I once thought I had to have a glock when they first came out. I was very intrigued by the minimalist design and was impressed by the mind that had created it. Although I was very, very familiar with guns as I grew up in an FFL family, I had moved away from home and I was at poverty level and had to seriously try to save my pennies for a two years to buy one. They weren't as expensive back then because people were still really uncertain about plastic guns. In fact, when I bought mine, I think they were just coming out with the G19, I bought a G17. I was rewarded with tremendous disappointments. Failure to feed on occassion. A few stove pipes, horrible trigger with lots of slack, a slamfire, one time the whole damn slide assembly went sailing off the frigging frame after I dropped the slide onto my third magazine at the range that day (I cleaned it and put it back together and it didn't do it again that day). After this last event, after two years of ownership, I took it back to the dealer and traded it in on a Springfield P-9 which served me flawlessly for 6 years before I sold her. I swore I would never even look at another glock again.
Having said that.... After these many years, last week I picked up a friend's glock (G-19) and was tremendously surprised. It was slick, great trigger, and much more ergonomic than the glock I'd owned. I immediately went to the gun store and handled as many as I could and was amazed at how different and much better they felt than my example had been, like a totally different gun (especially at the trigger). Now I wish I'd have kept all those high capacity mags at least cause I definitely would give glock another go around. Too bad they've gone up so much in price since then. After reading on-line a lot, it seems my first run was a real crappy example of workmanship and things have changes quite a bit for this company's work. Now I understand all my shooting buddies puzzlement everytime I was so vehemently opposed to even looking a glock. I surely didn't understand how they could have gotten so popular, until now.