I wonder if this guy will still be a cop, after the DNC

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Unless I'm missing some LEO protocol, is being "dared" an acceptable reason to plant someone on the ground while yelling "back it up b****!"? :confused: He took a good stride forward into her before unloading. Seems like he was reiterating a prior command.

To you folks who don't think what that LEO did to her wouldn't hurt, I suggest you morph yourself into a woman's body and get pegged with a baton across your collar bones (and from a solid slight downward angle from the taller LEO). It hurts like hell. Reason is simple anatomy - men have more muscle and soft tissue across the chest compare to a woman. So men have more cushion. What doesn't necessarily hurt you can hurt someone else. As for making fun of her lying on ground, just because she was stung and needed a minute on the ground doesn't mean she can't get up a few minutes later and be ok.

I don't condone this protest or whatever the heck they were doing. I understand the cops are trying to keep some order and try not to let things get into as riot. They are surrounded by an emotionally charged crowd so you know they take that into account. Don't start ragging on the lady because you don't care for the protestin' kind.

We don't see what that lady did before the camera catches that exchange with the LEO and baton. That would be very important to explain what happened.

I understand your arguments and disagree. I met my ex-wife at the academy and we used to use each other as practice targets for baton techniques that were being taught in training. The thrust-maneuver the officer used I've had used on me (by a 6'4" instructor vs. my 5'8") and by my ex (5'6"). I used it on her and she never suffered any injury that put her down for more than about 2-3 seconds. And we were not being gentle with each other either. We'd push the limits of safety at times too and have to break out the Ben-Gay at the end of a session.

We don't know how long she was actually down. Probably less than 20 seconds or the cops would have pushed everyone back and had her taken to a medical aid station.

So far, DPD is showing alot more restraint that did Chicago Cops in 1968. I think a lot of the protest groups now know how to bring their own cameras and stage incidents that they can tape, edit and air to get public sympathy on their side.
Bill, understood. I bet you two were also probably in better shape and physically adjusted to receiving some hits. This boney lady more than likely wasn't. So it could have easily stung her especially is she wasn't expecting it or use to receiving it.

In this thread, I don't want to see it deteriorate into a 'she deserved it' bashing based on the circumstances surrounding the gathering. That's all. It doesn't make the group look good.

Yeah, I think if she was injured injured there would have been a gathering. I'm talking about a sting that really STINGS and you gotta catch your breath, roll over and muster up the juice to get up and shake it off. I'm by no names a delicate flower and definitely rough it up, but as a smaller gal (5'3" and 110# soaking wet), applied forces that catch you at the right time and right place can ring yer bell ;)

I agree though, we don't see everything that went on so I can't say one way or another. I wasn't there.

Edit: I'm sensitive about my collar bones - they're more exposed these days after breaking my neck and ribs. I lost a lot of muscle mass laterally so I really feel hits a bit harder than I use to. I'm probably projecting some of that when I watch the video.
I don't know if she deserved it or not.
I do know that the LEO gets the benefit of the doubt. I've know A LOT of cops. Every single one has been a regular person just like me. So of them are cocky, some are quiet, some are religious, some are not. They want to go home at the end of the night.
99.9999% of them are great people who want to help. The tiny fraction that are not do not justify the assumption of guilt that so often appears in these instances.

If .0001% of CC permit holders are vigilante morons does that mean we do not give some one the benefit of the doubt in a SD shooting?
If .00001% of US Marines are murderers does that mean the other 99.99999 percent can't be trusted?
I am related to many LEO'S my uncle, his daughter and son. My step father,My sister, my brother inlaws. and a few cousins. I have a few friends that are LEO's and some that are retired LEO's.

None of them are <jerks> like the one in the video. Yes some people deserve it. I don't think she did. Pushing is one thing. What he did is another. Maybe my up bringing is why I am <upset> about this. I don't hit women. Maybe some of you guys do. Or like some of you said "she deserved it."

Good luck with that.
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I don't know if she deserved it.
I don't hit women.
Police (male and female) hit women every day.

None of them are <jerks> like the one in the video.
Interesting assessment of a persons personality based on 5 seconds of video that someone sympathetic to the "victim" wanted you to see.
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This is a big reason cops carry OC and tazers, so they don't have to "hit defenseless little women"

I'm pretty sure those 2 tools aren't to good in a crowd situation like this.

I look at this from a ROE/ use of force guideline, verbal commands failed so the officer moved up to nonlethal force he was trained to do. There is a good screen shot of the officer scowling on page 1, but I don't think I would be smiling in the middle of an angry crowd.

We are judging this cop based on regular policing, I have a feeling there is a much different SOP in a riot/crowd control setting.

Yes I think she deserved it, but use of force isn't based on "who is askin for it"

Maybe the officer should have been more "restrained", but if you are going to push somebody you should push them. It's like if you feel the need to shoot, you shoot center mass, not warning shot, not shoot the leg, or some other nonsense.

Help me out LEO's I have an ASP, and did some research. My understanding is you can't strike head, neck, knee.... isn't the collarbone fair game?
Cops take control, its what they do. They dominate and force people to submit, I am surprised everyone is so shocked. She was doing something which the cop didn't like, I don't know if the cop was right or wrong in his actions only pointing out that its his job to control people.
So many people talk about whether or not a person "deserves" what they get when a cop uses force, as if the force were somehow a punishment being meted out like a spanking to a petulant child.

Force, when properly used, is to control, to force a person to do what they are being asked to do. It is not whether or not a person "deserves" to be struck, shot, tazed, or otherwise subject to physical force, it is about whether or not that person submitted to lawful authority. Sometimes people have to be forced to submit, and sometimes the cops are overzealous.

This video does not show enough for anyone to make that determination.
I don't know if this was a setup, but with "Recreate 68!" active in Chicago, we may be quite certain there WILL be setups.

The lack of context deprives the clip of sufficient information to make any judgment.
Cops take control, its what they do. They dominate and force people to submit, I am surprised everyone is so shocked. She was doing something which the cop didn't like, I don't know if the cop was right or wrong in his actions only pointing out that its his job to control people.

It is never part of police duty to use excessive force, which is what the video suggests. I have two problems with what appears on the video though:

1. I've been hit in the windpipe, and I was in no condition to grant an interview shortly thereafter, which is the impression given by the video.

2. Code Pink, aside from being loathsome generally, is known for rubbish stunts. If this were a truly abusive event, it is unlikely that you would be seeing just a few seconds of it.

Is it possible that an angry officer was having a bad day and opted for some good old-fashioned hippie stomping? Certainly. But I would not rely on a Code Pink spot to prove it.
I think a lot of you are letting your pre-existing prejudices against cops cloud your judgment. There is obviously more to the story than what "Code Pink" wants you to see. The cop may or may not have been justified in his actions. You just can't tell from the short propaganda clip. I say propaganda because that's what this is. Poor little me beat up by the big bad cops. She wants to be a martyr.

lets consider the source, they were trying to get something like this to happen.

Raising a ruckus...
It looks like a push to me. She was baiting him "do it again"(because the cameraman is ready to film me taking a dive now). She failed to obey verbal commands, and possibly even a prior push that isn't on film.

I think the cop was trying to control the crowd and escalated force appropriately.

I don't want to repeat myself, I've posted more than a few times on this thread. I am trying to help Snowmanx7 in his assertion that this is propaganda. As several other folks have said, we don't have the whole picture. I would love to see the full unedited footage. I am trying to show everybody who edited and produced the film.
It looks like a push to me. She was baiting him "do it again"(because the cameraman is ready to film me taking a dive now). She failed to obey verbal commands, and possibly even a prior push that isn't on film.

I think the cop was trying to control the crowd and escalated force appropriately.

Since when does propaganda have anything to do with force. If she baited him. He bit hook line and sinker. Does that make it right? No, Hell no. Sounds like the same excuse wife beaters use.

"honest officer my wife was asking for it. She wouldn't obey me."

You can argue the propaganda all you want. But that still doesn't change the fact that the force he used was excessive. and the "back it up B_tch" just shows his mind set. I don't think that Would help him in court.

I don't want to repeat myself, I've posted more than a few times on this thread. I am trying to help Snowmanx7 in his assertion that this is propaganda. As several other folks have said, we don't have the whole picture. I would love to see the full unedited footage. I am trying to show everybody who edited and produced the film.

Um better check your facts. http://www.rockymountainnews.com/staff/george-kochaniec/

They both work for Rocky Mountain News. Not code pink as you are trying to make it seem.

The story so far can be found here. The story by Rocky Mountain News.
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