how she is an executive in a fishing corporation. So do thousands of other people who gill net salmon under the guise of a Sub-chapter S corporation. In fact Alaska has thousands of commercial salmon fisher-people every year. Are they not as experienced executives in the industry as Sarah is?

Meanwhile the photo of her filling sandbags in NOLA is just a bit to much to handle. Wild did she put in a twelve hour day filling them or just a one shovel photo-op for the common folk to see her commitment to serving the people. To bad she did not have the same concern for the folks in a few of the remote Alaska villages last winter when they were getting pummeled by the seas and their homes washed out to sea. Then she barley held a press conference to express her concerns for the villagers.
Obama is supposed to be above all that, but he's gleefully released his attack dogs to do it for him. But don't criticize the messiah, the actual candidate, he doesn't have to answer for anything. Like why he didn't know he was consorting with mad bombers, or that his pastor was a hate-spewing demagogue. Oh no, must not touch the almighty Barack, but this is OK? Disgusting.
Yes, it is verboden to criticize Michelle Obama's statement, done in behalf of her hubby's campaign, that for the first time in her adult life she's proud of her country. But it's appropriate to fabricate a pregnancy story about a young girl - who has not been out campaigning for her mom's ticket - and splashing pictures for all the world to see with comments about her tummy bulge. And all coming from the folks who claim to be open-minded, tolerant, and inclusive.

Can you imagine the emotional impact this is having on that girl? Does it really take a rocket scientist to figure why her parents, or anyone else concerned about her and her self-esteem, might pull those photos from a website?
WhyteP38: But it's appropriate to fabricate a pregnancy story about a young girl - who has not been out campaigning for her mom's ticket - and splashing pictures for all the world to see with comments about her tummy bulge.
Think about how the press was all over Jenna Bush until Princess Chelsea was seen smoking in public. The very same people that were trying to crucify Jenna screamed how unfair it was to go after the Billerys daughter. But they sure dropped Jenna like a hot potato.
Sarah Palin has some extremely un-libertarian views which she would force on everyone if she was in the position to do so. She is a religious fundamentalist and that is a great turnoff to me and many others.

Show me facts on her pushing her beliefs through her tenure as an elected official. Last I checked, Ron Paul was a God-fearing man and he didn't. Why automatically think she will?

Either she was acting extremely irresponsibly in regard to her unborn baby...or she lied about her daughter's pregnancy and birth.

So, after wasting time "researching" daily KO's site, you automatically come to this conclusion? Don't know about you, but I tend to at least give the accused a chance to explain the situation before the noose gets made. Eight months pregnant? Heck, my mother was smoking and flying a single engine Beechcraft Bonanza while she was pregnant with my younger brother.

Either she was acting extremely irresponsibly in regard to her unborn baby...or she lied about her daughter's pregnancy and birth.

The fact that she is against a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body is a sticking point with me..and will turn many women off to her.

So, what does that really matter to you if you're pro-choice? If you're such the libertarian then I would have expected a response to defend her right to privacy in family affairs.

Just because DK is saying something, it's foolish to believe that it can't possibly be true.

I tend go get my information from more credible sources instead of the boy that cries wolf...
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