If Hillary Wins.

If Hillary Clinton is elected a lot of gun owners will be very unhappy. I expect sales/prices of EBRs to spike, same with their ammo and hicap magazines. I also think that over her term BATFE will get everything they want and more in terms of funding and gun dealers had better not even sneeze on their paperwork lest they be charged with attempted biological warfare. Most likely ammo prices will increase above their current trend as well. I'm sure she'll push for a new AWB. Depending on what pressure she can put on the Western Democrats she may even get it. At that point a lot of Westerners will regret voting Democrat in '06.

I doubt she'll be that hot as commander in chief, meaning her foreign policy isn't going to be so great either. She spent her entire life prior to her brief "street cred" stint on the Senate Armed Services Committee doing her level best to destroy the American military. She's never going to overcome her credibility gap with the rank and file military who will ultimately do the heavy lifting on foreign policy for her.

Now, what really concerns me is what kind of judges she'll nominate. Especially if federal judges have lots of "car accidents" during her term. :eek:
Wow, some of these comments are a little overkill.

I'll have to agree with gvf that very little will be done to 2nd amendment rights and gun ownership. Its just not high up on the agenda of 99% of the Democrats and they know how hard it hurt them last time. We had more antigun policies go through by Republicans since then and Bush executive orders (both 1 and 2).

Taxes are going to have to go up and any candidate who tells you otherwise is a no good liar. We fallen into the same problem Ronald Reagon caused with his tax cuts, and thats why he dropped alot of them towards the end of his term. It sounds good on paper, but doesn't work in real life.

I see plenty of public works programmes. These have the added benefit of putting people to work.

I doubt a withdrawal from Iraq or Afghanistan will happen. I also doubt that an invasion of Iran will happen. The same is true with 95% of the candidates though.

What we will get is a mixture of slightly to the left domestic, and slightly to the right foreign policies. Eitherside doesn't stray too far from the centre, though since its hard to say there has been a conservative US president since the 1950s thats not too surprising either.

About the only major change I see is the religious right will be upset, that after 20 years of pulling the strings, they been played and haven't got anything accomplished at all, but to isolate themselves. This is a good thing to keep politics and religion more seperated.
+1 what limeyfellow said.

On a purely pragmatic note, have some money in very liquid assets on the runup to the election if it looks like Hillary might win. The market will overreact with emotion causing lots of people to overplay the hand. Wait for the inevitable dip and then buy the market, Hillary's policies will be good for the economy, in the long run, excepting the healthcare sector of course.
I see plenty of public works programmes. These have the added benefit of putting people to work.

I see plenty of public works programmes. These have the added benefit of paying people to not work.

Fixed it for you.
Taxes are going to have to go up and any candidate who tells you otherwise is a no good liar. We fallen into the same problem Ronald Reagon caused with his tax cuts, and thats why he dropped alot of them towards the end of his term. It sounds good on paper, but doesn't work in real life.
Revenues are up for the fed govt. Why can't we cut some spending first and see where that gets us?
If I were extremely wealthy, I'd be eyeing offshore accounts and real estate in Costa Rica and/or the UAE about now.

She, with her mad cackle, is determined to tax the rich, to the tune of 50% or more, 75%, who knows! In other words...chase the most productive citizens offshore, and provide for those who don't want to work. Brilliant.
One thing I know for certain: If she is elected, that means the Executive Branch will have been in control of the same two families for TWENTY-FOUR YEARS.

Agreed, however no one elected will be much better because our government is run and controlled by wealthy corporations and I very much doubt you will see any good for the working middle class every found in that group. Sad to say I see very little change without some type of major catastrophe, total breakdown of our economic system, world war, etc, we have let it progress to far so any talk of what a new candidate will due is really irrelevant.

I've lived through 11 presidents and in my opinion each has been progressively worse.:(
Presidents have not gotten worse every time. Reagan was better than Ford or Carter. Clinton I was better than Bush the elder. Hillary will be better than Bush the lesser. See, more of a pendulum than a downward spiral.

Good idea Manedwolf, everyone pull your money out of this country in fear of Hillary, the lower the market goes at election time the more money I will make in the following year. But then, I am 46 years old, retired, and have to live off of my investments, so rich people should take pity on me and give me more money making opportunities. Seriously, I can't get rich off of China, India and Brazil forever.
Presidents have not gotten worse every time. Reagan was better than Ford or Carter. Clinton I was better than Bush the elder. Hillary will be better than Bush the lesser. See, more of a pendulum than a downward spiral.





Presidents have not gotten worse every time. Reagan was better than Ford or Carter. Clinton I was better than Bush the elder. Hillary will be better than Bush the lesser. See, more of a pendulum than a downward spiral.

Good idea Manedwolf, everyone pull your money out of this country in fear of Hillary, the lower the market goes at election time the more money I will make in the following year. But then, I am 46 years old, retired, and have to live off of my investments, so rich people should take pity on me and give me more money making opportunities. Seriously, I can't get rich off of China, India and Brazil forever.

Will you just admit to yourself that you are going to vote for Hillary. It is not like you are trying to hide it by pretending to be an independent voice of moderation on this site. :rolleyes:
Damn,, did you really HAVE to put those pictures up of Hillery. I was just getting ready for bed,, now I am gonna have nightmares all night long..
If Hillary wins, the consequences will be similar to a Giuliani victory: an American police state at home and more American lives and limbs spent to ensure Zionist dominance overseas. The two are very similar and are false opposition to each other.


Another great quote from would-be Emperor Giuliani:

"Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."

Source: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A01E2D9173CF933A15750C0A962958260

As much as I abhor Hillary, I think I'd prefer her to Giuliani. But it's really like a choice between being burned at the stake and being boiled in oil.
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and todays super saver discount is for Reynolds wrap found on aisle 13.
Right...I guess I'm hallucinating all this stuff:



Paul Eidelberg

Policy Paper No. 141, 2002
Executive Summary

“Democratizing Islam” shows that “Islamic fundamentalism” or “Islamism” is in fact authentic Islam – the Islam of Muhammad. To democratize Islam it will be necessary for the United States to conquer Iraq and other Islamic regimes and maintain an occupation force for two or three decades, as was done in post-war Japan and Germany.

A generation of Muslim children will have to be re-educated. Anti-Jewish and anti-Christian verses in the Qur`an should be neutralized by contrary verses and commentaries. The principle of Jihad must be eliminated from the four schools of Islamic law. Islamic regimes must abide by the Seven Noahide Laws of Universal Morality.

Non-Arab states should follow the example of Turkey and remove Arabic from public documents and public education and establish their native language as the only official language of the state. This will diminish pan-Arab as well as pan-Islamic sentiments.

And I guess it's merely a coincidence that every single major behind-the-scenes player in the fabrication of intelligence to support an invasion of Iraq was a neocon with strong ties to the Israel lobby, eh? Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz, Shulsky, Abrams, etc....

And I suppose we're supposed to ignore all the Israeli-centric rhetoric about Iran coming from Bush, Cheney, and other neocons?

How about the fact that just recently none other than Secretary of Defense Robert Gates himself was kowtowing to the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs?


Furthemore, I'm sure there's no such thing as the Project for a New American Century. Really. Don't even bother to look up their advocacy papers on a search engine, because they don't exist. It's all in my head.

Also in my head (whenever I'm not protected by my spiffy tinfoil hat) is this crazy notion that there's a huge "Christian Zionist" movement, exemplified by con men like John Hagee, that believes it's America's duty to put Israel's interests ahead of America's. This movement has its own lobbying groups such as CUFI (Christians United For Israel) and has the ear of the GOP elites.
OK. Let's take it a little further. Hillary is elected. Two years into her term, the United Nations puts tremendous pressure on member states to crack down on private firearms ownership.

With the liberal press bombarding the evening news night after night with stories on why we need to be an international good neighbor along with headline news stories of every criminal act where guns are used, do you think the American electorate can be moved to the point where the majority of voters, along with the majority of the Congress can be persuaded to go along with severe restrictions being placed on private gun ownership?

The United Nations is the darling of many in the liberal left who seem hellbent
to get its approval on anything we do and whose priority is to cooperate with anything the UN says is good. I'm concerned that if liberal globalists are in control of our government, they will be willing to submit to UN demands for us to give up our American traditions if it means better relations with them.
And its already being reported that Bill Clinton wants to become more involved in Foreign Policy matters in a Hillary Administration --- Sec. of State? Ambassador to the UN? Who knows? It will certainly be different than when John Bolton was there.
Taxes are going to have to go up and any candidate who tells you otherwise is a no good liar. We fallen into the same problem Ronald Reagon caused with his tax cuts, and thats why he dropped alot of them towards the end of his term. It sounds good on paper, but doesn't work in real life.
Let's remove the black hole sucking money that is Iraq and watch what happens... Americans are starting to figure out just how much this fiasco is costing us. No new taxes are needed, simply less spending!

If Hillary wins there will be no significant 2A actions. Those Dems in office know what happenned the last time. Most of them who took Republican seats did so by being fairly conservative. The 2A is a losing issue for the Dems, they gain nothing and only loose votes.

The UN treaty thing is a scare tactic. No treaty overrides the 2A inside the USA and Parker is coming.

After two years of Clinton we will see a swing back to Republican control, with the Reps saying how they are going to end the war that Hillary has "messed up". Gotta love politicians.
The two are very similar and are false opposition to each other.

True and that is the very reason the press loves them, but I will state again with each new election it will only get worse until the America public selects and provides funds for a true leader as an independent, at present the wealthy corporations make the pick and we the public follow along via what we are spoon fed by the media..