I'll Bet She can Beat hillary.......

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Her nickname really is Sarah Barracuda...

And she beats up oil companies with a stick, likes guns and would cut Hillary up like a caribou.


Read her positions and if you want to get yourself an ELECTABLE semi libertarian, join her blog madness ;)

And she's hot :)
And used to smoke weed :)
And has a 90% approval rating +/-
WildgosarahgoAlaska TM

PM she loves to fire incompetants too...like the ENTIRE dairy Board LOL

And heres what the weekly standard says:
I wouldnt mind taking her out to Peter Lugers Steak house for a Steak and a beer or two or ten!

Pretty gal. Seems like a good conservative/libertarian-- paleoconservative. Rudy and Fred... are you paying attention?
I'm pretty sure I've heard a bit about her before. Reading what you linked, I think she'd actually make a great addition to the Republican field. I still disagree with her on some key issues, obviously, but I think she appears to go against the Republican grain in some good ways.

Which, of course, means it would never happen.

I'd love to see a ticket putting her against Clinton; it would allow us to get that whole "first female President" thing out of the way without having it affect the actual election. And while obviously we don't know much about what some of her national/foreign policies would be, I'd likely not want to put any money on the outcome of such a match-up!

So what do you think? It's pretty obvious she isn't looking to go that direction at the moment, but do you think there's much chance she would in the future?
Which, of course, means it would never happen.

Thats what they said about her before ;) She took care of them as the Standard says..

"In the roughly three years since she quit as the state's chief regulator of the oil industry, Palin has crushed the Republican hierarchy (virtually all male) and nearly every other foe or critic. Political analysts in Alaska refer to the "body count" of Palin's rivals. "The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah," says pollster Dave Dittman, who worked for her gubernatorial campaign. It includes Ruedrich, Renkes, Murkowski, gubernatorial contenders John Binkley and Andrew Halcro, the three big oil companies in Alaska, and a section of the Daily News called "Voice of the Times," which was highly critical of Palin and is now defunct."

It's pretty obvious she isn't looking to go that direction at the moment, but do you think there's much chance she would in the future?

Yep. I used to run into her from time to time before she became governor (she doesnt know me from squat really) and I would always say "Hey Governor" and she would giggle. Last time I saw her during the campaign, I said "Hey Madame President" and she started to giggle. On that giggle, a campaign is born :)

Besides shes a regular Alaska dude, she doesnt know how to be an uppity elitist bore like the rest of them :) Check out the guy in the bearskin next to her, can you say toasted? (hey look she wears fur too!)


Party! And I bet she smoked weed more than once too. And I hear she is a damn good shot.

WildmygovsbetterlookingthanyourgovAlaska TM

And it isnt easy running THIS state at all..just because the population is strange doesnt mean the issues are simple
She's hot. Maybe during Fred's 8 year rein she can be groomed for the national spotlight. She'd need to be a sen. or rep. first. She'd have to get pub. for introducing some important or controversial legislation... like opening up Anwar or something.
Additionally, the Governor tried to tour the Mat Maid facilities in Anchorage today on her way to Global Food Alaska – 2007 on the Kenai Peninsula. Access to the facility was denied.

LOL. The milkers (pun intended :)) don't seem so impressed with her. I dig the pic, though. You folks in Alaska have a lot of fun. I want one of those Viking hats!

The local politicians are a lot of fun. They have personality. The national liberal media would tear her up, though. Who knows, we'll see what she does.
Wonderful picture of Janet you posted armoredman. That Sarah is better looking is undisputable. She's also undoubtably a better governor too....


CAMP VIRGINIA, Kuwait – (July 25, 2007) Alaska Governor Sarah Palin looks over a squad of her Soldiers during a visit to Camp Virginia, Kuwait July 25. The tour of the desert camp culminated with lunch with her Alaska National Guard Soldiers in the dining facility.
I like that one. It's good to see a governor take a genuine interest in her state's protectors.

She ain't perfect but from the looks of it she's an honest person and lord knows the country needs a lot more of those in charge.
Do you have any reason to suspect she might even consider running for president?

Next cycle...shes got to hammer the oil companies more so we can line our pockets with gelt as they pump.

We have no income tax, most communities have no sales tax.

Can you imagine an ALASKAN President. We could take over WWashinton. The guy with the Horns on could be Sec of Defense. I get ATF AND I get to head Technical Branch too. :)

WildlooklikezachtaylorspartyAlaska TM

PS...there ya go Slash...you and the netpauloids can help make Sarah...shes got libertarian principles, is a proven administrator (our Gov't is humming here, she will just fire you a** if you screw up) and is a normal person instead of a tinfoil wearing fringer whose biggest accomplishment, like all the rest of congresscreatures, is MOnday Morning bloviating and finding $$ for the District.. For you guns are everything crowd, she has killed more critters that most of us and someone told me she used to pack a gat. And shes got integrity..It can all start right here :)

Go read her website. Her Co election chair is on the Board of Directors of the NRA (Wayne Ross)

My new sig: ;)
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