I think I'm done with Taurus . . .

Prof Young

New member
At least their semi auto's anyway.

I needed a part for my PT-22. There is a "plastic insert at the front of the chamber. The part is actually called "plastic insert." Unlimited repair warranty right? So I call. Am told the part ships in pairs for five bucks with 8 bucks shipping. What? No "unlimited" warranty. Well that is a repair warranty. If i bring/ship the gun to them then it's a free repair. AND get this. I'm told that this part, which is inside the gun, is an ACCESSORY. Yes, I argued with her for several moments about how this can possibly be an accessory. SERIOUSLY.

I have a Taurus revolver that I love to shoot and when the extractor rod spring broke I called them and they sent one free of charge. Hmmmmm . . . .

Maybe their customer service is like their guns. Some times they work and sometimes they don't.

I know, it's just like everything else in life . . . you get what you pay for.

Live is good . . . if occasionally frustrating.

Prof Young
I had great success with a couple of taurus' tauruses taurus's tauri (not sure of the grammatical protocol here) but finding accessories and holsters was difficult with some models. Mine were reliable and pretty accurate. But I was always worried about them, or if I needed a part... so I phased them out of my collection. The more "mainstream" guns like glocks, berettas and the like I can find components pretty easily if I wanted.
Maybe it's the person you spoke to. I've had experience with all sorts of businesses where I get different levels of assistance depending upon the person. It sometimes helps to speak to a manager
I recently got into a bit of an argument with Taurus over what they deemed a factory fitted part vs. a drop in component. I spoke with three different people on the matter via internet chat and telephone.

In the last conversation I expressed how I was beginning to understand how Taurus has built such a poor reputation regarding product offerings and customer service through the years.

I saved the transcript from that particular chat session, and when I typed the following:
When you do not support what is already believed to be a substandard quality product by a good portion of the general public, it doesn't really do much to build a reputation or customer base.

The next two responses contained this:
I was able to speak with a lead
I can send you out the transfer bar

It should not have been that difficult.
They were actually unwilling to either sell me original power factory trigger and hammer springs, claiming that they were factory installed parts and could not be shipped out and the revolver would have to be returned.
We all know that's nonsense.
In addition, they would not even reveal what weight springs were originally installed at the factory. Protected information is what they called it.

I don't believe that their products over all are complete crap as so many claim.
I do believe that they'll never get beyond that reputation without rethinking their customer service policies and practices.
Hang up and call back and try and get someone else on the phone. I've not had that problem the one and only time I had to call for a repair. We also had a problem with a pt-22. They had it shipped at their dime and returned within 6 days fixed, and this is through the pawn shop i run. That very well may be the reason they were so willing to help, though, since we sell quite a few used and new.
hmm not everything is covered under warranty.
I think things like sights and finish are only covered for like 1yr.

if the "plastic insert" is a buffer type part then they might not cover that.

on the other hand I've dealt with them a few times (not in several years though) and never paid any fee's for small parts.

My biggest complain with Taurus is getting the correct part.
I had a bent guide rod and a out of spec slide stop (was rubbing slide)
on my 92afs.

The slide stop they sent worked but was older style models. (92 has seen a lot of revisions over the years)

The guide rods was never in stock, finally gave up waiting and put a polymer Beretta rod in it.. cheap as dirt, probably never break or bend, just does not look as purdy but functionality wise I think I prefer it.

What PT22 do you have? the older metal one (discontinued) or the newer poly framed ones?
I always wanted one of them but now that they're poly.. yuck.
Joesixpack I have . . .

Joe - My PT 22 is metal with hard wood grips. I got the plastic insert and installed it. Have not shot the gun since then. If the thing was more reliable I think I'd carry it when I ride my bike but the thing hangs up too often. Ah well . . . Life is good.

Prof Young
I have found that most Taurus guns are quite good and well worth the cost. The trouble is that a very few are not and give trouble from day one.

But I cannot recommend them to anyone since I never know whether any given gun is a top quality bargain or a piece of dangerous trash.

"plastic insert." For some unknown reason this would sound OK, maybe even "manly" if it was listed as a Glock Part. But being as it's for a Taurus it just screams "cheap."
I have found that most Taurus guns are quite good and well worth the cost. The trouble is that a very few are not and give trouble from day one.

But I cannot recommend them to anyone since I never know whether any given gun is a top quality bargain or a piece of dangerous trash.


And, if you get one of those few bad one's...their customer service and repair is a crap shoot...and they will not pay shipping even if it fails on the first cylinder or magazine full, out of the box.

Most of them may be good...but, I have 2 that are not and I won't take a chance on getting another.
I do not like to become involved in Taurus bashing or any other brand for that matter but Taurus has earned it's poor reputatcion and continues to charge ahead leaving disgruntled customers in it's wake. My experiences with the company's products have left a poor impression of their line altogether and certainly I shall not make a third mistake and buy another. Taurus is definitely off my "favorites" liist.
The only Taurus auto that interests me is the PT92 as I like the frame safety better than a true Beretta. I've had decent luck with their revolvers, though my .22 has the worst double action trigger I've ever had the misfortune of using. Single action is nice, so its no big deal, but man its bad.
Taurus 94?

Yes the double action trigger pull of the Taurus 94 takes two men and a boy to pull it.

However it's a frame size issue, not a Taurus issue per se. A small framed .22 revolver will have a heavy double action trigger, it's the nature of the beast.

I like my 94 a lot. Dry fire with snap caps will smooth up that trigger, it will however remain heavy. Changing springs (lightening) will generally result in failure to fire. Those rims gotta be whacked pretty hard for consistent ignition.

I too shoot mine single action, trigger is reasonable and crisp.
I'm 0 - 1 with Taurus and it was a revolver. I sure as hell ain't trying a semi.

Anyway, Taurus always seems to live up to their well earned reputation for some bad guns backed by worse service.