How would you handle this encounter?

That isn't how it works.

Sure it is...

If your dog attacks someone in your yard, you are liable. They can protect themselves from your dogs all they want and be within their rights to do so. And personally, I carry 90% of the time and I will shoot a dog that attacks me regardless of where I am.

As far as answering the door, I usually check to see who it is and if unknown, I begin by talking to them thru the door while determining whether to open the door with my hand on the j-frame.
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I can't remember the last time I read about the fake Fed-Ex guy actually having a Fed-Ex truck....I think i would just go right out.


Well I might add that maybe you could wear some kind of insulated suit just in case lighting struck close while out there:rolleyes:
I tought it was bad living in N Ireland where thousands have being killed in a 30 year terrorist campaign. But i have never felt the need to go to the front door carrying a gun.
Is it that bad in America. ?
The Sheriffs department and the State Trooper that live near me know my dogs don't bite. I'll take my chances.

Small town living is great.:)
I don't know why people seem to feel obligated to open their door just because someone knocked on it. My door is like my phone. If I don't know/am not expecting anyone I just don't answer. If I'm near the door, I may look out the window, but more than likely, I'll just ignore it.

When I DO answer the door, I'm armed, but that's because, well... I'm always armed. ;)
carry all the time

Hello everybody, im new here, this is my first reply.
In this scenario or basically everytime i go to the door i have my firearm in my iwb holster(on my belt), for that matter everytime i go to the bathroom i have it on I figure its better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. I also have a large dog that barks as soon as anybody knocks or rings the door bell (her bark is worse than her bite). I try to carry 24/7, i have several concealable firearms to carry but find my hammerless .38 with me majority of the time. (its very light and comfy)
I have a general purpose machine gun set up and pointed at the front door just in case the wrong person comes to the door. Tyring to get a couple of claymores for the garden. LOL :D
any of you dudes that doesn't have a remington master blaster 8 bore kiln gun loaded with the 3 ounce slugs mounted on the gables of your home is gonna look like a complete freakin idiot when the zombies come to bust down your door with the armored car that they stole.

I got one mounted in the hay loft of my barn in case of rustlers, bobcats, and the occasional sasquatch that comes wandering through eatin my cows.

It didn't cost much, I paid for it with the proceeds of 3 sasquatch skull sales.

(reproductions. It ain't legal to sell real sasquatch skulls. the real ones are nailed to my barn door to scare off the rest of them.)
I can see opening the door unarmed for J-witnesses, but if I see either the Amish or the Quakers coming - I get out my bullet proof vest (and groin protector).

If it's the Amish I also put my hair in a hair net and tuck it up under my Kevlar helmet. I don't know how to protect my beard from those clip-happy bastards, but if I see they're carrying an Oster, a Wahl or a Braun trimmer - I've got my hand on my J-Frame.

Also - just like faux UPS and Fed-Ex drivers - just because some guy looks like the guy on the box of oatmeal doesn't mean he's not out to kill you.

(in before the lock)
I actually like land mines in my driveway and on the paths leading to the doors of my house. My wife and I know where they're planted, but the FedEx and UPS guys don't. That's if they can get through the perimeter fence, that is a bit of a hurdle.

(in before the lock, too ;) )
From the practical to the sublime to the ridiculous

manta49 said:
I tought it was bad living in N Ireland where thousands have being killed in a 30 year terrorist campaign. But i have never felt the need to go to the front door carrying a gun.
Is it that bad in America. ?

No, not really. There are certain neighborhoods and times of day in those areas where being armed may be advisable. If you live there, maybe carrying 24/7 at home might be a good idea, along with other precautions, like high-quality locks, keeping your yard highly visible, alarms on your doors and windows, etc.

Then there are the people. Consider that a fireams-related forum will have a higher percentage of gun-carrying people than the general population. Also consider that many who have responded here appear to live in rural areas where a call for assistance to the local law enforcement might involve a very long wait for them to arrive. I live in a state where some areas are served by the State Troopers and response to a life-threatening situation could take hours or days. (This is extreme, but you get the idea.) But, then you are more likely to be attacked on the main street of the town by a moose than a mugger. I live in Anchorage, which is much like any medium-sized city, but our criminals are probably better armed than elsewhere.

Unless I miss my guess, in Ireland, the violence is more ideological and institutional than personal or criminal. The nature of the threat dictates the nature of the preparation and the response.

I hope my viewpoint makes us seem less sanguine on this side of the pond.


Lost Sheep

p.s. There seems to be a bit more slagging going on in this thread than most, so read carefully. I see from your latest post that you get it.
I often work late and the lady and I have take out delivered at least twice a week. On top of that we're always ordering stuff online so there is a steady flow of people coming to our door.

I'll admit that if I'm expecting a package i'm not too cautious. If it's my normal UPS or FedEx guy I'm not cautious. I will tell you that when these random guys from various pizza places come to my door I am armed. My 226 is almost always on my hip. I can't legally carry here in IL but I put it on as soon as I walk in the door and when I answer the door my LCP is typically in my pocket.
I'll tell you someting, if I hear someone ring, and then hammer on the door, there will be a gun in my hand within 3 seconds.

First, the ring/knock/smash is a common thing here. burglars will knock like thunder to make sure that nobody is home.

Second, I generally heap fire on their heads when I get out to the door and am offered gutter cleaning services, and seriously, part of that is to see if they will come into the home after me. It really bothers me to let someone that I suspect is a burglar keep going until he finds an empty home, or even a child at home all alone.

Yahh, I know, I'm begging for a fight. Of course I am. Better me, I figure, than any one of the people whom I know and love in this neighborhood.
I hear that Brian, because I always see other 'possible' motives whether wrong or imagined. Someone like my wife is too trusting, so we balance each other off in the middle. I am not a big fan of those drivebys hey, "I saw your gutters..." you get my point. that one dude sitting in the truck tipping back a coca cola beeping his horn was a trip. I thought he was provoking me but I never said anything but did eyeball his license plate(bought tresspass signs after). turns out what the heck do I know, I was told he did that to be respectful and to seem unimposing later by people who understand such etiquette. Guy just trying to make a living I guess, so that's why I was never rude(I give people the benefit of the doubt).

You know they never seem to take the cigs with them. cigarettess are always good clues because someone put it wasn't magic, seriously as a guest just use your ashtray but I guess my mom was right, "paybacks a bitch"
If I answer the door with my clothes on that means I am carrying concealed and will go to the door with my gun, if I answer the door naked, that will be deadly force enough!
Some seriously paranoid people out there, I see. I receive several FedEx and UPS deliveries each week, and have never felt threatened. I also have pizza delivered, have proselyters knock on my door, and the occasional yard care guy trying to sell me landscape maintenance. Maybe I need to use a gun on the last one, but the pizza guy is my friend.

I can see that either I am unafraid and choose to live my life in a manner that does not make me a victim in my own mind,
I am naive in assuming I live in a safe area,
I am in denial as to the threat level presented by the average FedEx worker.

If the FedEx guy looked like a threat to me, I would just let him drop the package off and go back to his truck before I open the door and scurry out to grab it. Then I would go take another Prozac and call my doctor again.