Huckabee For Me!


New member
After reading other candidates statements and considering thier views, I will likely throw my support to Huckabee. He kicked butt in Iowa and has great support and momentum. Be people saying they are not going to vote because they don't like the field, they are surely going to land a democrat in the oval office. You can bet your bottom dollar that Obamba and Clinton will pull out minorities and women to vote by reaching for their emotional vote and a lot of them wont know or care about the issues. This scares the hell out of me. We need to pull together and try to get a pro 2A person in the job.

Check out what Huckabee stands for by following links from my website:
Steve, it's good to see you post more often. I remember when you just started your membership here. Hope to see more involvment in the future and ideas exchanged...

I'm still on the fence on Huckabee. Thompson is in the mix still for me. However, the current trend with him being active in campaigning has me concerned that he's not serious on serving as our president. But, I will keep an open mind on what you'd like to bring to the table about Huckabee or any other candidate....
So you're ok with a guy that doesn't believe in evolution?
A guy that released a murder for political gain?
Who was ok with forcing a 12 year old child to carry her rapists seed to term.

But you know Huckabee loves the baby Jesus so it's all good.

Oh about kicking butt in Iowa.

Percentage of total vote
24.5% Obama
20.5% Edwards
19.8% Clinton
11.4% Huckabee (R)
My mom and I are voting for Huckabee when the time comes....

I think McCain is ok, too, but the only problem with him is that he supports the AWB
Isn't Huckabee's plan (as governor) to give children of illegal immigrants instate tuition great!!! - NOT!!!

Not really true. If the children met many rigid conditions, yes they would receive some tuition relief. One condition was that they needed to be in Arkansas schools since age five! Another, that they be superior students.

Huckabee's comment that "we're a better county than that" to discriminate against the children of illegals, based on what their parents did showed compassion and moderation.

His ability to communicate to average folks is what is currently making him a winner.

I will be the first to state he is not perfect. I choose a candidate that fulfills my specific needs and you can also do the same. I don't necasarily have the pro life attitudes that strict rebublicans do, however, they is no middle road person (ie Independent) that would stand a chance. As a result, I can accept a pro life candidate that is is line with my other beliefs.

Tell me who is better and why and guess what?? I will explore that person and then decide if I agree -- But for now and for ME, Its Huckabee.
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If Huckabee gets the nomination he has my vote. The same for the other Republican candidates, except the Mad Doctor (but I don't see him getting close). I would take any of them over Obama or Hillery.
I'm going Huckabee right now.
He's the only one that's even close for me.
I'm orginally from NYC and you know it ain't Rudy.

But a few months ago I made a prediction that none of the starters would be there at the end. I'm not sure I was wrong.
What a horrible group of candidates on both sides.

What a horrible group of candidates on both sides.
It's been a lotta years since there was a candidate worth voting FOR and not just a candidate that wasn't as bad as his competitors.
Buzzcook said:
So you're ok with a guy that doesn't believe in evolution?
I don't believe in evolution so yes, I'm okay with him. Do you have a problem with that?
Buzzcook said:
A guy that released a murder for political gain?
He released a rapist, not a murderer, and regrets doing so. You're all ready to chuck that first stone, aren't you.
Buzzcook said:
Who was ok with forcing a 12 year old child to carry her rapists seed to term.
It was a 15 year old girl and he didn't force her to do anything. Her guardian wanted the abortion to be paid for by Medicaid. He simply upheld the state constitution's ban on using tax dollars to pay for abortion.

Keep pushing those half-truths, though, Buzz. You're doing a great job. :rolleyes:

Any of the Democratic contenders is a better choice than any of the Republicans.
I'll give a shout out to Ron Paul but he ain't going to win.

We are replacing the most corrupt and destructive administration in the history of the nation. I don't think that putting someone from the same party in office is a good idea. I especially don't think replacing Bush with someone who thinks Bush was divinely selected is a good idea at all.
There will eventually be a day when an Idependent candidate has enough momentum and money for the mainstream Americans to buy into. Until then, most people vote on emotion and are totally clueless as to any issues at stake. This is why this election has so much at stake. I have no objection to someone winning the vote whether they are female, black or of any other race if they are the best qualified and share my desires and goals in life. I DO OBJECT to a woman or black being elected because it 'feels good' or 'the time is right'. I dont want this thread to get ugly either as it was not meant to be racist or sexist in any way. I want what is best for this country and my family. I dont care about feel goodys, because that doesn't offer me or anyone else security and prosperity.
Buzzcook said:
I especially don't think replacing Bush with someone who thinks Bush was divinely selected is a good idea at all.
Once again, you are being intellectually dishonest in your posting. It is obvious to all but the most obtuse leftist that the phone call was entertainment, not serious.

Oh, and I love your source, Buzzcook, which is owned by one of the left-most thinktanks in Washington D.C. No bias there... :rolleyes: :barf:
I think it is clear where buzzcock lies - I wouldn't waste the type. For some, there is no hope. I was at least thinking he was progun and was going to select the best republican in his mind, but to admit to voting Democrat because you are mad at Bush is just not right.
On the plus side is his 2A stance. On the minus side is his stand on illegal immigration and prison pardons. A minus (-1) score for me. Not the worst, but near the worst of the Repubs.
I wouldn't mind seeing some African-American men elected President.


Larry Elder


Dr. Thomas Sowell


Walter E. Williams

Some others I would not.


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We are replacing the most corrupt and destructive administration in the history of the nation. I don't think that putting someone from the same party in office is a good idea. I especially don't think replacing Bush with someone who thinks Bush was divinely selected is a good idea at all.

LOL! You're kidding, right? Most corrupt and destructive in history..... you must have used that superior logic to "overlook" Klinton, Carter, and FDR, right?

I don't like Bush either, but all Klinton II, Obama, and the other D's are going to bring is socialism, illegal alien bennies, and gun grabbing. Most of you people that are so hung up on hating Bush still talk about him as if he's running in the coming election.... can't get over it, huh? Switching to the D's isn't going to change anything.... unless you like the traits mentioned above. I love the link to your communist think tank too.... nice touch. ;)