How do you carry your spare mag for CCW?

Didnt mean to offend anyone, Guess I should have just said that "I dont carry a spare, but if I did, I would agree with some previous posts that stress buying a quality mag pouch that you can rely on and feels good to you"

No offense taken what so ever on my part. My only reason for carrying the extra is for a possible mag malfunction. The mag was new and I have others. Its the first mag problem I have had with a new gun mag. As far as the response about 6 feet I did get 1 shot off then the jam, so in that hypothetical world I may have a shot at a mag change from the carry place of 9 o'clock on the belt
I usually carry a Colt DS and keep a speed strip in my strong side front pocket. When I do carry a semiauto, which is rarely, I carry a spare mag in my offhand back pocket of my pants right next to my wallet. The wallet keeps the mag upright and positioned for quick access.
weakside pocket ... having a mag carrier on my belt kinda defeats the value of pocket carry, which is my preferred method most of the year here in Texas, where we rarely have temperatures cold enough to warrant a jacket ... I check it at least once a week to make sure it hasn't picked up any lint or other foreign materials ...