"I bet I could say you resisted arrest or something..."

My point is that you don't need a hokey camera, or an agenda, nor do you need to fear a cop with an agenda.

I don't think you could possibly be more wrong, Tourist. This kind of thing (cops lying, deceiving, making up charges) goes on constantly, every day, every where, and always has, from time immemorial.

The ONLY thing that caused this guy to not be just another punk breaking the law and resisting arrest (allegedly) is the VIDEO and AUDIO recording. Othewise, it's he-said, he-said, and the law will always favor those in power, absent proof to the contrary. And if he didn't have an off-site linkage, then likely the footage (tape) would have been confiscated and never seen again. In fact, there is a statement made by this officer quite clearly and explicitly, which is NOT in the transcript, where he says (paraphrasing) "I don't care about your cameras because we're gonna tow your car to the station and tear them apart."

There are many many good cops. There are also many for whom "contempt of cop" without a single thing more, will get you taken to jail, and contempt of cop can be nothing more than the TONE of your voice when you say:

"Really? What was that?" to an allegation of a moving violation.

The cop had a camera in is patrol car and was wearing a microphone. How, exactly, was he going to make up any charges against the guy? Even if the guy didn't have his own camera, the incident was taped.

That's easy. By the time the victim sues and subpoenas the tape, the departments reply will be something to the effect of "we don't have that anymore; it's on a loop and we tape over it if there's nothing noteworthy which happened" - meaning noteworthy to THEM - meaning if it helps THEM, sure they'll keep a copy; if it's detrimental to them, it's gonna disappear.
Dammit i for one am excited ... hell we found one cop on a bad night who clearly overstepped his bounds on YOUTUBE . All cops must now be crap all the time . Carry on i guess , because no explanation will fix anything , yall are like the gun grabbers , going for emotion without substance .
the only time I ever got whupped by a cop I deserved it.

Yup, that's how it works growing up in white suburbs. Get out in the real world, any MANY people are treated like this. Plus, things were different in the 1950s.
Yup, that's how it works growing up in white suburbs. Get out in the real world, any MANY people are treated like this. Plus, things were different in the 1950s.
Allright i am all aquiver for you to tell me how hillery or obama will safegurard my gun rights now .
Roflmao frist your not a bad fella on other levels , just over reactive and confused on this one . and btw my bart simpson can kick your marge simpsons' butt all day .
Dammit i for one am excited ... hell we found one cop on a bad night who clearly overstepped his bounds on YOUTUBE . All cops must now be crap all the time . Carry on i guess , because no explanation will fix anything , yall are like the gun grabbers , going for emotion without substance.

Who said ANYTHING about "all cops, all crap, all the time?" I thought we were talking about this cop, in this video?

The people who should be jumping up and down the hardest on this gun-toting thug liar are the COPS whose honor has been smeared by this sergeant for every last instant of his decades-long career of lies and intimidation under color of authority.

Bad cops are the enemies of all cops, everywhere, and it's a shame that they're not treated as such. This sergeant is just the kind of cop who wouldn't hesitate to break down your door and confiscate your guns if he thought it was a good idea, Fourth or Second Amendment be damned.

If he reacted this way to being asked what the moving violation was, imagine if the driver had had been carrying a firearm in accordance with Section 23 of the Missouri Bill of Rights?
On another board , a thread about the same incident it has been pointed out to me that i am not taking the high road , and that here is in fact room for all opinions on the issue of bad cops ( this is one imho ) . My frustration may well color my reading that some folks seek one bad example to color a profession . I know i do where Lawyers and M.D.s are concerned since i have a predigest on the professions . However i recognize my bias and dont comment for others to read on the experiances i have had with either .

If i have wrongfully offended someone my apologys , If i have offended you because that is what you said or ment to say , then screw you put me on ignore since you will like none of my posts anyway .
If the relationships between LEOs and citizens has changed to be more adversary it is a tragic loss.

I work at the sporting goods store with a retired motor officer. His last year of cycle patrol was the my first year in the club. I still tease him about cornering a Harley like a rookie steering a wheelbarrow. And he still teases me about not being "paper worthy" enough to hunt down and book.

But here's the truth. My club rode with the Blue Knights. As officers on duty, they patrolled our parties, which might have several hundred bikers.

On the sly, we invited them to return on their civilian bikes after their shift.

In a real twist of fate, Madison had quite a rep for student protests. During the day, a student might be strident against the war.

But if the protests got too bad, they called out The National Guard.

A good part of the guard were college students.

So imagine the scene as the sun went down...

The cops became bikers and the students turned into "The Man."

That's the reason they call this 'Mad City.' We're mad as hatters, but we come by the title honestly.
The cop had a camera in is patrol car and was wearing a microphone. How, exactly, was he going to make up any charges against the guy?

Easy. At 6pm, Central, the Fox Report on Fox news covered this story and related that the PD audio/video tape is missing, or can not be found. I will post a link later
The cop was a power hungry idiot who took the bait. The kid has a history of getting into arguments with cops for minor infractions. He's done it twice in St. Louis and once in one other place I can't recall from the newscast. My guess is that this isn't the first time the cop has done this; it's just the first time he got caught. He gives every other cop out there doing a professional job a black eye and makes their job that much harder.
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many folks deserve it too, like I did

Because people deserve to be arrested on made up charges for crimes they didn't commit? They deserve to have police officers commit assault on their persons? They deserve to have terroristic threats made against them?

and here I was thinking that the police were there as a part of the JUSTICE system, and people were entitled to fair trials. I guess they are there to give people what they "deserve"
This is about one specific officer. Not every officer, anywhere else.

Keep it in perspective or it's lights out.
The cop was a power hungry idiot who took the bait. The kid has a history of getting into arguments with cops for minor infractions. He's done it twice in St. Louis and once in one other place I can't recall from the newscast. My guess is that this isn't the first time the cop has done this; it's just the first time he got caught. He gives every other cop out there doing a professional job a black eye and makes their job that much harder.

Yeah, the kid has done it before, but as in this case, just what did he do to bait the cops. Did anyone see or hear anything that was out of line? I didn't see anything that would give the cop the probable cause that he claimed he had or what would justify his statements of making up charges. The kid did not appear to be speeding, fail to use signals, swerving, or driving on the wrong side of the road as claimed.

We had a black guy come through our area (north Texas) a few years ago working on a project. He wore a hidden camera. He would go to police stations at various times of the day or night and request a form to fill out a complaint against a cop. The cop on duty pressed him for details and he said that he did not want to discuss anything and that he would just like a complaint form. The cop went round and round with the guy and then announced that he was conducting an investigation and that if the guy would not comply that he would have trouble. All the while, the cop is seen unsnapping his holster and repeatedly putting his hand on his gun as if to draw.

As the black guy stated on the interview with the news, most of the time, the police are 100% terrific. In a small percentage of incidents, the cops were outright hostile toward his request to file a complaint and would either refuse to deal with him, were antagonistic, or pull a stunt like the guy he videotaped here. There was no baiting involved, just a simple request to fill out a form, sort of like Brett and parking in a commuter lot.