"...I'm one of a very few people who don't really notice much of a difference, in my range accuracy, in a glock, "mush box", trigger and a tuned 1911 trigger."
Yo Irish,
The Glock 'mush box' box trigger has been the best polymer gun trigger out there, only recently superseded by the Walther PPS trigger, which came as a surprise.
A good trigger makes a huge difference in accuracy (for me). If you want a bad trigger, try the DA trigger on the DA/SA Beretta 92 (unlike the sublime DA trigger on the DA/SA Sig P239 Tac) the Beretta was such a dissapointment that I sold it...yes I know I could have simply pulled the hammer back for first shot and shot SA all the way.
For me a good trigger is one that allows me to shoot a three quarter of one inch or better group. Have never met a 1911 trigger that I didn't like. Sig, Walther, S&W, (even Makarov) also make some good SA triggers.
And in a carry gun, trigger excellence is key, especially in point shooting when no are sights used.
A good trigger is when you mentally tell the gun to fire and it does, like pointing your finger and saying 'boom.'
I avoid the new crop of l-o-n-g pull DA triggers ie Kel-Tec, Ruger minis, Rohrbaugh, Kahr, etc. Likewise revolvers in DAO. I can shoot them accurately but it is s-l-o-w. And if you can shoot these with rapidfire accuracy then you are clearly a better man than me.