how many magazines do you have?

A few comments on the above link.

1. If you sink enough .45 bullets into a human being the combined kinetic energy will make them fly backwards.
2. I've never shot a pair of 1911s on my back, while naked, but I imagine the brass burns SUCK.
3. If I ever find myself loading dozens of pistol magazines, it's time to fetch a rifle.
For me, 3 is the min. I would LIKE to have more (for some of my pistols like my 1911, I do), but a many of my pistols have very $$$$ magazines, such as my Sig P320. I can't find them for less than $35 a piece. I wish pistol mags were like AR mags and you can get them for ~$15 a pop. On that same note, I have around 35x mags for my AR pistol haha
I have guns with 1 magazine and I have close to 20 magazines for 1911's in 45 ACP.

Magazines are difficult to find for some older guns, and mine are shot infrequent enough that I am not concerned about it. A new Colt Pocket Hammer magazine in 38 ACP is not easy to find and will probably come with another gun.
With the varied collection of wildly different handguns that I own... it's silly to even attempt to select a number that is the right answer.

The closest answer is the typical answer for "how many handguns do you own?" (more than I need, less than I want)

For a few of my handguns I actually do have enough and likely would never need to buy more. My Ruger Mk II is covered with 10. My Coonan is in good shape with five but if I could find a bargain I would add a couple. My S&W Model 52 magazine collection has a market value that is more than most popular handguns (I have nine of those) but ten is where I want to be.

I have too many magazines for my 39-2. This is because those mags fit both my 39-2's, my 39-no dash, my 639, both my 3906's and my 952. So they get a lot of use. Same for my 5906 mags, I have many but they feed a handful of pistols.

My EDC and former/backup EDC have only six & seven respectively... a few more is a good idea.
I like a minimum of two.
But some things warrant more.
My pistols range from two magazines to eight.
But I have no more than two speed loaders for any specific revolver cylinder configuration. Like Sevens mentioned, some of the speed loaders work for more than one revolver. But I don't have a glut. There are no extras 'per revolver' -- just the one or two, total, per configuration.

Long guns...? The sky's the limit. But the minimum is just one. ...Like with the Ruger American and Savage/Stevens 258B and their single detachable magazines.
for ipsic 1 in the gun to start the stage and 6 on the belt. 1 extra backup for 8 total 45acp.
the idea is if you drop a mag or have a malfunction just grab the next one and go.
I currently have 2 mags for my only auto pistol, although I would like to get a couple more. I have 7 clips for my Garand, but 3 of them give me problems and it doesn't get as much action, so the working 4 is enough.
do you have a minimim number of magazines/speedloaders criteria for your handguns? if so how many? thanks

I like to end up with at least 8 magazines. Factory magazines only, and no "shenanigan" mods. It helps to have multiple guns that take the same magazine.

Revolver speedloaders I don't care so much about. "A couple" speedloaders is adequate.
Auto loaders, 2-3 mags is enough for me.

For revolvers, I bought one speed loader for one of my revolvers (GP100). I’ve never actually used it to reload while shooting. It sits empty in the safe until I choose that gun for a shooting trip, then gets used to hold the premium ammo the gun is usually loaded with (contains the loose rounds till reloaded in the gun).

Seeing how much I used that first speed loader, I’ve not bought any for the remaining revolvers.
the magazine is the heart of the gun, if you lose a magazine the gun is non functional

Unless you are smart enough not to get a gun with a magazine disconnector. (its NOT a safety;)). Then, at least if you do lose all your mags, you still have a single shot pistol.

Speedloaders? I have about a half dozen for my S&W 29, at least a half dozen for my model 28 (probably more like 10) and 3 for my Colt Agent.

1911A1 mags? probably a couple dozen, all standard GI 7rnd, including one cherished 2 tone 1911 magazine, which despite a few rust spots, still works flawlessly.

Got 3 mags for my Luger. Only one for my little Mauser HSc. tried two others, they didn't work.

have 5 for my .44 Desert Eagle, 4 for the .357...3 for the .45Win Mag Wildey, only 2 for my LAR Grizzly (still looking for another at less than the price of gold)
Only one each for my 3 Auto Mags (or 3 for one of them :D) but its not a carry piece, usually...

7 or 8 for my Browning BDA 45 (Sig P220 European)

2 for my Ruger Mk I, and my Stoeger .22 Luger...

probably a few others but I'm not going to go look right now...;)
Minimum for me is 3 per pistol. For a primary gun (something intended for home defense or carry), 4 or 5. Not on my person, but owned.
I currently have 2 mags for my only auto pistol, although I would like to get a couple more. I have 7 clips for my Garand, but 3 of them give me problems and it doesn't get as much action, so the working 4 is enough.
I hadn't thought about that.
I'm a big stripper clip fan for firearms that accept them.
Currently no handguns here that accept stripper clips.
...Probably 50 stripper clips sitting around for 7.62x54R. But I'm desparately low on 8x57mm clips (only 2? usable), and currently have zero for 7x57mm.
the magazine is the heart of the gun, if you lose a magazine the gun is non functional

the less magazines you own the more use they get and then they tend to get worn or damaged from lots of use, I wore out M1911 mags before, the springs get weak, the feed lips get cracked from stress.

when you own several mags, you can rotate them once in while and they will last longer.
Quoted for truth.

I'm hard on mags at the range. I let them drop free and fall to the concrete or mud. I don't want to develop a training scar trying to keep mags from getting dirty or damaged.

I like to have spares.
Isn't ANYONE going to chime in with their story of what they paid for surplus GI 1911 magazines at gun shows in the '50's, '60's and '70's???
I mentioned I have dozens of revolver speed loaders.

Reason is I shoot revolvers almost exclusively and when
I go to the range, or when I was involved in some
competition, it is and was easier just to have plenty of
them preloaded.

For me, it beats loading two rounds or one at a time.

Of course, just for old time sake, sometimes my revolvers
are belt fed---taking rounds from a loop slider.
I keep 2 mags per auto, 2 speedloaders per Revolver and 6 per rifle
Don’t know why buts that’s what I keep.
Now if I see a mag at a good price I probably will pick it up and they are all factory :cool: