I Hate Plastic Guns.....

I have three "plastic" Ruger pistols and one Kahr. I like them. Oh, and I'll be 68 before the end of this month. :)
Sir, not only did you say it in the nicest way, you are about 95% correct.
67 here, and always been in the 5% non-conformist crowd.
Don't care what anybody says about my plastic guns. They go bang, something comes out the end, and it hits what I am pointing it at. Neither bullet, nor target really care how it got there.:D:D:D
Well, I'm 57, and shot 1911's and HiPowers, as well as Smith revolvers for decades.
But the G17 and G26 are my serious use handguns.
Just my choice...use what you like. Lots of great pistols out there.
My philosophy is simple:

Polymer guns=tools

All metal frame guns=collectible beauties

In my case this translates into polymer CCW guns (typically a Glock or Kel-Tec with the rare exception of a Beretta 21A when I am quickly taking the trash out, mowing the lawn or the like)...Conversely, my gorgeous 1911's (of course this doesn't include my Sig 1911-22's) Hi Powers (mandatory if anyone is as big a JMB fan as me), 92's (yes I think they're pretty so get over it) etc. collectibles or fine-looking pieces...

I got a kick out of the OP twist and turns if you will--quite entertaining.
My philosophy is simple:

Polymer guns=tools

All metal frame guns=collectible beauties

I have one other category that includes both.
Playthings/range toys. Includes my Walther P22, Taurus 22 Poly, Browning Buckmark, High Standard HD Military, a couple Hi-Points, Heritage Rough Riders, and various C&R, and milsurps handguns.

I have one other category that includes both.
Playthings/range toys. Includes my Walther P22, Taurus 22 Poly, Browning Buckmark, High Standard HD Military, a couple Hi-Points, Heritage Rough Riders, and various C&R, and milsurps handguns.

Never thought of it but now I just might while I am in the midst of trying to do a better job of inventorying my stuff (no, I do not have 100 firearms--wish I did, still in my 40's so who knows...). That said I do find myself surprised now and then with something I have in the safe (not quite 'Queen' territory) and haven't shot in a while.

I have a very similar "general" category I guess absent the pt-22 Poly which I keep procrastinating about...Of course I do have the pt 22-25's in metal frames which have performed just like my Beretta 21's (I like mouse-guns as well as their 'bigger-brothers' as I do not discriminate ;)).
I'm 65 and I don't hate them, I have three. A Ruger LC9 and two LCP'S that I bought for ccw's, my other 29 handguns are steel.
I just like Smith's, Colts, and Walthers a lot better than plastic..

I do find myself carrying my Smith and Wesson Model 37 snub, or my model 12 snub more often than the plastic ones though.
In late 2008, shortly before Hussein mounted to the throne, I decided it was time to acquire a “real” handgun. Couldn’t make up mind between the heavy weight and light weight contenders, so I got one of each – steel 40S&W Jericho (Baby Eagle) and 9mm Springfield XDm were brought home and introduced to the old Browning Buckmark.

My problem is different from the OP. I like both steel and polymer. Added a Kahr for concealed carry. Added a 45 ACP XDm for IDPA CDP and recently a S&W wheel gun has come home to roost.

Yep. My problem is too many great guns to like.
If you don't like plastic guns, thats fine by me. Don't buy one.
I have plastic guns, steel guns and even an aluminum gun and they all have their place.
Personally, I prefer my Glocks for self defense guns.
I never understood why anyone would cary an expensive steel gun for this purpose.
If you ever have to use it, you can be assured that regardless of the situation, you are probably going to lose your weapon, at least while the incident is being investigated.
I would much rather be without a 4 or 500 dollar Glock than to have a pretty and expensive 1911 sitting in an evidence box for who knows how long.
Plastic is both a noun and a verb.

The frame of a Springfield HD is made of a type of plastic.

The 1911 is a very plastic gun.

I'm not a hater.

I prefer all metal, though. But some of the recent offerings in polymer are very decent pieces.
Plastic is both a noun and a verb.

The frame of a Springfield HD is made of a type of plastic.

The 1911 is a very plastic gun.


Think you meant adjective...?

I'm not a hater.

I prefer all metal, though. But some of the recent offerings in polymer are very decent pieces.

No doubt. I trust my life to a Walther PPS. Plenty of recent polymer offerings are functionally superb.

I just don't get excited over the thought of buying one like I do hunting down a good, hard-to-find metal-framed gun. There are several poly pistols I'd like to own, but the list of metal-framed pistols I want more is in the hundreds (along with dozens of different revolvers). The practical needs of mine that can best be met with a poly pistol (only CCW for me) have already been covered.
Hate "plastic" guns ? So did I. I also hated Glocks, with a passion. Now, I carry a Glock 26 every day.....and I have to admit, I like it very much (like THEM, actually, as I have TWO). I find them easier to shoot well and consistently than anything else I've tried. But, yes, they are butt-ugly and have no soul. So, I have well and truly surrendered to practicality over aesthetics. Nothing like experience trumping principal.....

I still can't bring myself to have anything but disdain for plastic revolvers, however. Heck, I don't even care for aluminum- framed ones. Still, I do have to keep my all-steel wheelies oiled at all times, else surface rust appears very quickly. Polymer or alloy doesn't do that..........hmmmm. I don't care..... make my wheel-guns all-steel ! All-steel wheelies forever !
My two plastic guns are nothing but disposable concealed carry tools to me. They work great for that purpose, but I get far more shooting enjoyment out of guns made of steel and wood.
For many, it's what you grow up with. There was a time when many people looked down on pistols and clung to their revolvers. I grew up before the plastic revolution and I prefer my revolvers and revolvers to be metal. But, then again, my main use for firearms is fun. I would probably choose a Glock 19 if I needed a gun at work.
I was in the hate plastic guns group for many years. 1911 was always my platform of choice. (probably due to having carried 1 when I was an M.P.).

Well about 15 years ago I tried a Glock.... It shot and functioned flawlessly but had no sole.

I went through about 8 of them (buying,selling and trading off) over the years and still held the same feelings towards tupperware.

Then about a year and a half ago I was in the LGS and spied a Shield.
Took all of 5 minutes to decide to try one out.

This is now my preferred weapon of choice for EDC. (on really hot days I still carry my model 60)

I've put a few hundred rounds through it and it has been perfect. My Shield is definitely a keeper for CCW.

A 1911 is still my bedside weapon of choice , but that one or 1 of my others only make trips to the range now.