I hope some coyote hunters have ethics

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Hearing other coyotes make horrible sounds as they died MIGHT scare them off the area, a net benefit.

In that case, I think I can single-handedly drive coyotes away from just about anywhere. I bought a coyote howling call last year when I thought I'd try to take up hunting them more proactively. That worked really well :confused: At that time we were hearing them every night, and hearing them take down prey at least every other night and sometimes in the middle of the day. I saw as many coyotes as I did deer while sitting in the woods deer hunting that season.

Well after two weeks of the terrible mutant zombie coyote sounds I was producing, they up and vanished. Our daytime wildlife activity increased and our nighttime local deer started showing back up. I think I've heard them once since then, and I started screeching through the night at them again for about a week..........not a peep heard since. :D I don't find the dead animals scattered every where on our property now, and I've even been seeing a couple bobcats again.
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