How much gun?

every time I leave the house, I have 'enough' gun with me. Most of the time, lately, it's been a .45 ACP Springfield XDS with three spare mags.
Minimum would be a .38 Special J frame Smith, with several speed loaders. Bad things happen to good people, even in 'safe' areas. If you are serious about self protection, you bear that in mind.
I carry a S&W Shield 9mmc. It's small, light and if I need more ammo than it and one spare mag has, I've got a lot more serious problem's than fire power. Gun hide's away easily. I carry about 100% of the time. Not because I think something might happen at any moment but because if something did happen and my gun was at home, be awfully stupid I think. I doubt I'll ever need it but if I do, it's there and barely noticeable to even me! I also have a P89 and I just can't imagine carrying that bug heavy sucker all the time. Very nice gun but not for concealed carry!
The biggest cal. you can shoot, conceal, and it has to be comfortable. It may be a 45 ACP or it may be a 22. Not all of use are the same. Not every one practices to the point we can shoot the heavy calibers or the bark of a sub compact 9mm,

A 45 wont do you any good if you cant shoot it.

It has to be small enough that you can conceal it. No one should know you're carrying. Adding to that you have to have access.

And lastly, and probably the most important. It has to be comfortable. It has to fit so as you can carry it all day and never know its there. Kind of like an old shoe. If its not comfortable, you're going to end up leaving it home or in the truck. Regardless of caliber it wont help you if you don't have it.
Good thread. I have a few thoughts.

First, the first line of self defense is situational awareness and choosing not to put yourself into dangerous situations. For example, how many times have you heard the news story, "Such and such celebrity was outside of a nightclub at 3:00am and __________ happened." Well, newsflash, nothing good happens outside of nightclubs at 3am.

Those who want to avoid trouble avoid troubled places.

I live in Upstate NY, in the Rochester area. The city of Rochester is a high crime environment. I have chosen to house my family in a very rural community, even though I have a bit of a commute. I looked at the statistics and made the choice to live in a place that is generally "safe."

That's the first step in self defense, but since crime still does happen in "safe" areas, we have step two.

Secondly, you choose the tool that best fits the job and follows the rules. I live in a concealed carry and limited capacity state... which basically rules out large/high capacity guns. There's also the fact that I'm borderline OCD and can't stand when things are poking/jabbing at me (uncomfortable), so I tend to carry small guns. And, since I only have 10 rounds, I want to make sure I can hit a high percentage of those rounds. So, I have chosen to carry a 9mm, which I'm slightly quicker and more accurate with on follow up shots. An accurate shot with a 9mm will kill just as well as something bigger, according to most of the research I have done into credible sources, and even if it does give up a marginal amount of "effectiveness", I'm more concerned with my confidence in controlling my weapon under stress.

I don't carry an extra mag when I'm away from home on quick trips to the store or whatnot. I don't see myself ever getting into a firefight in this situation. I'm not a law enforcement officer looking to take out bad guys. I'm a guy trying to get his family home safely at the end of the day. With that said, if we're traveling far away or gone for an extended period, I often throw an extra mag or two in the bag. Just in case.

At my house, however, we're..... well stocked with available ammunition. I'll fight to the death over that place, which is my duty and my right. We have plenty of ammo queued up and ready should we ever, God forbid, need to use it.

When I'm in the woods around my house, my biggest concern is rabid small animals (raccoons and coyotes) and wild dogs. For this, I carry the P-01.

Short answer:
- Shield 9mm
- CZ P-01 9mm
Another note:

There's an additional reason I choose to carry a 9mm and keep them around the house. In the event I'm incapacitated or something, I want to have a gun around that my wife can handle and shoot confidently. She's WAY better with a 9 than a 45.

It's simple and a no-brainer to me. If I lived alone, yes, it would be 12 guage shotguns and a full sized USP 45. But I don't. So it's a 9. And I'm 100% comfortable with that.
I have 4 different guns that I carry. Each one is a little smaller, less accurate, and smaller caliber than the next.

1st - SIG P938. If I could, I would always carry this. I feel very confident having 7+1 rounds of 9mm, and I doubt I'd ever carry anything larger. I also shoot this gun better than I should, it being a subcompact and all. The problem is I'm not always in a situation where I can IWB carry. Or I just don't want to take the time to put on a holster. I live in the country, and putting on a holster to drive 15 minutes to Lowes, spending 30 minutes in the store, and driving another 15 minutes home doesn't seem worth the effort of dealing with having a gun jab me in the side/back in my truck. This is where my next choice down the line comes into play.

2rd - S&W 442. It does suck a little to step down to 5 shots, but not so much that I ever carry a speed loader or speed strip. And while I'm not quite as accurate with this gun, I can still surprise myself with tight little groups. I only pocket carry this gun, and use it for quick trips to the corner store and stuff like that. But it's probably the gun I carry most outside the my house. When I'm driving I drop it into the door cup holder where I have easy access to it with my left hand.

3nd - Ruger LCP. There are a handful of times when I find the j-frame too bulky in my pocket and I'll use the LCP. But I'm not very accurate with this gun so I very rarely use it anymore. I should note that this was my first gun for concealed carry, so there was a time it was my only option. But I wanted a tad more power than the .380 offered.

4th - NAA .22 revolver with 1-1/8" barrel. This thing is tiny, and I pretty much only carry it at home. It's not a gun that's easy to shoot accurately past 3 yards, but its so light and small it doesn't get in my way when I'm working around the house or lounging in running shorts.

For a short time I had a Glock 23, but I decided it was too large to ever carry. I also tried out my brother's M&Pc and quickly decided that double stack guns, even compacts, where too large for me. For reference I'm 5' 8", 190 lbs and am typically described as "stocky". So it's not that I can't conceal compact handguns, I just really don't like the extra thickness in an IWB holster.
I generally carry.

I always carry a reload.

I prefer 9mm or more.

I prefer 45.

I prefer holster carry to keep pockets free.

I carry 380 in the pocket when that is best. I always carry a spare mag.
How you "feel" is irrelevant. This needs to be answered with facts and logic, not emotions. I carry a S&W 69 44 mag with a BUG of a Charter 44 Bulldog, or a 1911 or fullsize Glock with extra mags and a 40 Shield as a BUG and I retired (semi) from LE 6 years ago. I also carry an AR pistol is a discrete carry bag at times.
I carry a 6 shot 7 1/2 " stainless Ruger redhawk in .45 Colt. If the bad guy is still alive when I run out of bullets, I can beat him to death with it. Actually I feel fine with my Ruger 5 shot SP101 .357.
So many thoughts.

First, I believe in constant, never ending carry. One night, f almost forty years ago I heard a couple of guys talking on my patio, and tested my locks. Several years ago, I had a goon come right to the edge of my yard. Thirty years ago, a guy on a motorcycle ran into my wife in my driveway. that took a lot of work on his part. That is why I don't believe in ever taking off the gun.

I don't believe that I have to go heavily armed. I'm going to die long before I reach my fourth magazine.

Seven rounds of .380 should get me through a close quarters fight with even as many as three attackers, if luck holds, and it fits what I can do. If I have failed with two magazines with my glock, it means that I have some super crazed SOB that won't give up or die. Terminators aren't real, very few is terrorists attack Wal-Mart, and a mass killer is a whole different kind of beast.

So, what is the most likely scenario of violence for me? My own home, while driving or shopping, and mass firepower isn't likely to change the results.

There are times that a person just can't win. When "fate" steps in. If I wind up with three goobers with glocks dumping lead at me, my gun won't matter.
I carry 99.999% of the time. I'd rather have it and not need it. It really doesn't matter where you are, crime can happen anywhere.
Now regarding the caliber and rounds, yeah that can vary depending on what you think the likelihood of you needing it. Most of the time I carry IWB a Taurus PT709, that's 7 rounds of 9mm. I used to pocket carry a PT738, 6 rounds of .380. But, I realized how difficult it was to pull it from my pocket if I REALLY needed it. Now I pocket carry if I leave the house in basketball shorts (not often).
I carried IWB a XD9 with the 4" barrel and 16 round magazine, but I decided that was more than I would likely ever need based on my lifestyle.

If I were a LEO I would likely carry a service size pistol off duty as well, but in my office job with its standard commute I don't feel I will ever need that much gun.

When on a road trip I carry my XD9 with a spare mag, pocket carry the .380 as a BUG, and keep an AK pistol with 2; 30 round mags in a backpack next to my seat. Yeah, I don't mess around on road trips, seen way too many horror/thriller movies that start on a highway between cities. I ain't going out like that, lol.
The minimum I'd feel comfortable with is .380, I currently do not own however.
That being said Im in agreement with the philosophy of #rule1 of a gun fight, bring a gun.

I'd use 22lr if it's all I at hand.

I also believe in keeping your carry guns as few as possible.
I feel most comfortable with my Taurus 99, This is a full size duty weapon (think beretta 92) in 9mm, 18+1 rounds + 18 round reload.
If I had more room on the belt I'd expand it to 2 reloads.

But I really doubt at the current level of 37 total rounds ammo shortage is ever the cause of loosing a fight.

The only other gun I carry Is my Hi-point c9 *pauses for gasps*
I carry it when Im doing things in the yard, on the car, house, etc.. basicly dirty jobs where I don't really care what kinda hell im gonna put the gun thru, My moto is "carry it like you hate it"
It's only 8+1, 9mm, no reload.

Im planing on adding a Taurus 709 to the roster once it proves it self at the range, It will play the roll as a middle of the night / half dressed but damnit I need some taco bell gun.. and probably as backup when im carrying the 99 or c9

That pretty much fulfills all my carry needs.. except maybe wilderness protection.

99 is primary, c9 my beater, 709 pocket gun.

I know a few people including instructors that get by with a 5 shot .38spl
I think in most cases that will be enough.. but me? No such thing as excessive ammo capacity.. No one said I had to shoot it all at once right?

I've been carrying fullsize guns since I started carrying in 08.
Im a big guy and carry OWB, I seriously do not notice the weight or size and wonder what all the fuss about a few oz here or there.

With that said it's not optimal for concealment. a lone tshirt it can print a bit especially lighter colors.. but damn it's comfortable and easy to get to.

One last thing.. You (generalization) need to carry like it's a religion.. When I get dressed I am armed, People who only carry some of the times or when they're expecting trouble are doing it wrong, they're missing the entire point of it.

If I knew there was gonna be trouble I'd bring a long gun.. or better yet just avoid it altogether.

I also highly suggest against off body carry, I see a lot of women carrying in their purse.

Let me tell ya I've been in a few purses in my day and those things are like black holes.. I honestly don't know how they ever find anything in there.
Even the ones that have pockets specifically for guns it's still a bad idea.. to easy to get snatched or stolen when you're not looking.

And how many of you have seen women carrying their purse low by the strap in their hands? and easy snatch.. or almost as bad the over the shoulder?

I always advise carrying it with the strap across the neck so it can't be easily stripped away.

I don't know how I got on purses but it's 6am I think it's time for bed lol
It’s obvious that there are many different opinions. I’ve been around for 78 years and have never been in a situation where I wished I had a gun. So at this time, I doubt that I will need one soon. However, as a careful man, I still like being prepared so I carry a S&W 642 .38 cal. Yes, it has only 5 rounds. Now this is not an accurate gun but I do believe that if I ever need it, my target will be pretty close. I practice at 8 yards. At that distance I can get 3” groups always in the middle of my 8½ X 11 target. With my Delta grip I can fire 50 rounds before it starts hurting too much. I use a Sticky pocket holster which really can’t be seen and I get it out pretty quick, certainly, fast enough since I won’t be trying to out draw anyone. I fully expect that if the BG has a gun he’ll have it in his hand before me. I have a speed loader in the truck and car but not in my pocket, I really believe 5 will be more than enough. Certainly, if I stay cool. I have yet to read where a CCW guy drew his gun and lost the battle so I feel pretty good with what I have.
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As a police officer, firearms instructor, and armorer in the last year I have carried several different handguns off-duty depending on personal preferences that day. The handguns I have carried are a 3" S&W model 65, 4" S&W 686, 4" Colt Python, Beretta 92F and recently a 5" Colt Gov't Model Series 70 MK IV. There are times when a situation can not be avoided (1% or less) and it is these times I try to prepare for. How many people go to a movie theater thinking some crazed fool is going to start shooting people? How many go any where thinking that? If I had reason to believe something were going to happen some where when I am off-duty I would either not go there or bring my rifle (AR-15 or Beretta CX4 Storm carbine) or perhaps my 20" barrel Remington 870.

Why do I choose to carry what I do? Simple, I carry what I am familiar with and that I have faith in that will get me safely out of the situation. I trust most people do something very similar.
I'm curious. How many people DRASTICALLY ALTER their carry weapon depending on situation?

I carry my .380 day to day. If I am going on trips, my glock goes with me in the car and hotel room while we are there, and the .380 is still carry. It carries twice the ammo, maybe 25%increase in the damaging power. The only reason I add the glock is because I have the space to carry it, and it's just simply a better thing to have

If I camp, I still carry my pocket gun, but my .357 stays in my car and tent. If I go into deep woods, I either carry my .357 or my glock, I believe that either round can drop any local critter, even though the glock may take a few more rounds.

Our greatest threats are some average sized black bears, or average sized feral hogs. Neither one of them are so big that they can't be stopped by the nine mm. The average moonshiners or pot farmers or crack cookers are just as fragile. So, my range of carry goes from 90 grain at about 1,000 to 125 at about 1,000 and maybe 158 at about 1,400. Pretty big spread, but I go from a pocket pistol to a pretty ordinary set of full power combat loads.

Maybe I put too much trust in "fate" but carrying a full kit or oversized equipment has risks of its own. Stealth and convenience are important safety concerns to me.

Once a guy asked me what I carry, then he spent over five, maybe even ten minutes describing his kit to wear to the mall. He had everything, and told me all of it. 40 caliber, 4 mags, fed hst, bullet weight and velocity, brand and particulars of mags and carry accessories, he might have even told me powder and primers. He named the guy who cerakoted it and what color, and that an xxlt black t shirt covers it all perfectly. He pulled up his shirt to show me his iwb carry when he's not at the mall.. in case that isn't good enough, he has a knife.

I carry a gun, he carries something that I can't even describe. To the mall to shop for sunglasses, jeans, pretzels and coffee. I'm not intending to troll anyone, but this boy is clearly nuts, it was easy to see. What I'm wondering is how many change the nine for a .45 and add a couple extra magazines because they are going for barbecue in a less savory part of town?
Once a guy asked me what I carry, then he spent over five, maybe even ten minutes describing his kit to wear to the mall.
There's one in every crowd and most forums.
Did you ask him what training he's had to go with all his ordnance?
I'm not intending to troll anyone, but this boy is clearly nuts, it was easy to see

In the discussion about shooting in a crowd you have at one extreme the "I'm retreating if possible" and at the other "I'm firing shots indiscriminately until the "bad guy" is taken down." The scary part is he is likely not anywhere near the retreat side of the argument
I know some who only carry if they head toward an area they perceive as dangerous. Most carry whenever they can, but feel perfectly confident with a micro .380 pistol. Others are ok with only 5 shots, so long as those 5 are of a big caliber.

Others carry full-sized duty pistols with at least one full spare magazine. And yet others add a micro .380 to this.

What made you decide how much gun to carry?

What led you to your decision?

I live in MD where I can't get a CCW so I only carry a gun part time (I have a UT non-resident permit and I can carry in most of the states around me, where I do spend a lot of time). In MD, I choose not to break the law and carry, I figure my chances of being in a life-or-death situation are lower than my chances of being caught. I carry pepper spray and a knife when I can. Though, as a teacher I can't have a knife at work and only keep it in my car while at work.

When I'm in a state where I can carry on my UT non-res permit (about 2-4 days most months, plus vacation time), I usually carry. I don't carry to my aunt and uncle's house because they are very anti-gun, and I don't carry to my cousin's house since he doesn't want me to (they live in VA). If I'm going to be there for more than just visiting them, I'll carry for the rest of my trip, but remove it when going into their houses (property rights means I will honor the desires of the property owner). Otherwise, I do not worry about safe or not safe areas and only carry in not safe areas. I try to avoid non-safe areas when I can, and I know bad things can happen anywhere, so when I can carry, I carry no matter where I am going.

At first, I was comfortable with a 5 shot snub. It concealed easily and 5 shots was better than what I'm allowed at home in MD. Later, I decided that was false logic: just because I can't carry at home, doesn't mean I shouldn't carry something more capable just because something is better than nothing.

As for which gun, my first criteria is how well I shoot it. Second is capacity. While I used to go small (SIG P290rs), my current carry philosophy is to carry the largest gun I can conceal well. I can conceal a traditional compact (P229, P250 Compact, G19, Commander, etc.) sized gun almost as well as a mini-9 like my P290. I can conceal a thin 1911 as well as just about anything else.

The guns I shoot best are a full-sized 1911 or CZ 75B, with a medium frame revolver coming next. Full-size is a little large and heavy for carry, so I am switching from my SIG P250 Compact, to a CZ P01 and both a Commander sized alloy 1911 (S&W 1911SC) and a steel 3 1/2" 1911 (RIA Tac CS). I will likely be selling all my small framed snubs (I may keep one of my four) and eventually replacing them with a 7 round 3" S&W 686 Plus.
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How much gun?

Carry as much gun as you can control and conceal.

If you can realistically carry a .45, do so. .40 S&W, do so. 9mm, do so.

Cause when the fur flies you will find no one ever wished for a smaller gun nor less ammo.
