If someone gave you $1000.00 and said go buy a ccw...

I got my Escort a few months back for $875 shipped from a dealer on Gunbroker. Retail is over $1K but you may be able to find one under that. It's a great pistol.


If I could add a couple bills I'd get the Shadow (assuming I didn't have the one I carry now). It has night sights standard, and they are set into a channel in the top of the slide to reduce their profile and make them less likely to snag on something.

For about $1000 you can buy a S&W 29 classic and a used 380 pocket pistol. But then you'd still need to pick up a shoulder holster for the revolver.

That's what I did with my $1000 CCW budget anyway. :D
If someone gave me the money I would buy the Rohrbaugh 9mm in a heartbeat. From every thing I have seen and read, this would be my CC purchase. I have recently made the decision to go with a Glock 36 for my EDC but I still love the 9mm and this would be a Great Gun to have for that special time that a deep concealment is required. I am thinking of selling my SA Colt 45, second generation and using the money to buy this gun or I just might put some money down on lay away. Someday I will have one!:D
I'd buy a Glock (model and caliber to your taste) and as much ammo for it as the money left would buy. Then I'd shoot it all in a couple weeks learning the gun and it's trigger.

I'd wait a few days and test fire Ruger's new LC9 when it is released and arrives at your local gun shop. And, you'll have lots of money left over to buy ammo.
Right now?

I would buy a 329PD S&W .44 Magnum.

Why, you ask? Because I am tired of lugging my 629 Classic W/6.5" barrel while deer hunting.