Home invasions on the rise...what to do ??

You tell 'em! I know you're gonna draw your trusty 1911 and drill 'em as they come through the door. Them suckers never have a chance. :rolleyes:
5 or 6 guys dressed in Military Garb, hiding outside of peoples homes to ambush them??? Now I do know that home invasions happen, but I am wondering where these 5 to 6 guys in Military Garb are hiding? Most of the invasions I have heard about are 1 to 3 guys that come to knock on the door of the householder and then force their way into the home. 5 to 6 guys in Military Garb running up towards the householder would be suspicious to the neighbors...no?? Nothing on the News?? I know that reporters monitor police radio and I am not sure that if these attacks were becomming common, just the word of mouth would get it around the whole State in a matter of a few days...I think the gunshop owner was pulling your leg.
I guess though, for the sake of the thread...if it were me, I would drive by my home 2 or 3 times and fire .45 rounds into every bush, tree, dark corner and anyone looking suspicious, then I would lob a few hand grenades at my front door, just in case someone was behind the planter. Then I would crank the car stereo and blast "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" and jump outta my car with a gun in each hand, all the while screaming..."c'mon...get some, get some!!!"...whew...sorry folks...waaayyyy too much coffee today.
The gentleman at the gun shop wasn't "pulling my leg" nor is he trying to sell me another home defense weapon as someone else mentioned. In fact, the folks there that I have talked to all agree that I am well equipped for home defense, at least as far as firearms go. I've been going there for awhile and know most of them well enough to trust them. In many communities, I can see where this wouldn't be that difficult to pull off , even with 5 or 6 people in military style garb...especially in a subdivision such as mine. Frankly, it is rare that a residential burglary is broadcast on the news and the papers usually just have a very brief nondescript listing of a few selected crimes....at least in our area. I don't know how many houses they have hit so far, I don't know if they had their weapons drawn and pointed at you or not...but I have no reason to think this man is not telling the truth. It really doesn't matter to me if you believe me or not. I have family in the city limits of Louisville, and I live just outside of Louisville and this situation concerns me. I was hoping to find some good practical advice and suggestions here, and I thank those that took the time to give a serious answer.
You tell 'em! I know you're gonna draw your trusty 1911 and drill 'em as they come through the door. Them suckers never have a chance.
I don't own a 1911. And I may not "drill 'em" all as they come through the door, but I'm surely gonna try my best. They'll have a pretty good chance, but that doesn't mean I DON'T have a chance and it certainly doesn't mean that I'm going to simply stand there and pray.

There are things I'm afraid of but dying isn't one of them. Letting criminals take control of my house and everything and everyone in it IS one thing I'm afraid of, and as long as I'm alive I'll do absolutely everything in my power to prevent it. Whether my chances of succeeding are really great or really lousy.
I live in a secure building, so when people knock directly on my door I definitely get suspicious. People I know call me on my phone from the back door and wait for me to let them in. People I don't know should be using the buzzer at the front door.

I've only had people knock directly on my door unexpectedly twice, and luckily both times it turned out to people trying to sell newspaper or magazines subscriptions or some crap.

All it takes for a "secure building" to be insecure (and potentially deadly) is a person propping a door for whatever reason.

I would never count on a building being "secure." That's a fallacy just waiting to cause someone to let down their guard and get harmed.

I don't own a 1911. And I may not "drill 'em" all as they come through the door, but I'm surely gonna try my best. They'll have a pretty good chance, but that doesn't mean I DON'T have a chance and it certainly doesn't mean that I'm going to simply stand there and pray.

There are things I'm afraid of but dying isn't one of them. Letting criminals take control of my house and everything and everyone in it IS one thing I'm afraid of, and as long as I'm alive I'll do absolutely everything in my power to prevent it. Whether my chances of succeeding are really great or really lousy.

You are what many would call a man.

In Vermont, they just sentenced a guy to death for murdering a woman. I recall distinctly from the articles that he killed her as she knelt there praying for her life.

No fighting.

Just praying.

No wonder she died. She didn't give herself 1/100th of a chance by taking zero action to fight her attacker.

I have to agree with John here. The reason these thugs are succeeding is they are going against homeowners who are in condition white and who have no plan, no training, and probably no firearms.

If I am unable to draw my "trusty" 1911 because all six thugs have "the drop" on me, then I suppose my wife will get to choose which one to drop like boiled cabbage first. Two armed, trained and prepared people on their own turf are more than a match for six thugs who were expecting a relatively easy robbery. Once the first one or two are dead, there is a very good chance that the other four will no longer want to stay for the party.

Nobody will invade my home and brutalize my family without a fight. You may choose to pray to your deity. I choose to fight. We may both die as a result. In this case I trust my gun more than my prayers. The Lord helps those who help themselves.

Practical advice:
Get a CCW permit if you can, and carry a gun 24/7.
If you are married, your spouse should do the same.
If you have children, they should either know how to shoot*, or have a good prearranged hiding place they have been taught to retreat to. It might be advisable to have them get out a window and retreat to the neighbor's home and raise the alarm.
Have a loaded 12 gauge at either end of your home, hidden but accessible near cover. Fight your way to your closest 12 gauge.
Never give up, even if you are shot. If you give up, you will die, and your family will as well. You must stake your survival on your abilities, not your attacker's generosity.
If you feel the need to pray, then pray while you fight for your life. Do not expect pity from your attackers, and do not give them any. Do not talk, do not negotiate. They invaded your home, placing you in imminent danger. Stop the threat to your life.

*I have heard one instance where a 6 year old boy prevented his father's murder by shooting his father's attacker in the head with a single shot .22 rifle.
XB said:
*I have heard one instance where a 6 year old boy prevented his father's murder by shooting his father's attacker in the head with a single shot .22 rifle.

I've heard the same story. The kid had the element of suprise.
Anyone can be taken unaware. It is impossible to be 100% paranoid all of the time. You have company over, there is a knock at the door and you don't think, but just answer, or perhaps family or friends forget to lock the security door.

For myself, if I come home and am greeted, I have a monitered alarm system. I have to punch in the code, but there is a "special" code which shuts down the alarm, but informs the security company that this system is being deactivated under threat...

Now, consider getting a gun and having a running gun battle with 5-6 armed indivuals.

Perhaps they are wearing vests, which mean that all of your shots will have to be "head" shots. This while engaging 5 armed men...are you sure your that "good".

What about family members, or neighbors who might become the innocent victims of gun play...Your best bet is to try and "play" along because your not really going to have a heck of a lot of choice. Once they have penetrated your "layers" of security, your pretty well defensless. I know, your still thinking that you can grab that AK sitting behind the couch and show them a thing or two, but again, your up against a group which has planned for your take down.

Now, you have to ask yourself, what is it about you, your house, your family, your job, which has brought you to this groups attention. Is there some kind of pattern there. The area you live, are you a bank president, do you carry, or have a job which involves lots of cash...what are they stealing, antiques, cash, guns, jewerly, if so how do they select their victims...

No, sooner or later, one of these guys will make a mistake. They will "brag" about their exploits, begin showing conspicous consumption, get drunk and beleive they are king of the hill.

In the mean time the police can only be reactive. I suppose they don't want to alarm the city can create mass panic.

I know of one case, where a silent alarm was triggered, the police put the buglars under surveillance, followed them, watched "who" they went to with their stolen loot, who they partied with, did an intelligent gathering mission...probably the same thing is going on here...sooner or later one of this group is going to screw up..then they will fall!
this would be a hard situation but...

perhaps go out the back door armed, and if you go out he front door you might get into a shoot out. tha is a bad spot to be in. video cam?? :D :D

hey batman X, I notice that you have a 22 marlin rifle. I have the same model as you. would you agree that those things are an awesome gun! I have about 10 thousand rounds though mine and it is just fine! :) :)
Frequently when I get home after dark I draw my.38 ready for action when I get out of the truck and unlock the back door. If I know nobody else is home, I go into the house with teh gun still drawn ready for unexpected guests.
Granted I probably wouldn't be able to outgun 5 or 6 armed men, BUT if they are watching me from the distance, THEY will see that I am armed. With that in mind, they might think twice because NOBODY wants to get shot. Yes they have the odds of getting me on their side, but I have good odds of getting one or two maybe even three of them. Who is going to take the three shots and who is going to kill me? Also, if the do move on me, I may get one and the others after hearing the first shot may act on instinct and scatter. Criminals I think are generally cowards. Anyway, I've got a far better chance with the gun than without. Without the gun they will DEFINATELY make their move.
Thank you Xavier: "Nobody will invade my home and brutalize my family without a fight. You may choose to pray to your deity. I choose to fight. We may both die as a result. In this case I trust my gun more than my prayers. The Lord helps those who help themselves."

As a pastor, I full well know and enjoy the benefits of prayer, . . . but there are times when one must act first and pray later or act and pray at the same time. A home invasion scenario is one where I would be acting as I was praying, . . . and it may just be something like "Lord, . . . please make these shots count".

As for walking to/from the van/truck/car with gun in hand, . . . if you don't want to see that, . . . stay away from my place. As often as not, . . . my 1911 is in my hand as I go out the door, . . . and especially if it is dark, . . . it is in my hand when I come in the door. It is private property, . . . it is legal, . . . and it is a whole world faster to use than if it is secured in a holster.

Paranoid? Not in this lifetime, . . . just prepared, . . . and willing to do what it takes to protect my family. God chose me as the head of my household (as He did every other husband/male) and bestowed upon me the responsibility to take care of that duty, . . . He also provided the 1911 and its long gun couterparts to accomplish that mission.

May Gpd bless,
For you gun-in-hand types, do you think it would be OK for a cop to have his or her gun drawn on every vehicle stop, every field interview? Or do you think they should be transferred to the Supersoaker Squad and have a mandatory chat with the agency shrink?

I dont know where you guys live, but the only town I can think of where i'd need a gun in my hand to walk to the car is called Baghdad.
Your best bet is to try and "play" along because your not really going to have a heck of a lot of choice.
That's a statement you can make because you haven't considered what the possibilities of "playing along" might include.

If you resist, a "running gun battle" is likely to give someone time to phone for help, or even alert the neighbors. And even if only one attacker is wounded, the priorities of the attacking group might change enough to get you off the hook.

If you just give up, they now fully control the situation. They can effectively silence everyone and then do as they please. And what they please may have absolutely nothing to do with robbery and everything to do with the reasons that "playing along" could be something you and your family regret for the rest of your lives.

IMO, not resisting a home invasion is like getting in the car with a carjacker. The police advocate running from a carjacker even if it means being shot. They point out that once you get into the car, the carjacker can take you to a remote location where your chances of escape are much smaller and your chances of getting help are slim. If you force the situation by running you may attract the attention of others, and even if he shoots, your survival chances are better than if he picks the place to dispose of you.

Likewise in a home invasion, resistance improves the chances that the home invasion will be noticed, and may give other occupants time to prepare to resist more effectively, escape or call for help. Once the attackers have control, you are at their mercy. From what I've seen, the mercy of criminals is not something I want to rely on.

I haven't seen statistics specifically for home invasions but in general, resisting violent crime with a firearm gives you a better chance of escaping unharmed than "playing along."
Yes, Sendec, . . . you are correct: "I dont know where you guys live, . . ."

Well, I don't know where you live either, . . . but I'll leave the judgment to you as to whether or not you carry in pocket, in holster, in hand, . . . or not at all.

Please don't do the rest of us any favors and generalize your own personal opinion as the correct stance in all scenarios.

Though I live in one of the most populous states, . . . I also live in a tri-county corner. Depending on which sherrif I call, . . . I have a 2 out of 3 chance of being wrong, . . . it all depends on which way the perp runs. In addition, . . . calling my county sherriff is a guaranteed 30 minute wait even if they are in the squad car in the station drive way.

As I said earlier tonight, . . . it's my property, it's legal, and it is far better to be prepared than to have to say later, . . . "If only I had, . . . . . . . ."

May God bless,
For you gun-in-hand types, do you think it would be OK for a cop to have his or her gun drawn on every vehicle stop, every field interview?
No, it would not be OK for a LEO to do that. I don't think it would be OK for me to go into the Stop& Save to buy a soda with a gun in my hand either. Nor would it be OK for me to walk into one of my patient's rooms with a gun in my hand.

However, I fail to see the problem with a man going through his own front door, walking across his own lawn, and getting in his own car with a gun in his hand, assuming he can legally own a gun.
Two brothers used to be members of the gun club that I was trained and every Saturday and Wednesday they were there practicing, they were always first and second at the tornaments and were pretty much gun enthusiasts. They both were good at speed draw and firing. The eldest carried two .40 Glocks and he had several encounters with attempted armed robberies there was one in particular where he accompanied one of his trucks to pick up supplies for his stores and on the way back three armed men attempted to highjack the truck for the supplies two on one side of the truck and one on the other he shot two of them fatally and one ran away sporting atleast a round in his upper torso. One day he was taking his little boy home from school and the little boy opened the door of the vehicle and was about to go to the door when three men pounced on them and shot the father fatally, the little boy was left to grieve as they releaved him of his two pistols. You can never be too prepared. Nothing wrong with prayer especially when you really believe that God Truly is your protector. That's if you believe. I do and have lived through several dangerous situations throughout the years unarmed. Not saying that nothing bad can happen to me, but I believe that God watches over me and my family and He has, so even as I wait to be armed I have not yielded any of my faith in who really has my back.
All it takes for a "secure building" to be insecure (and potentially deadly) is a person propping a door for whatever reason

good point, I live in a "secure building" but at least twice a week either the front or back door is proped open with something. With that in mind and the fact that my roommate likes to leave the front door unlocked I keep my AK close and my .45 closer at all times.
Here in Cincinnati, *ALL* of the home invasion robberies have involved drugs. The occupants had been selling, had just purchased, or were flashing money around thugs and dope dealers. If you run with dogs, you're gonna pick up fleas...