How many guns do you carry on your person tops?

How many guns do you carry tops

  • 1 guns

    Votes: 81 40.3%
  • 2 guns

    Votes: 74 36.8%
  • 3 guns

    Votes: 29 14.4%
  • 4 guns

    Votes: 6 3.0%
  • 5 guns

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • 6guns

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7 guns

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • 8 guns

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • 9 guns

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • 10 guns

    Votes: 11 5.5%

  • Total voters
Almost always just one. Airlite revolver in front pants pocket.

When I really feel I should be carrying, I carry two. Usually a glock, IWB.

One time I carried 3, because I was in a situation where I felt I should be carrying, and it occured to me my right hand could be hindered in the car I was riding in.

11? yorec, that does it. I'm strapping on 12 and heading out to the grocery store. I even have 12 holsters?
NO - don't do it Wayne! Yer gonna hurt yourself - I never even made it to the car...

Hmm, wonder what it would've been like to sit down amid all that? :eek:
I have carried 3 one time, but only once. And the reason for the third was to let a friend see it. Rarely 2, but always one.

Ya know, if I has 12 handguns I'd probably try to see if I could fit that many on me jsut to start with.
{ NONE }!::( Because my state does not allow ccw :mad:
But I think it will happen soon. When we get a new Gov.
In the mean time I'll just keep practicing at the range.
Anybody remember Issac Hayes in that comedy movie by the Wayans where he strapped on a ton of guns and fell over. They all went off and shot him to pieces. Quiet a funny scene.
Two when off duty, Glock 19 and .22 Mag derringer in my pocket, never comes out. Add Shotgun and another handgun in my patrol car on duty!! :cool:
Offten I find my self in eastern Oregon mostly metal detecting old homested sights or military training grounds. Out there I am well armed it just seems prudent, I would rather not go in to details. But if you come across me out there you will do well to treat me with respect
I put down five, because that's the most I've carried, but I ordinarily consider three the best number, although I usually carry two.

Three is one available to each hand, and an ankle gun. I often omit the ankle gun if my LH gun is reasonably available seated.

When performing certain duties I am no longer required to, it helped to be able to have a gun in hand without being super obvious about it. That added a J-frame to each suit-coat pocket, for five. Usually, when doing that, I figured I had enough guns for each hand, and carried mags instead of my LH (2nd) gun, but I think I probably carried all five at least once.
Two tops and that is usually only because I have a plen to remove the primary at some point and rely on a pocket gun --- Glock 26 or ruger Sp101.

I have to admit I look very much askew at any civilian who carries mroe than two --- but hey it's a free country.

I think if I was in LE I'd go for 3 --- a mini-glock in a pocket and a mini in a arm pit holster under the shirt.

Only folks I know with a good reason for more than 3 are under cover or internal afirs types who have legitmate fear for being attacked and disarmed by those with extensive awarness of carry methods.
22 shooter

Sir William, I apologize before hand if I am mistaken and I could very well be but I had to ask: Are you not the guy that got expelled from another forum for claiming you enjoyed shooting at passing cars on the freeway with a 22 revolver and wanted to know if that was the best weapon for that?

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Where's the option for none, seeing as kids aren't trusted to protect themselves with a firearm if needed?

Also, those of us who live in oppressed states such as Wisconsin aren't allowed to carry concealed either.
I carry only one gun.

The poll should also ask what type of work or position you are in. It may be strange for the average person to carry more than one gun. Maybe a few out there will carry a backup ankle holster but if you are a LEO or military then it wouldn't be odd if you are carrying 2 or 3 firearms on you.
Almost always one (Kahr PM9 or P7M8 (usually the Kahr lately)). When I go walking (exercise) I carry either my HK P2000 or Glock 17. Sometimes, I carry the Kahr as a backup(especially if I am carrying the larger gun OWB.

Two is on the outside of practicality. I guess if I was a cop I might carry a hip gun, a vest gun and an ankle gun--but I doubt it.

Frankly, I don't know how cops and grunts carry all that crap around. My hat is off to you guys. When I go hiking I barely carry enough to survive out of sheer laziness. Some folks call it "ultralight" hiking, I call it "lazyass" hiking.
The poll said "tops" so I put 2. That would be very rare. If I need more than 17 rounds of .45 I seriously hope I have time to get my SKS or M1.

The vast majority of times I carry one. Fortunately I live in a semi-oppression free state. I carry my Ruger P97 (8+1) openly most of the time in a paddle holster with extra mag weak side. I have a permit for those occasions when it's too cold to go without a coat or I don't want to frighten the sheeple but I've been open carrying for years with nary a problem.

I like the idea that a goblin might see me armed, assume I'm a cop (or just opt not to tempt fate with an armed civilian) and seek greener, less armed pastures.