Home invasions on the rise...what to do ??

I dont think anyone has an issue with being prepared. However, when taken to extremes, like anything else, it starts to lose its luster. Having a gun in hand while walking to you car isnt preparation: its a manifestation of fear and an accident waiting to happen. Preparation is software: the assessment of threat, training and mindset, not the presence of hardware.

If someone lives in such a dangerous environment, wouldnt the best response be to take self and family to live in a different, non-poohhole of a neighborhood? :confused: Who wants to live in a seige?

As to my preparation: I am armed and relaxed but alert, which for inside the CONUS seems to have sufficed for 30 some odd years in urban, suburban and rural environments. I train, and then I train some more. I am not willing to live my life in fear of what might happen, nor will I let the bad guys dictate my behavior.
i just gotta say something...

" If someone lives in such a dangerous environment, wouldnt the best response be to take self and family to live in a different, non-poohhole of a neighborhood? Who wants to live in a seige? "

I've been perusing these forums for quite a while, and have seen this statement numerous times in various incarnations...

I was born in a ghetto. I've lived my 20+ years in that ghetto. My family has resided in that same ghetto. Let me just say it ain't all that easy to move to a "non-poohole of a neighborhood." Such neighborhoods exist due in a large part to poverty. I look outside, and people around here ain't too well-to-do. From what I understand, just up and moving takes time and money, not a real luxury for those in the ghetto.

And as far as giving up or in to the intruders...I heard on the news recently of a 70+ year old woman who was raped and beaten by her home invaders...another elderly couple were tied and tortured, seems the thugs thought they were hiding something.

Fight, people. It's your life. Also, how else are you gonna get to Valhalla? ;)
Come And Take Them

I learned three rules to survive a gun fight from my Dad over 40 years ago. (I am now 51) 1. Don't be there. 2. Have a gun. 3. BE WILLING. I avoid confrontation and unsafe situations RELIGIOUSLY. I am armed 24/7 at home, at work, at play. Most important of all I AM WILLING. Fists,feet,clubs,knives,guns,I WILL FIGHT to protect my self, my home, and my family. I will not submit to an invader under any circumstances. Bad things may follow any choice but it will be MY choice. Any person who isn't willing to fight for home and family isn't a person, they are a sheeple. :barf: Sometimes my pistol is concealed,sometimes it is exposed and holstered,sometimes it is in my hand or on the car seat next to me. Sometimes a locked and loaded 12 Ga. or my M-14 is my companion. It is all a part of maintaining situational awareness and planning ahead. As Boston says, "No one GOES to a gun fight with a pistol-A pistol is what you use to fight your way back to the rifle you shouldn't have left behind in the first place." My family and I will fight. Semper Fi & Molon Labe
Nice try Rabbi.

But I happen to be in the very pinnacle of fitness. I dont drink and I dont smoke and I dont indulge in unhealthy foods. I dont eat meat other then seafood when in my own home.

This may apply to other people, I dont know. But since your response was directed at my post it doesnt really hold water.

I would agree that those paranoid about getting shot but go around smoking, drinking, and never exercising have their priorities seriously mixed up. Especially the older ones. You want to live longer???? Sure, carry a gun that is your buisness. But would it hurt to take a walk around the neighborhood every evening? If you want to extend your life exercise is a guarantee, a gun isnt. (unless you keel over and die from over exertion, you oldies)
It's easy to talk...

I am personally of the mind that one has to do what one has to do. It is very easy to say how we would defend ourselves, etc., but most of us haven't been in such a situation, and with 5 or 6 bad guys no less!

I used to live in L.A., and remember reading about a landlord who stood up to a group of human scum (gang members) that were defacing an apartment building he owned in a poorer section of town. He engaged them with a .38 pistol, and they pulled out some guns. He was only able to kill one, before he was felled with a shotgun blast. Just make sure that under the circumstances you don't end up being a statistic needlessly. Even police officers are instructed to be good witnesses if they cannot safely engage the bad guys at that particular moment when they are off-duty...
Keep in mind they take their victims by surprise
And therein lies the key, or one of the most significant factors, in most violent assaults, robberies etc.

Be prepared and equipped, have a plan for most foreseeable events, do not establish a routine beyond what you must do - and do not get taken by surprize.