How would you concealed carry in a kayak?

I carry when canoeing or kayaking, but it's the fear of a threat from two legged predators in those remote areas are opposed to the fear of things that walk on four legs or crawl on their belly.

Anybody remember the movie "Deliverance"?:eek:

For me it's easy, I carry the same way as I do many times otherwise. A snubbie stainless J-Frame in the pocket of my cargo shorts/pants.
Florida Open Carry

To the OP: FL law says you can open carry while fishing - so keep yer Ronco Fishin' Pal in the boat.
I keep a firearm in a watertight bag stuffed forward between my feet. A string is attached to the bag so I can retrieve it without a lot of effort. Can't get to it very fast but it is availiable for when I exit the kayak and I not going to loose it if the kayak rolls.
This is exactly the route I would take.

Hilarious, the people who have their heads stuffed up their rears that can't understand why anyone would wish to take a handgun with them while kayaking, canoeing or going -anywhere- they wish, or doing -ANYTHING- they want.

There must a be a knitting forum you can pester, hmm? :rolleyes:
Hilarious, the people who have their heads stuffed up their rears that can't understand why anyone would wish to take a handgun with them while kayaking, canoeing or going -anywhere- they wish, or doing -ANYTHING- they want.

Yes, I’m a little fuzzy on this myself. The OP asked a simple question related to exercising his Constitutional Right in a specific situation not sure why people would respond by telling him he shouldn’t carry.
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On over night trips, I carry in an OWB holster like I normally do. I also take a waterproof bag and can drop the gun in it if I don't want it on my side. I usually stuff that bag under the bow by my feet.

A skirt on the kayak will keep you and the gun dry if you are concerned about a little water.
Yes, I’m a little fuzzy on this myself. The OP asked a simple question related to exercising his Constitutional Right in a specific situation not sure why people would respond by telling him he shouldn’t carry.

Wow so many replies so quick! Also there in nothing in florida law that says you can open carry if you are fishing. And it would not be smart to do so in populated areas. I do like the vest idea i have a turkey hunting vest that im going to try it out with.
Fanny pack. Or mount a rack in the keel and put a SS 10/22 in there. That weight as low as possible in the kayak would probably make for a smoother ride.
OP, would I be correct in assuming you will be whitewater kayaking, and therefore wearing a skirt?

Having a handgun under the skirt of your boat on open water, IMNSHO, only opens you up to further risk of capsizing as you shift to pop your skirt, grab your sidearm, and attempt to fire. That's why I reccomend something inside your vest, as anything lower will be covered by the skirt of your kayak.

If you're using an open top or choosing not to use a skirt, then ignore my suggestion.
BarryLee said:
Yes, I’m a little fuzzy on this myself. The OP asked a simple question related to exercising his Constitutional Right in a specific situation not sure why people would respond by telling him he shouldn’t carry.

Ahh, but look again. They aren't saying carrying would be a bad idea, they are saying that he shouldn't NEED to carry.

example said:
I wouldn't. What's the point of concealed carry in a kayak? Seriously??? More likely to win the powerball than a "kayak active shooter" scenario. Snakes? They ain't jumping into a kayak. Neither are critters. Either one, however, are relatively easily dispatched with non-firearm tools or even your hands.

example said:
Never in my life did I feel a handgun was needed for a snake or other "critter" found in the back waters or swamps . You will have a paddle that will make a far better finisher or sweeper of any snake or even small gator that that feels it has to climb onto your kayak.

OP, carry your gun, and IMHO keep it on your person. A gun in your boat does nothing if you are not in your boat or on the bottom of the river after a capsize.
Wow so many replies so quick! Also there in nothing in florida law that says you can open carry if you are fishing. And it would not be smart to do so in populated areas. I do like the vest idea i have a turkey hunting vest that im going to try it out with.

This is wrong.

(3) LAWFUL USES.—The provisions of ss. 790.053 and 790.06 do not apply in the following instances, and, despite such sections, it is lawful for the following persons to own, possess, and lawfully use firearms and other weapons, ammunition, and supplies for lawful purposes:

(a) Members of the Militia, National Guard, Florida State Defense Force, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, organized reserves, and other armed forces of the state and of the United States, when on duty, when training or preparing themselves for military duty, or while subject to recall or mobilization;


(d) Sheriffs, marshals, prison or jail wardens, police officers, Florida highway patrol officers, game wardens, revenue officers, forest officials, special officers appointed under the provisions of chapter 354, and other peace and law enforcement officers and their deputies and assistants and full-time paid peace officers of other states and of the Federal Government who are carrying out official duties while in this state;

(e) Officers or employees of the state or United States duly authorized to carry a concealed weapon;


(h) A person engaged in fishing, camping, or lawful hunting or going to or returning from a fishing, camping, or lawful hunting expedition;

(i) A person engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing, or dealing in firearms, or the agent or representative of any such person while engaged in the lawful course of such business;

(j) A person firing weapons for testing or target practice under safe conditions and in a safe place not prohibited by law or going to or from such place;

(k) A person firing weapons in a safe and secure indoor range for testing and target practice;

(l) A person traveling by private conveyance when the weapon is securely encased or in a public conveyance when the weapon is securely encased and not in the person’s manual possession;

(m) A person while carrying a pistol unloaded and in a secure wrapper, concealed or otherwise, from the place of purchase to his or her home or place of business or to a place of repair or back to his or her home or place of business;

(n) A person possessing arms at his or her home or place of business;

(4) CONSTRUCTION.—This act shall be liberally construed to carry out the declaration of policy herein and in favor of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes. This act is supplemental and additional to existing rights to bear arms now guaranteed by law and decisions of the courts of Florida, and nothing herein shall impair or diminish any of such rights. This act shall supersede any law, ordinance, or regulation in conflict herewith.

(5) POSSESSION IN PRIVATE CONVEYANCE.—Notwithstanding subsection (2), it is lawful and is not a violation of s. 790.01 for a person 18 years of age or older to possess a concealed firearm or other weapon for self-defense or other lawful purpose within the interior of a private conveyance, without a license, if the firearm or other weapon is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use. Nothing herein contained prohibits the carrying of a legal firearm other than a handgun anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the carrying of a concealed firearm or other weapon on the person. This subsection shall be liberally construed in favor of the lawful use, ownership, and possession of firearms and other weapons, including lawful self-defense as provided in s. 776.012.

If you check out 790.053 its about open carry limitations which this section says do not apply. I fish a lot but I don't openly carry although I could legally. I don't want the attention or to tip of any would be attacker that I'm armed.
Shoulder or chest rig. If the gun is for snakes keeping it under a seat or in a waterproof case or bag will do you absolutely no good. If the gun gets wet, dry it out, and if it gets wet and you need it it will still fire. I dropped a handfull of cheap 9mm ammo in a cup of water for 2 weeks and took it to the range and every one fired.
Thank you all for your replies! I am going to try the turkey vest this weekend to see how it feels. I've noticed on the interweb companys now make life vests that are light and easy to manuver in with pockets on them so i will bee looking at that for future use. Safe travels.
Velcro the sheath to a nice machete within reach to address quick defense from snakes.

If you're in populated areas, might not want to shoot your gun off - unless you really need to. And in that case you'd want some pistol pellet shot style ammo.

I do carry when I kayak, more for 2 legged predators. Never know when some aggressor in a boat or even when you go on shore could come at you...

I have a 30 caliber ammo can that I strap in my kayak that has my keys, wallet, ID, camera, snacks, sunblock, etc. It also has my handgun in a holster. I can get it in 5 seconds or less.

Suppose you could rig a way to carry it. A large nylon shoulder holster over your life vest. Or a military surplus molle vest, large enough to fit over your life vest. You could secure a holster and even other items like whistle, knife, etc.

I personally don't like exposing my handgun to unnecessary salt water, so that's partly why I put it in a dry box. Just rinse it off after my trip.
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I kayak a lot in Florida. I carry while kayaking, partly because of wildlife, in larger part because I launch and recover in remote areas, and mostly because the pistol is more secure with me than left in my car. How would you like to return from paddling to find that someone is waiting for you, perhaps armed with your own pistol?

A fanny pack works really well driving and paddling, for the same reason - the pistol is right in your lap with easy access. Folks make fun of fanny packs because they aren't fashionable, and if those folks value fashion over survival, they have the right to make that choice. They work, and I don't care what people think of my fashion sense at rest stops, gas stations, and launch beaches. When I am away from the shore a bit, I usually just drop the fanny pack in my dry bag and re-close it, then retrieve it when my landing is in sight again. Simple, effective, safe.
When I am away from the shore a bit, I usually just drop the fanny pack in my dry bag and re-close it, then retrieve it when my landing is in sight again. Simple, effective, safe.

I do this exact thing during bass fishing trips. Off out on the water on at the ramp.
"Also there in nothing in florida law that says you can open carry if you are fishing."

Thank you Daddyo, for correcting this issue.