How would you handle this encounter?

The whole premise of this thread made me wonder how many people were answering the door armed yesterday.

Funny you mention that. Had to work late last night and the little woman had specific instructions not to go outside to take the dog out after dark. Our city did their trick or treating last night and it is typical for the 16-20 year old crowd to not only do so, but also to stay out much later causing trouble.

I think she could handle 1 with no problem, but a group with a gang mentality going...I'd rather not take the chance. Can only hypothesize what would occur should I ever come home to that and none of the outcomes are good - for anyone
Several years ago in a rural area where “nothing bad ever happens here and we sleep with our doors unlocked” an entire family was murdered. Donaldsonville, Georgia, 1975 IIRC, if you want to check it out.

That changed the attitude and practices of everyone there.

When abroad I carry concealed. At home I have a .357 holstered on my waist and visible. When I answer the door the family, neighbors, and friends know they’re not likely to get shot (well, a couple of them might worry a bit).

Horse meat peddlers and used motor oil pavers don’t hang around after a plain “NO”.

I suppose word got around because it’s been years since one showed up.

The Jehovah’s Witness have all been women. I invite them to sit on the porch, offer coffee, tea, or Coke (the drink) and talk to them. I’m a single male so I hesitate to invite them in; the porch is huge with nice tables, over head fans, and padded chairs. Being Texans, the gun doesn’t seem to bother them; they're likely carrying too. I like to hear what they have to say and, generally, have an interesting conversation although I make known that I’ll not join their denomination. Their pamphlets do have some interesting articles which many times make sense.

Also, they’re usually my age but none have said they’re single and rich so I don’t push that line. Now if one shows up who IS single and rich....

And has a nice boat, motor, and trailer….

For the Irishman who asked if it’s really that bad here:
As one responded; this is a gun forum so a lot of gun talk gets discussed here and preparation for self defense. There are many who carry but don’t post on these forums but it’s known that a high percent of the people are armed.
No, it’s not that bad here and those are the reasons why.

As for door knockers, the ones who really scare me are the Girls Scouts. They’re robbing me blind.
Being as even when i am at home, as long as I have my clothes on, my weapon is on me, I would go answer the door, of course I would have my left hand close to my weapon, this is the way i always answer the door, as it has become second nature to me. Everyone who knows me knows I have it on me, including our UPS, and Fed-Ex drivers, who I have been dealing with for years and know by name, usually hollers and tells me who it is as soon as they hear me coming to the door.