How much gun?

There's so many variables, between different people's needs, and lives.
I feel safer in the city. It's a large college town. At home, I'm all alone,
in the woods. Last time I called the sheriff, he arrived in just under 90
minutes. So where many folks feel safest, other folks feel most vulnerable.
I feel as though I can get away with an old .32 or 9mm when I'm out and
about, but in the woods, it's pistol, carbine, extra ammo.
Fairly simple really.
How one "feels" about what they carry being enough or not in reality has nothing to do with it.
And never will until working crystal balls are invented.

Once you cross the line to actually needing your firearm, statistics mean zip because you are now an exception.
Location including your home has nothing to do with it either.

5 rds will be enough unless you need 10.
At that point how you felt won't add more gun.
17 rounds may be way to many unless you need 20.

As long as one realizes this and makes a decision to carry a derringer, that's an informed choice acknowledgeing the risks of that choice.
Which is dandy.

Carrying a 5 rd snub because one doesn't "feel" undergunned is an attempt at fortune telling.