Home invasions on the rise...what to do ??


New member
I was in my friendly neighborhood gun shop today buying my son's birthday present and shooting the breeze with some of the people there. The salesman I was working with has a son that is a police officer, and he was telling me that home invasions were becoming more and more of a problem for the citizens of Louisville. It seems as though the people doing this have a five or six man team, all wearing masks and in military garb. They ambush homeowners as they are entering or leaving their homes, hold them hostage inside the house, and burglarize their homes. Only one person of the team talks, some stay outside, and the others tend to the homeowner(s) and rob the place. They are all armed (not sure with what), and have a very well thought out plan to execute their crimes. But, due to the nature of what they steal and what they leave behind, they are believed to be amateur thieves, yet they seem to operate in a military fashion. What would you do in a situation like this ?? Keep in mind they take their victims by surprise....so there is NO time to run to the gunsafe or where ever you keep your firearms. By the way, they haven't killed any of their victims, but I'm sure as it is happening the homeowners do not know this. There has been absolutely NOTHING on the news about any of this, at least not yet. So....how would you react if you were their next victim ?
It isn't how I would REACT, it would be how I PREPARE.

I assume they would have to be parked close, so you would notice a car that is not right. I have driven past my house a few times because something didn't feel correct.

You can have security and also have your yard/house organized so that it will not be as easy for these things to happen. I would assume if the police were to put a profile on the houses that were terrorized by these people, they could come up with a list of things to look for.

Be prepared. When it happens, it is too late - but it can probably be prevented.
Wow - Beretta, I thought you had to see a gun or knife present to even draw your weapon. Now you are waving it around as you leave the house?

Actually what he did was illegal in my opinion, firearms are only sopposed to be pulled when your life is in extreme danger...when you know for a fact that if you dont pull the weapon you would die or be hurt..
On my way out to my car, I have it in my hand, but I also leave at night, I'm not drawing on anyone, I'm on my own property!!!

I can do this LEGALLY!
Just some points to ponder - the odds of you needing to fire your pistol are far, far lower than the odds of you stumbling and driving the muzzle into the ground, or worse yet startle and have an ND, or getting into a confrontation in which lethal force is not justified.

Sometimes knowing when to put it away is as important as knowing when to draw it.
We should leave all our self-protection duties to the police to handle for us, right, sendec? :rolleyes:

Why must you attempt to make it sound like the guy is an incompetent stumble*#&( ? Your comments sound ridiculous. You make it sound like he's walking around with his finger on the trigger (to have an ND), and is that a fair assumption for you to make? If HE is likely to fall and drive the muzzle into the ground on his own property in the dark, why would a cop who is unfamiliar with the place fare any better?

Oh, I forgot:

they're EXPERTS.


When I worked 7:00pm to 3:00am I always had a gun in my hand for my walk to the door and into my house. A little paranoid? Maybe, but I don't like things to surprise me in the middle of the night. I see absolutley nothing wrong with you discreetly carrying your gun in hand to your car when it's dark and you are on your own property.
Same here. If you're on your property, you're within your rights. Would it be better to have to fumble under your shirt or wherever you have your CCW, giving the edge to the guy who jumps out from behind the bushes with a crowbar or knife?

I don't know where sendec comes off with his comments, attempting to make you sound like a complete boob, cougar. I think it's "cop-elitism," trying to make it seem like cops are the only ones capable of using firearms for defense. Makes them feel needed, I guess.

Well, they are needed: most of us don't have the coroner's number on speed-dial.

Beretta if it makes others feel better, you could always place a plastic bag over your gun and hand. A gun double bagged in a walmart bag should conceal it nicely.
Amazing how the guy trying to sell you self defense guns at the gunshop is telling you information about the need to have lots of guns because everyone is getting home invaded. Its not really that common and sure its nice to be prepared but many of these gunstore owners make their profits so they will tell you about everything to make a sale.
Blackmind, they were called points to ponder, for just that reason. If he feels the need to cammy up and barrel roll across the lawn on his way to the minivan thats his perogative. I'm just the guy who has to clean up the mess.

And if fumbling your draw is a problem, practice correct technique, dont compensate by wandering around with your **** in your hand :rolleyes:
If 5 or 6 guys with guns had the drop on me, I'd try to avoid getting shot! If you already know they're going to kill you, then you could still go for them at best tactical moment (or flee at best tactical moment)... but I think your chances against 5 or 6 armed men would be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry small, so there is no way I'd initiate a gunfight if I thought I could avoid it. Life is not a movie, and I am not Clint Eastwood. :p

P.S. As Limeyfellow noted, the gunshop salesman would have something to gain from your thinking that you needed plenty of new guns, so I would take the salesman's concern with a grain of salt too ;)
Last night..

Someone was banging on my front door at 9:30pm. I don't get many unexpected visitors. I asked who it was, it was an old lady looking for an address. I helped her out. But afterwards, I started thinking about what if it was a troublemaker. We have had an increase in home invasions in our county with 3 in the last few weeks. After talking to my wife about it, I'm not going to answer a door without a gun in my hand in a similar situation again. Call me paranoid, but all it takes is one time.
Carrying a gun outside your house in the dark? Going to the car in the dark?
I've got paddle holsters coming for both my guns so I can slide something on when I have to go out or answer the door. It's cheap insurance. One of the home invasions, the victim had a gun, but couldn't get to it. That's no good. :eek:
sendec said:
If he feels the need to cammy up and barrel roll across the lawn on his way to the minivan that’s his prerogative.

Whether I agree with your opinion or not.... that, my friend, gave me a good belly laugh. I couldn't help but picture some boob like Chevy Chase in "Fletch" or something similar.

sendec said:
I'm just the guy who has to clean up the mess.
This, on the other hand, sounds like your the principal at school and your sick of all the "kiddies" spilling their milk in the cafeteria. Give us a little more credit than that.

And if you really think about it, the comment "I'm just the guy who has to clean up the mess." is really the reason why people are barrel-rolling to the minivan... Your not there 'til it's time to clean up. It's not your fault, but it is fact.

:D lol I can't stop laughin' about the barrel roll, lawn, and minivan.
I live in a secure building, so when people knock directly on my door I definitely get suspicious. People I know call me on my phone from the back door and wait for me to let them in. People I don't know should be using the buzzer at the front door.

I've only had people knock directly on my door unexpectedly twice, and luckily both times it turned out to people trying to sell newspaper or magazines subscriptions or some crap.
I don't know, I always look out the window before I leave the house :confused: . I know my neighborhood, the different dog barks of my uncles and neighbors dogs, and when it's dark outside I have a motion detection light that is right up against the road (so the cars don't set it off but anyone that go by driveway will).

If I knew of this happening I would look out all my windows before leaving.

If 5 or 6 guys with guns had the drop on me, I'd try to avoid getting shot! If you already know they're going to kill you, then you could still go for them at best tactical moment (or flee at best tactical moment)... but I think your chances against 5 or 6 armed men would be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry small, so there is no way I'd initiate a gunfight if I thought I could avoid it.
Five or 6 six guys (or one or two for that matter) with guns who have them drawn and pointed at you means you are SOL. Some appropriate words to your respective deity would be in order then, not quick draws.
Five or 6 six guys (or one or two for that matter) with guns who have them drawn and pointed at you means you are SOL.
Ain't no way more than one guy at a time is coming in any of my doors OR running down any of the bookshelf-lined halls in my house. Bottlenecks are a wonderful thing! ;)