How would you concealed carry in a kayak?

I carry in mine but only because I have a decent walk to my cove or if I drive somewhere I don't want to leave my gun in the car. I fish from mine so my pistol fits neatly in one of the many pockets in my lifevest. Still I wouldn't bother to use it for critters, that's what the paddle is for (well one of the things).
I can't imagine any weapon short
of a shotgun with birdshot
killing a python.

Any gunshot to the head should kill it. Since they are not venomous or poisonous the threat is them suffocating you. I think many calibers would be effective of diverting them from trying to coil on you. Once they cool on you I would assume a large knife is best at that point. I wonder what the people in Fla that hunt them typically use
I don't carry now that I live up north, but when I used to live on the gulf down south, I carried a NAA 22 mag on me when kayaking, fishing on the jetties, and surf fishing.
I wonder what the people in Fla that hunt them typically use

A good pellet rifle can kill them. At our hunt camp we would shoot cottonmouth's, rattle snakes, and copperheads with our shotguns and birdshot. The head is removed this way. It litterally disappears. I've used rifles and handguns as well its just harder to hit them.

One time I was leaving my hunting spot after a cold morning of hunting. The trail leading out to the road had me walking through saw grass with ankle twisting cypress knees and intermided muddy areas OR I could hop up on this huge fallen tree to get most of the way through. I loved that tree LOL. Anyway as I go to hop up and use this tree there is a coiled up copperhead sitting in the circle of sun rays that was hitting that area. I shouldered my shotgun preparing to give it a blast of buckshot and then decided that this could be a use your revolver moment. Stupid me. I pull my super redhawk and try to aim while putting one index finger in my ear and use my shoulder to plug the other ear. This to avoid the tremendous noise about to blow my ear drums. I pull the trigger and the snake is pushed off the log some 6ft into the saw grass. I immediately hop onto the log then jump into the grass to recover the body to show my father and other hunters. The snake was gone. Now I'm standing in knee high grass with a ticked off snake near by. Pretty sure I hit under the snake barking it up and out into the grass. From then on its my shotguns duty if that option is available.

Stohlquist Fisherman
I carry in my dry bag stowed behind the seat, I'm more concerned about 2 legged vermin than any wild creature.

My sons and I kayak the streams and rivers in Arkansas a lot. Though we can usually avoid the snakes I can tell you from experiance one of the last things I want to hear from one of my sons is; "hey dad, check out that snake on the limb by your head."

I always conceal carry when 'yakkin. I pack a 38spl Ruger LCR in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster. I then put them into one of those dry bags (yellow topped ones you see in every sporting good store) and I them put it into the front pocket of my life jacket. Not exactly quick draw but it is safe from moisture and if I capsize it is in no danger of ending up in Davy Jones' locker.
I don't always wear the life jacket but it is close by and I have practiced drawing and can get the revolver out in less than 8 seconds. Good enough as I don't expect to get jumped in the middle of a lake or stream. Most threats can be seen coming.
Depends. But if you asked me for one answer, I would tell you I store my handgun in a waterproof plastic container that will float (same as a cell phone). I generally place the container inside a dry bag so it doesn't wander around the floor of my kayak.
I've got a small waterproof pelican box which will hold my S&W Model 66, my phone and my extra set of car keys. The first two rounds of the Model 66 are .38 Special Shotshells for snakes.

This is carried inside my canoe bunge corded to the inside.

Is it great for quick draw? No.

Have I ever shot a snake with the shotshell - yes but not while in a canoe.

I like having the pistol with me and not leaving it in the car. I sometimes tent camp from my canoe and I like having the pistol with me.

The waterproof pelican box does not draw any attention and it is there if I need it.

Where I live we have gators, snakes and reprobates. I worry more about the 2 legged reprobates than the gators and snakes.

I canoe in cargo shorts and if I ever need to carry, I pocket carry.

I have on occasions pocketed carried and the S&W 66 got damp but I just cleaned it when I was done. No harm, no foul.

I'd have no issues doing the same with my Glocks.
Gallon ziploc bag works fine and allows you to reach the trigger

Went swimming with the Glock in my pocket and generally had a good time.

Really? Why? I suppose you carry your Glock in the shower too?....:rolleyes:
My glock will be geting wet no plastic bag or case needed. I only use it as a tool i have other guns that are safe queens. Yu'll be suprised what thse guns can take theres no need to baby them.