If Hillary Wins.

Bubba can't be charged for messing with interns

Actually, she'll probably make messin with interns a capital offense, to keep Billy boy in check.

Regardless of what she does in office, there is one thing you can bet your last nickels on: If she's the Dem nominee, then gun makers and gun stores are gonna experience an explosion of business in the months leading up to Nov 08. And if she wins, there will be a heyday to end all heydays by gun makers and gun stores in the first 3-6 months of her term.
I've said it before, so one more time...

Don't fret about who's in the White House. It's the Congress you need to keep an eye on. Sure, Hillary (a looooooong shot to win, BTW) could theoretically appoint justices to the Supreme Court, but even then there is no guarantee her choice would be affirmed. No, I am far more concerned about who writes, votes on, and passes laws that affect my day-to-day than I am about a figurehead like Bush or Clinton.
She really wants to be president ONLY because Bill got overly creative with his cigars. I believe she is psychologically vengeful of being cheated and this is the way of dealing with it and reassuring herself that she is worth something.

If she is elected, I will loose faith in the American people...
and that would only matter if that's how we elected presidents.

which is totally irrelevent to his assertation that gore had to "steal" the election to win it

how exactly does someone who gets more votes then his opponent "steal" an election, barring election tampering.

its conspiracy theory nonsense
I was talking to my friends about this yesterday as they are all a flutter if Hillary becomes president. What if she puts in Hillary care for medicine?

Here's the difference at my age:

1. Under Hillary care the government will pay for the doctor to stick his finger up my butt.

2. Under GOP care, I will have to pay the doctor to stick his finger up my butt.

Much more personally important than Hillary bringing in the Chinese to take our guns or other strange fantasy scenarios.
Here's the difference at my age:

1. Under Hillary care the government will pay for the doctor to stick his finger up my butt.

2. Under GOP care, I will have to pay the doctor to stick his finger up my butt.
No, under 1 you will be on a 12 month waiting list to have a doctor stick his finger up your butt.

Whenever the Gov't gives something away it eventually has to be rationed. Already doctors have issues with the horrible payments from medicare. If all reimbursement comes through the gov't you will see a decrease in services.
which is totally irrelevent to his assertation that gore had to "steal" the election to win it

how exactly does someone who gets more votes then his opponent "steal" an election, barring election tampering.

I think you are missing the point. His assertion is accurate because it is electoral votes which count, rather than the popular vote. Gore's court strategy was to eliminate those Florida counties whose vote totals went for Bush, and to count those that went for Gore. That would have brought the Florida electoral votes into his column, thus giving Gore the election. The strategy also included having military votes disallowed (in violation of a consent decree between Florida and the federal government). Liebermann's fall from grace with the Dem Party started because he refused to argue for this strategy.
When it comes to Hillary Care here is the BS detector...

Will Congressmen and Senators be forced to participate?

If the answer is NO you know it can't be good for you.
If she wins, its because the GOP losted its soul in the last ten years and divided the party. If we where a real limited Govt party where is no way a polar figure like her could have won outright.

But we have neocons fighting with constitutional conservatives fighting with moderates(RINO's)
Good luck..

even the current GOP is affraid of losing power......look at how they treat Ron Paul. Liberty IS risky.
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The way I see it, Hillary is a committed socialist, who envy's the European model.:barf: First, we will get nationalized healthcare, which will require a 30% hike in taxes. Hillary say's she can pay for it, by removing tax cuts on the rich, that argument is a bold faced lie, its crap. Second, if the liberal democrats get a super majority in the House/Senate, they will move to silence conservative talk radio, i.e the opposition voice. They are already trying to do this now, so its in the realm of reality. The liberals believe in the 1st Ammendment, AS LONG AS YOU AGREE WITH THEM! These politicians are disgusting to the core. Third, once they have achieved their power base with the first two initiatives, they will come after the guns. Look for registration, a ban on gun show's, a new fare more restrictive AWB, and stiff taxes on ammo. Under a Hillary White House and a democrat Senate/House, they will achieve the power they have been seeking for decades. We will become subjects of the state, the federal govt will have enormous powers. The Constitution will become a dis-regarded relic of the past.:mad:

Spoken like a true conservative hill-billy, your's truly.;)
Three words: business as usual

The continued loss of individual liberty - the continued growth of big government - the rich get richer - and the working man or woman gets the shaft.

Also - the democrats start to eat their own and fight more amongst themselves over the spoils of their victory, thus setting the stage for an eventual republican victory.

Pepsi, Coke, Pepsi, Coke, Pepsi, Coke .........
The difference will be only the reasons used to ban gun ownership. Hillary will say it is for safety for "The Children [Registered Trade Mark of the Democrat Party]". Rudy will just say it is because it is his decree.
If Hilary Clinton got elected it would be very, very sad. Anyhow if she really did get elected she probably put out a zero tolerance policy on all guns, since she is after all a left wing liberal. Honestly though I can't see Hilary actually getting elected. She might get close, but I doubt she will get it. I hope Fred Thompson gets elected, not likely though.
Glenn E. Meyer said:
Here's the difference at my age:

1. Under Hillary care the government will pay for the doctor to stick his finger up my butt.

2. Under GOP care, I will have to pay the doctor to stick his finger up my butt.


1. Under Hillary care, you will wait 10-12 months to see a doctor trained in a government-regulated medical school to see if you are not too old or too ill to expend valuable government resources on to stick a finger up your butt....

2. Under GOP care, you will pay an unregulated, profit-driven insurance company/HMO to approve of your visit to the doctor and submit an application in triplicate for pre-approval for any finger-in-the-butt procedure to be performed by a digio-rectal specialist for which may or may not be covered in your deductible which will be increased annually in order to maintain shareholder profitability......

In other words......

1. The Democrats want to subordinate the public & business to the Federal government.

2. The Republicans want to subordinate the public & Federal government to Big Business.

Choose your poison..... :barf:
Should be chose your position :D

I'm having a hard time with all the fussy about Hillary. It is karmic retribution for the unthinking support the GOP gave GWB. A lock step march to support an incompetent administration may give the election to the Democrats.
Should be chose your position :D

MY position sure ain't bent over in the doctor's office... :p

I can agree with you about karmic retribution....but I hoped that the GOP had learned its lesson by now....

....esp. after thinking Bob Dole could run against Clinton in '96....talk about electile disfunction.... :rolleyes:
With free market approaches to financing health care, if you don't like what you've got, you can change it. When government steps in and runs it, it doesn't matter how badly it screws up (NHS), you're stuck. Hernia? You can have an operation it 5 years. Cancer? You can start your treatment six months from now. Smoker? We won't treat you. Inexpensive? Check your tax return. Don't like it? Too bad.