If you had a chance to get one FREE pistol from Taurus which would it be?

My two experiences with Taurus: My PT92 broke the locking block on trip 1 to the range. Taurus sent a new locking block, gun sold. My 24/7OSS slide peened within 500 rounds to where the slide would no longer go into battery. Taurus fixed, pistol sold.
They have to still have one of the 981s sitting around somewhere, that is one of my grail guns with the scope mount.
Yes, there is one on GB right now, for near three times it's retail price when it was in production. *sigh* :(
Short Version
If I was to get a free Taurus, here is my list (in approximate order):
1) Taurus 450 if discontinued guns were an option (tie)
1) Taurus 431 if discontinued guns were an option (tie)
3) Taurus PT1911
4) Taurus 66 (tie)
4) Taurus 44 or .44mag Raging Bull (tie)
6) Taurus PT92
Wildcard: Taurus' .30 Carbine version of the Raging Bull if discontinued guns were an option

Longer/Complete VersionIt seems every Taurus thread, no matter the exact topic, gets a lot of bashing here, and this is no different. I think Taurus makes some nice guns, but their quality control isn't up to the standards of some other brands. One thing that I've noticed, is that most people who have had them who post about problems usually had them pretty early (i.e. most of the problems are things that would have shown up if Taurus had better quality control out of the factory). They also have a terrific warranty (though it may take a trip or two sometimes to actually fix the problem and they aren't quick) so you will usually eventually get a good one even if the gun you initially purchased was a lemon. So, my take is that they are good guns for someone on a budget, but not necessarily a good gun if you need it right now (i.e. you need some time to run a few hundred rounds through it before you trust it).

When I was younger (and poorer) I was a big Taurus fan. Now that I am more established (middle aged and mid-career) I still like Taurus, but I usually buy something else. I have a good sized collection so I don't need to just fill a niche, and I make enough that I'd rather buy fewer higher quality guns than more less expensive guns. I do buy Taurus products when they seem to be the best overall value (i.e. they have exactly what I want and the only other options are out of my budget or don't exist at all), which is how I ended up with two Rossi 461's (one 2" and one 3").

That said, there are a few Taurus guns on my list right now. When I buy another 1911 I will most likely go Springfield Armory or save for a while and go higher end than that, but Taurus, Ruger and RIA are also on my list. A 4" Taurus 66 is on my list (love the 7 shots of .357mag). I'm starting to think it may be about time to finally get a .44mag, S&W is a bit of a reach on a teacher's salary, and Taurus' M44 and Raging Bull in .44mag are great guns, I'll definitely consider the Taurus highly. Though, since I only buy a gun every year or two anymore, and never more than two a year, I probably will go S&W since while I like Taurus, I love S&W revolvers.

Of course, everything I'm thinking of buying would be a candidate if I was to get a free Taurus (and I've been thinking about what to do about a free Taurus in actuality since one of the options they are considering with the Class Action Lawsuit settlement for the Millennium Pro is a replacement gun, though that may just be the updated M. Pro in which case I'll take the $200).

In addition to those guns I may buy over the next couple years anyway, the following would be added to consideration:
-The PT92. Probably the best gun they ever made, and by many accounts it may be almost as good as the Beretta (and I prefer the PT92's safety options).
-If discontinued guns would be an option I would go with the 431 (3", medium frame, 5 shot .44spl), the almost impossible to find 450 (2", medium frame, 5 shot, .45LC) or maybe the Raging Bull in .30 Carbine they offered for a year or two.
pelo801 said:
The 45 colt snubby. I cant remember if it was the 450 or 455.

The 2" snub was the 450, the 455 was the .45ACP version of the Tracker (with a 2" snub version also available with the same model number I believe).