If Hillary Wins.

It depends upon what the SCOTUS rules if they take the Heller case. If its an individual right, then Clinton has less room to re-enact a weapons ban. In the fianl analysis it will depend upon the make-up of the Congress. Whether there are true belivers in the 2A or just politicans who vote as they need to to stay elected.
If Hillary wins and passes draconian gun laws, it might have a beneficial consequence over time.

The next election might bring in a truly progun person and undo them. Just as the AWB expired. Remember GWB was never truly proactive on the issue, he supported the AWB as did Dole. Daddy Bush was a progun zealot either.

Then the GOP might get the idea - however, since I think the upper levels of the GOP only care about the rich - they will probably moan about her gun laws and then keep them when they get in (if they do).
he next election might bring in a truly progun person and undo them. Just as the AWB expired. Remember GWB was never truly proactive on the issue, he supported the AWB as did Dole. Daddy Bush was a progun zealot either.

Wishful thinking at best. If you look around the world you will see that gun laws are never undone. The conservative government in Canada promised two years ago to dismantle the gun registration system. Well they still have it. This is how it works in real life. You can believe all you want that Democrat gun laws will be revoked by the next conservative President, but in reality that will never happen. Not only would you need a solid conservative President, but a solid conservative majority in congress. Even then the chances are remote. Sorry to spoil your fun. The AWB was meant to expire, you can be sure that the next one will not. Maybe you don't care about the next AWB because you don't own a EBR, but many of us do care about it. Please just vote for Hillary and get over it.
The AWB was undone by expiration as the electorate put in folks that allowed it. Not Bush though - it might have been undone earlier if Dole wasn't a wuss.

Laws against concealed carry were undone by the CHL laws

Laws against OC were undone in some places.

In Texas, laws allowing places to ban based on crappy signs were undone.

An absolute ban on church and hospital carry were undone.

Facts always fly in the face of the doom and gloom, bury your guns because Hillary is bringing in 100 million UN troops to your doorstep.

It's more fun to post about that.
Facts always fly in the face of the doom and gloom, bury your guns because Hillary is bringing in 100 million UN troops to your doorstep.

Well maybe in Texas but we are talking about the national level. So far no national level gun laws have been undone. Except in your fanciful dreams. Sorry bud I am not going to pretend that **** won't happen in 2009 with a Democrat super majority. You can deny all you want too but some of us understand the impact of the super majority. It seem to me that you have an agenda on this site, and that you look forward to Hillary. Come on don't deny it. ;)
PS: I live under a super Democrat majority in Massachusetts. If you want to see why I don't want a Federal Democrat majority take a gander at the problems in Massachusetts. The warning signs are right here for all to see. But from reading your previous posts on this site I would venture to say, you would probably be happy living in Massachusetts.
No, I think I am the only person on the site who actively supports Hillary, and have never denied it. Sorry to disappoint you.
No, I think I am the only person on the site who actively supports Hillary, and have never denied it. Sorry to disappoint you.

I am not so sure about that, there are plenty of gun owning Hillary supporters on this site and other places. You are not that unique. Sorry to disappoint.
The NRA called me with the scare tactic of stating all the things Hillary would do. I asked why they gave time to Rudy since he would not be any better?

I also told them I am paying off the life membership at the moment and will contribute more after that is done, but not before.
Since Hillary will win and bring in the Red Chinese to take away our guns - might as well sell them now and put the money in an IRA.

We are doomed. :eek:
Since Hillary will win and bring in the Red Chinese to take away our guns - might as well sell them now and put the money in an IRA.

*YAWN* :rolleyes: We will see what happens in 2009. Until then, have fun being a shill for Hillary.

might as well sell them now and put the money in an IRA.

Actually that is not a bad idea if you want to make some money. Thanks.
Where did I say I wanted her to be elected? Shill? Yeah, right. Thus, since you can't handle reasonable debate, I think you are just a shill for PVC pipe making capitalists exploiters of the people.

My point was that I have more faith in electoral politics than the usual doom and gloom, here come the Chinese, I want to die in a Waco like stand poster.

If you want to reverse a Hillary set of laws:

1. Convince the Dems that they will lose the next set of elections if they don't reverse (Clinton thought the AWB screwed them).

2. Have the GOP come up with a good candidate set - not like the mentally deficient current administration or the panel of the living dead we are now seeing at the debates.

Or is better just to stew or post about Ron Paul?

Sorry you live in Massuchettes, it's coloring your mind about the rest of the country. NY, MA, IL and CA are dominated by urban antigun politics. That is not necessarily true for the rest of the country.

Again, the reason Hillary may win is that George is such a horror on so many dimensions. He beat Al and John by weird electoral karma in Florida and then by Kerry being such a incompetent candidate. It certainly wasn't because he was worth crap as the best the country could offer.

One also needs to break the gun list mantra of all progun candidates also must be right wing nut case. Better time would be spent trying to get a more moderate candidate on social issues and/or the war who is progun. They have existed. However, whenever someone suggests that, we see that the social conservative folks are more involved in being the sexuality and religious police than the gun issue.

Oh, we could now start another - let's redo the civil war and split the country thread so I can play with my guns.
I think you are just a shill for PVC pipe making capitalists exploiters of the people.

Very interesting. You just proved my point. Anyone that says something like that is pretty far left of center. I am not saying that is bad but just stop denying you want Hillary to be president. :p All I was trying to do was to find out where you stand politically. I just want people to be honest. Since there are a lot of people on the political boards claiming to be something they are not.

My point was that I have more faith in electoral politics than the usual doom and gloom, here come the Chinese, I want to die in a Waco like stand poster.

Must be confusing me with someone else since I don't remember ever mentioning Waco, or the Chinese. I really don't care about Waco, or the Chinese.

Sorry you live in Massuchettes, it's coloring your mind about the rest of the country. NY, MA, IL and CA are dominated by urban antigun politics. That is not necessarily true for the rest of the country.

Well first learn to spell Massachusetts. Mass, CA and IL are perfect examples of what will happen with a Democrat super majority.

One also needs to break the gun list mantra of all progun candidates also must be right wing nut case. Better time would be spent trying to get a more moderate candidate on social issues and/or the war who is progun. They have existed. However, whenever someone suggests that, we see that the social conservative folks are more involved in being the sexuality and religious police than the gun issue.

Personally I am hoping for a moderate candidate since I am tired of the Far right and left candidates. You have to be honest with yourself that the only Democrat presidential candidate that is pro gun is Richardson. I wish more of them where pro-gun, but that is not the will of the party which is controlled by the far left. I do not want to give them any power, more than what they have now. Now it is fine with me that you support one of them but don't blame me for not voting for a Democrat. I have seen what they have done in this state, and I am not willing to see it happen on the Federal level.

Well we will see what happens in 2009.

Oh, we could now start another - let's redo the civil war and split the country thread so I can play with my guns.
You go ahead without me, those are not my kind of threads. To many nuts.
Personally I would vote for any candidate who promises (and would) veto every single piece of legislation to hit their desk.

Laws, we don't need any new laws! If we can't get the job done with what we have then adding more will not fix things.
I don't know where these Hillary supporters have posted, but I do see a lot of people demanding a conservative candidate instead of what the GOP is foisting upon us....

If it becomes a race between Hillary & Gillary, I'll vote "OTHER".... :p

Since Hillary will win and bring in the Red Chinese to take away our guns - might as well sell them now and put the money in an IRA.

Curious phrase....if Hillary and her Red China allies DO get into office, I imagine that the US will soon look like Northern Ireland.... :(

...not a threat, but definitely a worry....
"raise taxes to 75% so she can provide healthcare and welfare to illegal aliens"

Newsflash.... we are already doing that, you forgot educating the kids of illegals.
Personally I would vote for any candidate who promises (and would) veto every single piece of legislation to hit their desk.

Laws, we don't need any new laws! If we can't get the job done with what we have then adding more will not fix things.

Hint hint
See Ron Paul
Arabia - sarcasm escapes you, it seems.

I stated that I thought Hillary would win due to the foul miasma of the Bush administration's failures. Is that shilling for her? Think a touch more, if you would.

Not facing up to facts and being analytic is a fault of the gun world sometimes. If you are going to lose, analyze why and think about how to deal with loss.