I am considering Carrying a gun-No CCW

I would be surprised if anyone here condoned you breaking the law.

In fact, they ought not to, even if they would like to, since IINM, that would be a violation of forum rules.

The first thing I would do is apply for a CCW, so you've at least TRIED to do it by legal means, but were turned down. Make sure you document with an attached, typewritten paper, the incidents that have occurred. Then, if you are turned down, appeal that decision to the appropriate forum/tribunal, if you can afford to do so.

Failing that, and barring voting with your feet (moving), and *IF* it weren't a violation of forum rules to do so, then I'd tell you, having been robbed twice, and seen your friend killed, to go ahead and carry, the law be damned, but only at times (even if on a regular or daily basis) where the risk of danger is very high, relative to the risk of being caught. And conceal it well - something like a smartcarry rig or tuckable IWB. But since I can't, I'm not telling you to do that. I would personally, but I'm not telling you that you should. Can you tell I'm a lawyer? Good luck. Move to arizona.
Jeff, I'm from Illinois so I sympathize with you. I do have a PA handgun license, doesn't do any good here though. IANAL, but have you considered getting your residence changed to an Iowa county that is more carry friendly. I understand for some sheriffs it is almost "shall issue". Remember George Herbert Walker Bush (#41) his legal residence while president was a motel address in Texas I understand, spent a couple weeks a year there. Find out what the requirements are for legal residence. You might just need to change voter registration and drivers license addresses.
ccw question

This is a risky way to live and think, but no gov. anywhere has the right to tell you how you can and can't defend yourself responsibly.[Useing a VX nerve gas grenade to stop a mugger is not responsible]In the U.S this right is supposed to be protected by the 2nd Ammendment.So in the Moral World you have the right to carry any firearm any way that wish.All "gun laws" are B.S. with the exception of those punishing people knowingly possesing stolen firearms.Illegally possesing a weapon is not moraly wrong in any way,Having stolen property is.Unfortunately this is not the popular opinion of most D.A.s and judges in the U.S. So if you choose to posess a weapon in a way that is dubbed "Illegal" localy be carefull but don't feel guilty.
Do you absolutely have to carry concealed?? You stated in your post the need to protect your family. Why cant you carry a loaded handgun in open view for that purpose? Am I over-simplifying it or maybe not in tune with the lower 48?

A side note: Should you decide to move one day, Alaska is always looking for fire fighters. No silly gun laws and great quality of life. The pay is high and living costs pretty low compared to other places Ive been. I moved to Florida once and almost starved. I couldn't live in a right to work state but thats another subject...:rolleyes:
didn't read all 5 pages so i don't know if this was said already but if tasers are legal get one of those ones that shoot the two prongs. we used them in iraq in the prison(not abu ghraib) and DAM do they work good as long as their is only one attacker. ours was an x27. we actually used to dry tase each other, taking the cartridge out that shoots and they will still put you on your ass if you get it in the right spot(chest and back are very effective) anyways they have a laser sight and trust me are very accurate, my friend fired one at a detainee during a riot and anticipated it to drop so he aimed a little high, actually at his head, and it didn't drop even a mm, got him in trouble, unfortunately more trouble than the guy he shot that was stabbing another detainee with a shank :confused: and they have a distance of 21 feet or so.
supreme5101, visit the library link in the navbar at the top of the page. The first three links under the TFL logo should give you a pretty good overview of the gun climate in each of the states.