I bought a Mosin.

Agtman, will post something about a Garand in every single thread pertaining to a Mosin. I've come to expect it as it's almost guaranteed. I think he has a Mosin post filter set up.

Well, not quite ...

Had a Garand once. Still have four Mosins.

C'mon, let's get serious. Skip the Mosin junk. :rolleyes:

Go to CMP and get a service grade M1. Trust me, you'll never look back.

And you can thank me later. :cool:

Aww. That's it. Recently I found a chopped up Remington on armslist...I cried a little inside :( . I think I'm up to 12 myself.
I personally don't modify Mosins to the point they cannot be reversed, and generally disagree with chopping anything with major historical significance.

The biggest reason I don't do major mods is because these rifles are so excellent with the minor mods. Adjustable sights, improved trigger and bedding of some sort -- including shimming -- makes the Mosin do anything I personally need it to do.

I understand the itch to modify, though; I love 1911 pistols for this.


Any and all value will be lost with any milsurp once you make irreversible modifications. For instance, that Remington if all matching could sell north of $600. Now, It's worth $80-100 if that.
For some, resale value means very little. I for one have never sold or traded any of my guns and never will. What matters is the the owner can turn their gun into something that they like, appreciate, and fits their needs. I appreciate historical value as much as the next guy, but I enjoy knowing someone is happy with their gun the way they like it even more. To be honest, one of my peeves is seeing a wall hanger or trophy case gun sitting around collecting dust never to be fired. To me my guns or tools. I take good care of them and appreciate them very much, but when it comes down to it they have a purpose.

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The Mosin isn't a Garand, and the Garand isn't a Mosin. Neither are ARs either.
Or M1As, or.................what ever. They each have their own uses or category, I shoot mine in CMP GSM matches, The Garand has its category, and the Mosin doesn't compete with the Garand, its in the Military (other) Category.

The problem with the Mosin is not the rifle, but the shooter.

Yeah they are cheap, but they don't have to be fed cheap food.

I only paid $99 for mine. Nothing special except I went through several with a bore light and found what appeared to be the best barrel.

The Clerk tried to sell me some surplus ammo, cheap stuff. Nope, don't want it, wont shoot it, even in a $99 rifle.

They didn't have any 7.62X54R brass so I bought 100 rounds of factory Winchester Ammo. Cleaned the rifle and it shot fairly well although the sight setting didn't match the group. Easy fix. I got it where it would be on at 100 yards when set on 100 yards. The sights match the impact to 400 yards, I haven't shot it farther.

I then bought some 150 gr. Sierra .311 bullets. Didn't load them hot, I think about 2500 fps. You don't need a lot of velocity to punch holes in a NRA 200 yard paper target.

I found the thing shot pretty good. Not worth a hoot off hand, but then neither do my Garand's but that's not the guns fault.

Got some stripper clips, learned to use them. Learn tech. for working the bolt in Rapid Fire, and now, except for my being too lazy to practice off hand shooting, the rifle fires respectable scores at the CMP Vintage Rifle Matches.

The Mosin isn't a Garand, it isn't a High Power AR or a Ruger Precision Rifle either. Its a Mosin, when you put effort into learning to shoot it, and use quality ammo, loaded to fit the Mosin, its a shooter.

You can, per CMP rules put a M1917 style sling on it and would get better score in position shooting, I haven't done that, I use the sling it came with.

The Rifle is 'AS ISSUED" meaning not modified so it meets the CMP GSM Rules. I want to keep it like that.

HOWEVER: A Mosin shooter in my club showed up with a contraption I just had to try. Its a mount and scope that turns the rifle into a "scout" rifle. The pin holding the rear sight comes out, removing the rear sight then the pen holds the mount on. Allen screw are set to keep the mount solid. The whole set up cost $50 from Sportsman's Warehouse. Nothing to write home about but it does add a new detention of Fun to the rifle.

You then push out the pin, replace your rear sight, and you're back to CMP legal.

There's a reason why I USED to have a Garand & STILL have four Mosins. :)
The Mosins appeal more.
I bought one of these several years ago at a GS, they had crates of them. The barrels all had heavy grease in them, the rifles looked refurbished so I decided to get one for the heck of it. I asked if the bores were good and the seller said yeah they were great on the ones he had cleaned. So for $90 I took a chance. when I cleaned the grease out of the barrel it looked like my old dirt road after a hard winter:eek: Lesson learned
Guys don't get those Chinese junker clips.

Get some AUTHENTIC Russian stripper clips, or Polish or other European country's clips.

The ones sold on Amazon are TRASH! Sure you might get some that work okay, but most DO NOT but virtually all milsurp Euro clips for Mosins kick butt.

Thank me later!!
A Mosin shooter in my club showed up with a contraption I just had to try. Its a mount and scope that turns the rifle into a "scout" rifle. The pin holding the rear sight comes out, removing the rear sight then the pen holds the mount on. Allen screw are set to keep the mount solid. The whole set up cost $50 from Sportsman's Warehouse. Nothing to write home about but it does add a new detention of Fun to the rifle. You then push out the pin, replace your rear sight, and you're back to CMP legal.

Have that sort of "Scout-ish" set-up for hunting with a doner Garand as the basis. It's called a Mini-G, in 7.62/.308.

Immediate restorability is irrelevant to me, because I've got other full-size, unaltered (mil-spec) '06 M1s for official CMP use, like the John C. Garand Match, etc., although re-installing the Mini's original '06 barrel and full-length op rod to put it back to original "as-issued" condition is easy.

The Mini-G is a very handsome and accurate weapon. It's my sniping tool for coyotes, deer, and occasionally hogs.

Plenty of 5-rd "hunting" clips to feed it too, ... although I have plenty of 8-rd clips should a "tactical necessity" arise. ;)

C'mon, let's get serious. Skip the Mosin junk.

There you go again...

MN's were competition rifles back in the 70's and 80's...
Not the beat to shiznit ones in the military stocks...re-barreled and correctly stocked they'll shoot with the best.

This one, out the door today:


According to the customer, this one with a McGowan barrel shoots 1-1/2" at 200 yards with factory ammo:


The haters, will keep on hatin'...

If it makes ya feel any better, I'm about to start on 98 Mauser with a DBM and a Shilen .308 barrel.
This is a bit off topic, but I just sold my Mosin.

I have @100 rounds of 7.62x54R steel cased ammo that I have no need for. I think it is Tula. Some is black lacquered and some is copper washed.

If anyone wants to PM me with an offer. I will ship them out this week.

Sorry if this is in the wrong place. The B&S forum looks dead and not even active.
This is a bit off topic, but I just sold my Mosin.

Good. :cool:

In several days you'll recover your senses. You'll immediately feel better about ditching that Mosin junk.

Happily, your morale will improve and hot chicks will gravitate into your personal space at Starbucks. :eek: Really hot chicks. ;)

How much more Garand content is projected to be inserted in this Mosin thread?

Just for you, sweetie:


And another:

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Wasting your time there, you can post all the links you want till the mods remove you, and I still won't look at 'em.

You don't seem to get polite hints, do you?
If you have to blather on about the Garands incessantly, might try doing it in your own "Garand" thread.

Your opinion of the Mosins that interest the rest of us are largely irrelevant in this one.

Yes, you can spring many hundreds of dollars into a Mosin to get it to shoot well, or you can just buy a Garand or aught tree Springer. ;)
Or, you can buy an off-the-rack Mosin, with a worn bore, dump the military wood, install a Smith front sight, drop the whole thing into a Boyds stock, and outshoot a $2000 scoped FN SPR rifle at 100 yards with it.

As I did.

If you don't like Mosins, you don't like Mosins.
That's no reason to constantly dump on those who do, or to incessantly throw Garands into Mosin threads.