How many of you CCW two guns at once?

How many guns do you carry?

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I carry 2 (usually) my XD 45 and the Bersa 380 (as the BUG) and often enough I change up and carry the Slimhawg .45 and the XD 9MM.I always carry extra mags with the specific guns I carry...
Well im still working on getting the CCW permit for VA, but I figured I had something to say on the matter (yay first post ;)). I do open carry my USP compact on occasion when im not commuting to/from campus, usually with a spare mag, but because of the escalation of violence laws in VA (and im sure elsewhere) I leave my weak side open for the carry of either my Blackhawk Gladius or Surefire 6P defender (80lumens in the face is a decent deterrent and gives you an great advantage in a nighttime confrontation). A Kershaw torsion assist folder is always in my repertoire in case someone tries taking my sidearm from me (a hard feat in its Serpa holster)... Feel free to critique this load out though... I love bein told im wrong, so I can make it better...
I only carry one at a time whether it be my SW1911PD commander, P2000SK, LCP or LWS32 and 99% of the time I don't carry any reloads with any of these either.
on my person I carry one - either my Mak or a Beretta .32acp.
If I'm on my motorcycle and going into a remote area alone I have taken 2 pistols with spare mags and ammo and/or speed loader if a revolver.
I do this due to some 'unpleasantness' I encountered years ago - it ain't gonna happen again - or at least not without a heck of a lot more shooting on my part.
I pocket carry a Kahr PM9 when it's hot; Kimber Ultra Carry II when it cools off ... I don't carry reloads, tho I do always carry a knife ... my car gun is a Taurus 85, and I do have a speedloader in the glovebox next to the gun if needed ...
I don't really understand the reasoning for carrying more than one gun (especially 3?!?). Honestly, unless you are in the military or are a leo of some kind, I can't imagine a situation that would warrant 2 or 3 carry guns. Can someone point out a documented case were a citizen was forced to fire more than one gun LEGALLY in a self defense case?
If anything, I would think that carrying 3 guns and mace and a couple knives and a baton (just in case ) would be detrimental to your case if you ever had to actually use your weapon.
It seams to me that if you had to go up in front of a jury, many would wonder why on earth someone would need to carry around that much firepower, unless they were looking to start trouble (and that would be a reasonable question too..)
So, if your primary carry gun seems insufficient to you, why don't you just replace it with one that fits your needs better?

I'll try to enlighten you, bear with me.

I carry more than one gun for two reasons. The first reason is, it's a faster reload, even with an Autoloader, to draw a second gun than to try and sove bullets into an empty gun. This holds true even if I'm using an Autoloader.

Most likely I will not need to reload even a Revolver in an off duty encounter, but one never knows for sure. The other and more important reason for carrying multiple guns is to have a gun available no matter which hand I have available to draw with.

If something happens I may be busy using my stronghand to push a loved one out of the way, it may be "pinned" by the badguy in an "up close and personal" encounter or I may be shot in my gunhand. Thus I have a gun available to the weakhand.

While having a gun available to both hands I also may not be able to draw quickly, thus a gun on the ankle. This is really "handy" when driving and car-jacking is a possiblity, or when I'm sitting down in a chair. The gun in the pocket is nice when walking across a parking lot. I can have my hand on a gun without anybody knowing.

No, I'm not Rambo. I'm just somebody that has had to use his BUG before while his stronghand busy deflecting a blade. We each make our own choices and do what we consider is appropriate. Of three "Armed Encounters" only one has been "On Duty".

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I always have my backup with me, the P32. Even when I have my primary.

+1, but mine is a P3AT;)

If it's not shorts weather and I don't plan on any athletics, my P-11 goes on the ankle. The ankle gun is primary while seated, such as while driving, dining, or movie going. The mouse gun in the front pocket becomes primary while upright (with the added advantage of being able to get a shooting grip on the gun while it's concealed--which makes for a fast presentation).

When I have occasion to wear a sports jacket or suit, I usually feel compelled to carry my BBQ 1911 strongside IWB with a pair of ten rounders on the off side. The pocket .380 always comes along, and sometimes so does the ankle gun, which would seem to cross into "walking arsenal". If I feel up to it, sometimes I replace the Kel-tec on the ankle with my Detonics, so that my spare 1911 mags work in both primary and ankle gun.

I am simply stating the obvious.

S832, there's a robert Heinlein quote that applies here....:rolleyes:

At any rate, while I'm totally comfortable mowing the lawn or taking out the trash with a .380 in the pocket and no reloads, I've seen enough inoportune weapons malfunctions to beleive that "two is one and one is none" as Clint Smith puts it. Heck, if I could afford it, I wouldn't carry any guns: I'd roll in an armored Mercedes and let my body guards carry the iron.
Off Duty

Off duty,

I carry either a Glock 19 with one extra magazine or two and a Kel tec P3at.

Summertime, a Kahr CW9, with two magazines and the P3at.

On duty, the Glock or a S & W 1911, two extra magazines, Remington 870,
Bushmaster AR-15 :rolleyes:.
On Duty I have more weapons to choose from.

Handgun with 2 reloads.
M4 with 2 (30 Round Magazine) Reloads
Shotgun with Sidesaddle

I also have radio communication and back-up near-by. I don't have these things, especially the back-up, when I'm off duty. Why should I limit myself when I'm off duty? That's when it's more critical to have the "tools". I intend to make it home from wherever the heck I am, and I will do so alive if I have any say in the matter.

I have been in a situation off duty where I have needed my BUG, because my strongarm was busy deflecting a blade. Some of you are fine with carrying just one gun, that's fine by me. I'm not limited in what I carry off duty, as long as it's concealed.

Those of you that think I'm paranoid, no, I just don't see the world through "rose colored glasses" and realize that there are monsters in this world.

I'm done with this thread and I'm going to check and see if there is an "Ignore" button for a certain person because they have obviously proven that they don't have sense to come in out of the rain. :D


PS: Me thinks this person is really an "Anti-Gunner" trying to attack us from within.

My Sig Compact C3 45 acp with one reload - At times, I throw my Minimag 22mag NAA in pocket holster for added security - Usually not, though
how many?

Most of the time I carry only one with reloads, but I prefer to have two as you never know as to which way the threat will come from or when. My wife thought I was nuts until a man was shot and killed just four houses down from us one week and another was robbed in broad daylight and stabbed the next week, and we live in a halfway good neighborhood.:eek: As was stated here and by my grandfather (better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it) words to live by. My grand dad was a pretty smart old man.

By the way my wife nicknamed me Rambo when we first met:D
Most of the time I'll only carry a single firearm with reloads in case Mr. Murphy intervenes. Typically, a 1911 or a single-stack 9mm pistol or a J-frame is all I think I need.

There are times, however, when a small BUG might be slipped into a jacket pocket or an IWB holster under a jacket if I'll be out during the "witching hours" (after 11pm).

Why carry a 2nd gun? Several reasons. If you carry strong side, you can't covertly prepare for action when you see that you will need to walk past a pair or trio of loitering younger males. Reaching for that hip holster will be called "brandishing" in many jurisdictions (and may actually spark an incident). Your hand reaching into a jacket pocket as if for keys is less obvious.

What's that? Just "go around" them or take a different route? That's advisable, IF it can be done. It's much less workable when the subjects are hanging around just outside the establishment you're in or if they are close to your vehicle.
When I carry my Wilson Combat 4" Professional, I back it up with my Taurus PT-145. When I carry my Browning Hi-Power it is backed up by my Kel-Tec PF-9. I have always thought it prudent to have a backup in the same caliber so if extra ammo is needed one can shoot the other's. Just my humble opinion.:D
You put a Big hi cap auto in your glove box. you put a small one( 380, 9mm or similar size) on your person.

Anything else is some paranoia seeping in. The reality is you have more chance of winning the lottery than using a gun in self defense.

Yes, it is good to be prepared, I am. But the multiple mags, guns strapped everywhere on your body, Mini 14 behind the seat, is a bit overboard. Well a lot overboard.

To each his own, just my opinion. Be prepared, but no need to be a walking swat unit. One gun on your body, and another in the car will take care of your person and property when out and about.
1 gun

I carry one gun, no reloads when I do carry, which is not every day. I realize some live in areas that present a higher element of risk, however I do not. I could not afford the legal defense associated with a "29 Ninjas" scenario.
It used to be two guns and a reload for each. Since that's how I did it longest, that is how I answered. Unfortunately I had to make the tough decision to part with one of my pistols recently, and now it is just one pistol with a reload.
Several posts have been deleted from this thread.

"Pre-Insulting" everyone who disagrees with you is not a valid/polite debate technique. Hypothetical example: "Anyone who doesn't share my views/agree with my statements is paranoid/mentally deficient/oblivious and shouldn't carry a gun/should be locked up."

If you have a problem with a post on TFL report the post to the staff and let them deal with it. Trying to deal with it yourself is not only going to be ineffectual but is also likely to make things worse.

If you disagree with someone, state your disagreement & explain why you disagree. Do not insult them, complain that they always disagree with you or that they always get involved in threads that are locked, etc.
two 1911 colt .45s. on my person. start a thread on what we caryy in our cars with us and ill give a longer response.

its been mentioned on the forum that if you ever do actually need a gun it will be the one thing you have needed most ever before in your life...i will add to that and say that if you ever need a SECOND gun it will be DOUBLY the most needed item ever in your life.
My primary is a full size 1911 in a crossdraw holster,if I know Im going into a bad section of town or a place I never been then my J frame gets put on in a IWB holster @ 5 oclock,if someone asks for my wallet they get it.
2 guns with reloads for each. I doubt I'd ever need that but in the words of burt gummer "if you need it and don't have it, you sing a whole different tune."

I'm that way with just about everything. people tell me all the time if I took the tools, shovels, 60 inch hi-lift jack, ect. out of my blazer I could pick up some mileage and have room to haul stuff. but everytime I've ever gotten stuck, or broken down, or something else I've never thought I'd need that stuff.

it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
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