I hope some coyote hunters have ethics

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I'm hunting coyotes for a rancher at this exact moment. Most of us don't wanna make a bad shot especially with the two dollar bullet most likely loaded in 1000$+ rifle

But... Lets not pretend bad shots don't happen.... But, I like the above post about life not being Disney.

If a spinning coyote gets you worked up, don't watch bow hunting shows.

You should see an animal that has been ham stringed by a coyote, or had its guts ripped out for no reason. That will bring the honesty to the ranches lol.

I guarantee that those hunters you saw probably went on ten hunts where they didn't get nothing before they shot one.
sissyhunter, the ad valorem tax man doesn't care if a rancher turns a profit or not--but the rancher either pays his school taxes or learns all about foreclosure and the sheriff's tax sale.

To people in ranch country, who generally have concern for their neighbors' well-being, ethics and coyotes are about like ethics and mosquitos, flies and cockroaches. There aren't any.

So call this a reality check. There is no correlation whatsoever with the ethics and morals of hunting game animals.
We all have dogs, so I noticed no one tried to say coyotes don't have fun or don't enjoy life.

Must have missed my first post.

You're mad because the bad shot wasn't acknowledged? Bad shots happen, it's part of hunting. It doesn't mean they enjoyed making the animal suffer or that they didn't care at all. They probably decided it wasn't good TV to whine about how much the coyote suffered because homeboy made a bad shot. Doesn't mean he meant to hit it bad, and it doesn't mean he doesn't care. It also doesn't mean that what made the final edit was all the time they spent looking for it. Maybe next time he'll wait a little longer for a better shot. Or maybe next time he'll shoot it again while it's spinning.

Way too many "maybes" to get your panties in too big a twist over it. In my opinion, of course.
Humans often put emotion on animals. I wonder if animals do some thing similar when the kill other animals? It does not seem to stop them...
Animals only know a few things, eat, drink, shelter, and reproduction. And they do not think of reproduction in the way we do. They breed because of instinct nothing more. If you doubt that, then watch animals during breeding season, while the females are either chasing last years young away or she is busy trying to keep a male from killing her newest so he can breed her again.
sissyhunter, your posts are almost impossible to read because of your run-on structure.

If you'd use paragraph form, I might read them in their entirety.

As they are, my eyes start swimming after the first few sentences, so I can't follow your arguments as well as I might, otherwise.

Coyotes don't elicit much sympathy from me, though. I live in an agricultural area, and coyotes are viewed as nuisances or pests. I don't like to inflict unnecessary suffering on any creature, but if conditions permit I will shoot a coyote on sight.

I own a horse farm.

I've yet to have coyotes around here, If, they do show, they're going to be shot.

Also I agree with MLeake,
If you'd use paragraph form, I might read them in their entirety.

What is it about this topic that makes me want to go chop down a tree.

You must chop this tree down with;
A Herring

You must chop this tree down with; A Herring

Check the Book of Armaments, first!

Maybe the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch Brother Maynard carries with him might be more suitable on coyotes...?

Sorry... can't resist...:)
I don't have any issue with controlling coyote populations. However, I do share some of the OP's concerns about how some people choose to go about it.

I've had to kill racoons, foxes, feral cats, and weasels (the coyotes don't like to come in close enough to the house to be an issue) that have been after my chickens/ducks, and I'd kill them all again. However, I've never gotten any pleasure out of it, nor have I taken it personally that they try to catch an easy meal. After all, if chickens weren't delicious and relatively easy to kill I'd probably raise something else :)

Every animal deserves as quick and clean a death as possible, and some hunters do seem to either like - or in more cases not care about - inflicting pain. I'm not going to pretend I've never screwed up a shot, but if causing another living thing pain doesn't bother you on some level there is something very wrong with you.

If you wound an animal - even a coyote - and fail to recover it, you should feel bad about that. And, if you're doing it on TV in front of a national audience you should probably be aware that acting overly callous about it is going to turn people - some of whom may even vote - off hunting all together.
If you've ever had to watch your uncle explain to your sister what happened to her favorite cow, then you would enjoy pursuing coyotes out and about with your Ruger Ranch Rifle.

That's not to say I don't make ethical shots, but I would say coyotes elict only slighty more remorse from me than the fellows with laundry on thier heads who enjoyed dropping rockets near my cot.
All in all, my preference is for a quick, clean kill, regardless of what sort of critter I'm killing.

I'm less concerned about the ethics of pest-control killing, however, than I am about what is called "sport hunting" for deer, antelope, etc. The first comes under the heading of "necessary chore" and is not the same as "my pleasure in the hunt".
I would like to add that, coyote like canines are in every land around the world and we have been competing with them since the dawn of man, and hunting them is old as time.
Navin R. Johnson: "He hates these cans!!!! Stay away from the cans!!!!"

I hit a gun show today in a rural area. 'Yote pelts were selling for $100 each.:eek: Seller had 30-40 REAL nice hides.
I am tired of my American Bulldog getting some cuts on his face and ears when he gets hold of a coyote and kills it. I think I will shoot some. Between the two I like my dogs better.
I'm just a city slicker :( so I cannot speak for the folks posting from the "lands of predator/prey" but the bottom line for me is that all I would ask of myself is to get a "clean-kill" whenever possible.

If somebody is shooting absent any concern for a "humane-kill" they are in the wrong IMO. Yet life's not always like TV might have us believe and I realize that tracking and follow-ups via another round, knife are necessary when hunting/culling etc...

Heck, anymore I think people in all aspects of their life ought to just assume that the potential exists that "Big-Brother" might be watching via a drone (even in remote areas that just a few years ago were accessible only either foot or Satellites). I see more and more articles speaking to rural area lawsuits triggered by drone surveillance...:eek:
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A coyote that I let go out of my scopes view killed my favorite cat a couple months ago. He went missing and I found his body out by a fence line by a cattle feild. I set some traps, caught the coyote and shot him dead. I feel no remorse. Coyotes to me, are like cock roaches. Feelings you say? The coyote didn't even eat my cats body. It just tore it up. SO, if it can go around and kill whatever it pleases, and there are people like you who say "don't hurt the coyotes, they have feelings," I'll shoot any coyote I see. I will shoot to kill. If I wound, it will be like stomping on a roach and it crawling off.
I dont think animals concern them selves with humane kills. Why do we (as humans) think we are so much better than the animals? Did we not all evolve from the same stuff or where we not all created by the same maker (which ever belief system you have).

People often say that humans are the only animal that can cause global extinction. I dont believe that every species of animal out there that is no longer walking the earth, where destroyed by humans. I also feel that there will be life on the earth long after humans have gone the way of the t-rex.

Of course humans kill other animals. We are predators. Our eyes face forward like other predators, our young are born weak and pathetic like other predators.

sorry I went of topic for a min there but I think its funny that humans think they are so much better than other animals. We try to put our moral code that we use for other humans on to other animals. I "think" we are the only animals that do that (I could be convinced other wise). We are super predators, nature made us this way. Why do we deny what we where born to be?

Do I try to hunt ethically? Yes cause a clean kill will allow me to have a much better chance of retrieving the food I kill. On a pest animal... I try as well cause its good practice for hunting other animals.
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