How would you handle this encounter?

I can't remember the last time I read about the fake Fed-Ex guy actually having a Fed-Ex truck....I think i would just go right out.

Also, both the UPS and Fex-Ex guys have normal times when they show up. If it was vastly outside of the normal window I MIGHT be a little more cautious.
I live in the country, have about 2 acres fully dog proffed fence and keep two big dogs running loose. On a dirt road and second from the dead end with a gate out front thats 100% locked at all times. The fed ex driver either leaves packages by the road or alot of times the drop off packages at my P.O. box in town so I never have to worry about or deal with people knocking at my door. But if I see someone at the gate I almost always have a handgun just in case but thats only about once every nine months or so.
I usually know when deliveries are due, so I would likely know if I was expecting the Fedex guy. If not, I might be a little more suspicious. While I don't normally carry, I usually have a sturdy light and knife in my pocket anyway, so no I doubt I would go retrieve a firearm.
In defense of witnessing

TX_QtPi said:
funny, I just had the J-witness come to the door, I have 4 pit-bulls that are cross trained for obedience and protection, so no worries getting the door with out my pistol in hand (though if it's after dark and there is an unexpected knock at the door I do keep it drawn when I answer).
But this J-witness guy had a can of pepper spray in his hand when I answered, so as he starts his speech and putting the pepper spray away to hand me his pamphlet I interrupted and asked him what he intended to do with that (pepper spray)
he LAUGHED it off and said since he heard the dogs he got it out as a precaution. I told him, "I'm sorry but if I wanted my dogs to take you down they would have already."
My dogs are my kids and they are trained to protect me, and I'm thinking what nerve of this guy to think he would pepper spray a dog to hand out his pamphlets!
dood, you're uninvited, you're not making your living this way, and you're not delivering something I ordered so if ya hear the dogs, back away...cause either you'll find the wrong end of a hand gun in your face or you'll be dog chow... same goes for the would be criminals, disguised or not.
Dude! Jehovah's Witnesses may not be making a living, but it is their job. They are called by God to perform this job. At least they believe so, and I respect their right to do it. (Just as I expect Sarah Brady to respect my right to keep and bear arms.) It's the law. They have a right to invite you to converse with them (unless you have posted your property as a no proselytizing zone).

It also is their right to protect themselves against dogs that are strangers to them. Your erstwhile guests did not know that your dogs are well-trained. How much sense does it make for you to take exception to them carrying pepper spray when you would not wish for them to take exception to you carrying a gun with you when you go to their church (supposing that you decide to check it out)?

They weren't carrying spray to hand out pamphlets. They were carrying spray to protect themselves. To object to their right to protect themselves while going about their calling is a little too close to the anti-gunners' desire to disarm me while going about my daily activities.

Lost Sheep
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No, I never answer my door with a handgun.


Because I have heavy plate glass sidelights, and if there is even the slightest suspicion on my part, I carry the converstion through those plate glass windows. I can either say "leave the box by the door," open my door to friends, family, or neighbors, or tell whoever is offering to clean my gutters that he has 5 seconds before I get my gun.

I know, he may have a shotgun and toast me as I stand there. What are the chances that a person will come to my door and just shoot me through the glass? That's an acceptable level of risk.

If that person tries to force entry or displays a weapon, I have a rifle in a closet about 10 feet away. I have seen quite enough premeditation to legally justify killing this guy if he comes into my home. He approached, knocked on my door, and after being given instructions that did NOT include "hey, come on in," he forced entry.

No, I won't be calling 911. The nearest phone is in another room far away, and inaccessible from that closet. No, I will not retreat, there is nowhere to go. once the perp comes through the door it is stand and deliver time. No other options that don't include being left totally at the mercy of someone who just illegally entered my home.

youngunz4life said:
How would you handle this encounter?
I was wondering how you all would handle this scenario below? Would it depend on your mood?
If it depended on my mood, then I would worry about myself. My tactical response SHOULD NOT depend on my mood. (I recognize that my mood will color my thinking, after all, I am human, but mood is the LAST thing that should decide my actions.)

The neighborhood and town I live in is not so dangerous that home invasions and such are statistically significant. So, I would likely just open the door.

Actions/response are almost totally situation-dependent. When the situation has called for it I have responded with phone, flashlight (not only provides light, but a 4-cell Mag-light is a handy club and less provocative than a real club) and gun, but that is rare.

Lost Sheep
Dude! Jehovah's Witnesses may not be making a living, but it is their job. They are called by God to perform this job. At least they believe so, and I respect their right to do it. (Just as I expect Sarah Brady to respect my right to keep and bear arms.) It's the law. They have a right to invite you to converse with them (unless you have posted your property as a no proselytizing zone).

It also is their right to protect themselves against dogs that are strangers to them. Your erstwhile guests did not know that your dogs are well-trained. How much sense does it make for you to take exception to them carrying pepper spray when you would not wish for them to take exception to you carrying a gun with you when you go to their church (supposing that you decide to check it out)?

They weren't carrying spray to hand out pamphlets. They were carrying spray to protect themselves. To object to their right to protect themselves while going about their calling is a little too close to the anti-gunners' desire to disarm me while going about my daily activities.

That isn't how it works.
If you come onto my property and pepper spray my dogs, you WILL be riding in the back of the sheriffs car to the pokey.
I resent the hell out of people that want to come onto my piece of land and try to tell me how to live. It just isn't happening.

The last bunch that came here wouldn't get out of the car. My Dobie can look straight into the drivers window of a passenger car. He wanted me to "put my dog up". Dammit wasn't barking or growling, just staring.
I told him we don't want any and be on your way. They left.
I know when I'm expecting a package and I know the drivers so I'll answer the door, no weapon.

An unexpected door caller is usually some political BS or petition signing or a kid selling magazines to get to college. I don't even answer the door. They all get the peek treatment just to be sure it's not someone I know that I'm not expecting.
Rights and ...

Ditto_95 said:
If you come onto my property and pepper spray my dogs, you WILL be riding in the back of the sheriffs car to the pokey.
I resent the hell out of people that want to come onto my piece of land and try to tell me how to live. It just isn't happening.
That is your right, and I defend your right to live your life as you see fit.

I apologize to the forum for detouring the thread.

Thanks for reading.

Lost Sheep
If I have a gun nearby I may slip it in my back pocket before I even check who's at the door. But I won't go out of my way to arm myself if I see a delivery truck in the street and a delivery guy on my doorstep.

While we're on the subject, if I ever looked out the peephole of my front door and saw someone or something that made me want to go grab a gun, I probably won't be opening the door at all.
Someday, do the window peek with a mask. and a weapon.

I did that once. I was working on the house, wearing a full respirator, a ball cap and glasses. I had a cloth pulled over my face. And, I had a drywall hammer.

I didn't know the face through the peephole, and opened the door in a gas mask, dark goggles, bandana, and a butcher's apron full of nails and tool belt.

"hello, I'm representing the **** candidate, and I'd like to hear about your concerns."

"sure, why don't you come in? I'll fix coffee and cookies."

He wouldn't come in.
I have a pistol on me, usually IWB, to answer the door, simply because most legitimate visits are during hours when I would be armed, anyway. I pick a handgun up and place it IWB or in a pocket if the knock or ring is unexpected. My hand might even be on it if it is late or I have another reason to have the willies. If I am expecting a package and I know the person delivering it, I don't make a point of arming myself, just as if an invited friend shows up. But if I don't know what is going on and am not expecting anyone, I make a point of being armed.

People selling goods, services, or religious views, in person or by telephone, get one, but only one, polite decline. If someone persists after I have politely declined, they just became rude and I don't feel any obligation to be hospitable to rude people. (I have never drawn a gun on a telephone solicitor ;), but don't you just want to blast the !@#$ telephone sometimes?)
Someday, do the window peek with a mask. and a weapon.

I did that once. I was working on the house, wearing a full respirator, a ball cap and glasses. I had a cloth pulled over my face. And, I had a drywall hammer.

I didn't know the face through the peephole, and opened the door in a gas mask, dark goggles, bandana, and a butcher's apron full of nails and tool belt.

"hello, I'm representing the **** candidate, and I'd like to hear about your concerns."

"sure, why don't you come in? I'll fix coffee and cookies."

He wouldn't come in.

that's funny:D TX pitbull post had me rolling too + MLeake's:cool:

If I don't recognize the vehicle or the person, than I am at least somewhat suspicious. I have ignored them before, but then I wanted to tell them not to come back and/or once I missed an important call. The non-chalant no trespassing signs have worked wonders. In the state where I grew up in, people didn't just show up asking for their services to be accepted. Like my mom-in-law said the first time, "I don't do 'drive-bys'. I'll take her word for it.
Last time I had some religious group knock on my door, I was asleep. I'm not happy about being woken up, ever. I've thrown an unopened can of soda at someone for that once. Well, my brilliant arrogance decided to just swing the door open wearing only my boxers. I did NOT expect it to be two women. Well, their oddly polite and red cheeked smiles didn't work when all I could mutter were the words "No, I have my own religion, leave". Also helped that my hair, which is fairly long, made me look like a mad man. Haven't seen any since...

Who needs a gun when you can answer naked and scare people off? :D
Well, tonight I'm going to fire up my router and grab a board. Tomorrow, there will be a new sign next to my door.

I answer my door

I see a huge fortune to be made on Ebay.
Well, considering that I also carry at home, I'd just peek through the window to make sure it's the UPS/FedEx delivery person and answer the door. Heck, I'm even adventurous enough to do the same for the mailman.
If you are at the point in your thinking where you go and get your gun to answer the door, shouldn't you also have passed the decision point to purchase body armor to throw on in those situations ?
Ditto95, really if someone walks onto your property and your dogs attack or try to, that person has every right by law even on your own property to spray or even kills your own dogs to prevent an attack from happening. I know i sure would. And under those circumstances nothing would happen. By I'm like you i have two big dogs and keep my gate locked at all times so if anyone comes onto my property their trespassing and they have to handle it however they see fit. But to have a open yard and seeing Avon or whatever, i sure wouldn't be attacked if i could help myself even if it is your yard. Same thing if you had kids that went to neighbors to play with their kids and their dogs mauled your kids. Neighbors say well it's kids fault because it happened I'n our yard! Neighbors may say that but i believe cops and lawyers say different.
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