"I bet I could say you resisted arrest or something..."


New member
Whatever methods are being used to prevent power-hungry psychopaths from getting badges obviously aren't working.

Take a look at these two gems:



Why do these disgusting thugs do such things? Because they CAN. They know the system will back them up, they know they have a lot of sheeple on their side (because many people are conditioned to side with "power"), and they know hardly anyone will ever bother to physically fight back or take revenge. It's an ideal situation for control freaks who need to feed their egos by bullying others. :mad:
The second article is a 3 year old story that has been seen previously at TFL. The article is biased and not exactly accurate.

Not defending the cop in the first one, but the guy making the video, with a previous run in with the cops and who has installed video cameras in his vehicle, seems to be someone who drives around baiting cops until he finally got one pissed off and to say dumb things.
Sorry about the older story.

Regarding the one about the driver, I read the full transcript and watched the entire video. No baiting was done -- but even if the driver had been provocative, that would not excuse the JBT's threats to make up a reason to arrest him. A citizen, who is fully equal with those entrusted with badges, has the right to ask questions about why he is being detained.

The experience displayed demonstrates quite well the "how dare you not grovel before me, you serf" attitude that's become rampant among law enforcement. Of course, most people can't prove such things happened to them, but this kid was clever enough to do so.

The Gestapo thug was WAY out of line. His behavior is not even close to excusable.
From the transcript of the first link.

Officer #1: It's called... When you go home and you want to tell everybody, first thing you tell em, you were pulled over because you were a suspicious vehicle. In the State of Missouri, we have the right to stop anybody walking for a pat check, or stop a suspicious vehicle anytime. Okay? That was my probable cause.

Officer #1: What privacy? Not when you're out in public, you don't have the right to privacy.
Brett: Yes, I do have a right to not tell you where I'm going or what I'm doing.
Officer #1: Really?
Brett: It's the 4th Amendment right.
Officer #1: Really?
Brett: Yes it is. Violation of my rights...
Officer #1: I like this. You want me to tell you the law.
Brett: Go ahead and tell me the law.
Officer #1: If you fail to comply with my orders, my lawful orders, you have the right to go to jail. Failure to comply with a police officer.
I didn't get that either. Probable cause means that he had a reason to believe that you are probably breaking the law. How does that equate to stopping anyone at any time?

This guy is wrong. It makes me wonder how many other times this cop has framed people.

As far as the "baiting" comments, how is this baiting?

Brett: Did I commit a moving violation?
Officer #1: Yeah you did, when you were coming in here.
Brett: Really? What was that?
Officer #1: Yeah, you wanna try me? You wanna try me tonight? You think you've had a bad night? I will ruin your ****ing night.
Officer #1: You want to try me?
Officer #1: Do you wanna try me young boy? Do you want to try me tonight young boy?
Brett: No I don't.
Officer #1: Do you want to go to jail for some ****ing reason I come up with?
Brett: No I don't.
Officer #1: Do you wanna see who knows the law better, me or you. My experience compared to your young ass. Huh? Don't ever get smart mouthed with a cop again. I show you what a cop does. Do you understand me?
Brett: I don't have to say anything. I have the 5th Amendment right.
Officer #1: Do you really?
Brett: Do you know what the 5th Amendment right is?
Officer #1 Do you know what impeding the flow of a police officers duties are?
Brett: What's that? Go ahead, tell me.
Officer #1: Whenever I ask you... If I'm conducting an investigat... This is called a field investigation, if you're impeding it, you're impeding it.
Brett: You're saying, I can't refuse to answer your questions?
Officer #1: They're not incriminating are they?
Brett: You don't know that.
Officer #1: Are they incriminating?
Brett: Yes they are.
Officer #1: They are?
Brett: They could be.
Officer #1: Then are you doing something illegal here?
Brett: No I'm not.
Officer #1: Then they are not incriminating.
Got to love it. You can't exercise your right against self-incrimination without incriminating yourself by claiming to be a criminal and thus subject to said right. Brings to mind the Hiibel case.

I don't care what attitude this kid was showing, nothing excuses threats to manufacture charges because the cop was upset.
Not defending the cop in the first one, but the guy making the video, with a previous run in with the cops and who has installed video cameras in his vehicle, seems to be someone who drives around baiting cops until he finally got one pissed off and to say dumb things.

Baiting. Yeah, cops NEVER do that.
Boy, you guys have got to start spending time with some real bad boys.

First off, as my Dad used to say, good things are good because they are good. (Yes, that idoim loses something in the English translation, but you get the point.)

If the charges against you are valid, then the police will arrest you. They won't bore you to death with their life story or scare you into admitting your life story. Lawyer up, let them put on the bracelets and enjoy the ride to booking. Sometimes they run the siren.

Secondly, The Constitution is a good thing, as well. You have rights, use them.

My point is that you don't need a hokey camera, or an agenda, nor do you need to fear a cop with an agenda.

As I have learned from having LEO's as my clients, clearly 99% are good guys. They have a job to do that is increadingly dangerous. Some wear body armor 24/7, a condition different than a dozen years ago.

By their own admission, they too have 1%ers. They tar the entire concept or decent law enforcement and should be winnowed out quickly.

How do I know? I got arrested in 1979 by one of the most decent men I have ever met. I exercised my rights and my case went to trial. We kept in touch, and I grew to like this guy.

Ten years later I was a credit manager of a smaller long distance reseller, a job that included building security. Not having a background in this area, I called the very cop who arrested me.

He acted as a consultant, helping me with photography and protecting a crime scene, and doggoneit, we became friends.

Forget the hocus-pocus. Act like a polite adult.
My point is that you don't need a hokey camera, or an agenda, nor do you need to fear a cop with an agenda.

Officer #1: Do you want to go to jail for some ****ing reason I come up with?
Brett: No I don't.

Yeah...don't need to fear the cop with an agenda and a gun and the ability to make up something to charge you with. Gotcha.
Manedwolf said:
Yeah...don't need to fear the cop with an agenda and a gun and the ability to make up something to charge you with. Gotcha.

And the alternative is...

If a crooked cop is going to shoot you, plant evidence, try and scare a confession out of you or just plain roust you, he will.

Sooner or later he has to book you or release you. And it's really difficult to get anything to stick when there's a mark on your face but not on your knuckles.

Truth be told, a crooked cop undoubtedly has a 'history' and real cops hate the guy as much as you do. Use your rights.
"If you fail to comply with my orders, my lawful orders, you have the right to go to jail."

At least the "cop" - and I use the term loosely - knew that the orders had to be "lawful" even if he didn't have the slightest clue what that means.
mvpelknew said:
that the orders had to be "lawful"

And reasonable.

Thirty years ago, my club got together for a weekend ride. One of our members needed something from his bike, and left the saloon to get it, carrying his beer outside.

He got out of the bar about ten steps and was immediately arrested by Barney Fife. The level-headed guys in our club told the 'felon' to relax and our officers would bail him out and help with any court issues.

A few hours later, our member returned, chagrined but free. It seems the cop's superiors weren't really very impressed in trying to book "a biker with a beer."

Yikes, who's ever heard of that!

But while we laugh now, imagine if someone would have lost their temper. It would take only one over-zealous biker to toss a beer can or incite the club to surround the squad car. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed.

By the way, that member is still known by the knickname "Handcuffs."
It's possible for a cop making up stories to completely trash your life. That's the plain truth, and I've seen it happen.
Just ask Kathryn Johnston. Actually, you will have to ask her next of kin. Remember the Atlanta no knock raid? The FBI investigation into the Atlanta police department revealed that Atlanta police routinely lied to obtain search warrants, including often falsifying affidavits.

The FBI and ATF crime labs have been caught suppressing and falsifying evidence and lab tests.

What about the Duke Lacrosse case?

The reports become more frequent and more outrageous.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. There is enough evidence out there to make me believe that there is a large percentage of bad cops out there. I would say at least 10%.
"JBT's threats"

Neither my father nor me made any threats. How dare you say that. ;)


P.S. - Okay, back to the usual useless cop bashing.
Maybe it's because I'm in my 50's and don't look anything like a gangbanger wanna-be or a hardcore ex-con that my contacts with LE are usually pretty professional.

Well, most of them. I had an encounter that started off like this in a nearby city with a name like a mountaintop vista. I was waiting outside a closed restaurant to give a lady assistant manager a ride home, reading a book in my car. It was about 11:30pm and I told him I was giving a ride to the asst. manager. The cop started using profanity, calling me a liar and an a--hole and when I didn't answer one of his questions he wanted to know why.

"Officer, I refuse to answer any more questions due to your use of profanity, vulgarities and insults. It's unprofessional and inappropriate." The word "surprise" doesn't quite fit the look on his face. :D

I was saved from my own folly when my lady friend came out, locked the place up and asked what was going on. He gave back my ID and told me not to be "a f---ing smarta-- next time." My lady friend lit into him with a verbal tongue lashing that should've stripped the paint off his car! :eek: (without a single expletive!) When we drove off, she insisted on stopping at the PD building. She made it clear to the watch commander that his conduct was unacceptable and unprofessional. The W.C. told the desk officer to have the officer report to him and then assured us that the officer's would be reprimanded.
We have a badged up bully boy like that on the local PD here. Nothing will happen to him. The other toy brains will cover for him and each other until they retire only to be replaced by even worse punks with badges.
The cop had a camera in is patrol car and was wearing a microphone. How, exactly, was he going to make up any charges against the guy? Even if the guy didn't have his own camera, the incident was taped. The cop has to be remarkably stupid to say what he said knowing he was taping himself.
Everybody who has ever been charged by that cop and convicted for anything ought to appeal their conviction. As far as I am concerned, none of his testimony, past or future, has any credibility.