Home Defense, what do you think? (deceiving title)

Carry & other stuff

I too, with my wife lived in Cali. We were in Monterrey and Salinas. It certainly is beautiful. Outside of that everything SEB5 said is true. Fortunately, in the one breakin we experienced we didn't lose anything I have to go back for. I'll look at the photos thanks.
I live in a nice neighborhood.

I live in north Long Beach, PDSR California. The house was previously owned by some folk who had a lot of antiques, and they had security bars put on all the windows. My lady wife decided she liked the idea of security doors, so we added them. All external doors have deadbolts. My house holds me, my lady wife, my teen aged son, a dog, a cat and a transient possum in the attic. It is fairly safe and I aim to keep it that way.

We have a dog, but she barks at squirrels, aircraft overhead and anyone passing in front of the house. When none of that is going on, she barks for practise. She's a neat, loving dog, but not much use as a warning system. Although, she is getting better.

I keep a couple of revolver loaded in the bedroom. Mostly because I can't decide which one I like the best. There is also a '92 Rossi carbine in .44-40 in the corner (unloaded, but ammo is available). There's an M1 Garand in the office with a bandolier attached.

If you don't feel the need to prepare further for any possible assault on your person or property, good for you. You'll probably be all right. And I like target shooting, too.

San Diego is a much better place to live than Los Angeles. When I used to live in San Diego county, and visited San Diego a lot, I would almost forget I was in PDSR California. I've been here nearly thirty years now. The state has grown worse in politics, taxes, crime, traffic, and just plain rude people every year.

Yeah, the weather is nice. When one can see it through the haze. The beaches are nice. If one can find a parking place, a place to spread a blanket and avoid the broken glass, condoms, lost marijuana pipes and cigarette butts.

You like it here. I don't. We can agree on that.

And I promise, as soon as I can, I will vacate this state and make it just a little less crowded.
It's a reverse lottery...

In a normal lottery, the odds of winning are small, but if you win, you win BIG. You can have practically everything you ever wanted. Sure, it's almost impossible for you to win against such odds, but someone wins almost every day... And you can't win unless you play.

In a reverse lottery, the odds of losing are small, but if you lose, you lose BIG. Maybe you get to watch your wife or daughter raped. Maybe you get killed. Maybe you are maimed for life. Maybe you lose many posessions and get to deal with the trauma of being attacked or imprisoned in your house. Sure, it's almost impossible that it will happen to you--the odds are dramatically against such an occurrence, but it happens to someone almost every day... And you can lose even if you decide not to play.
I think CCW is a great idea, but not if it makes you see everything as a threat.
Sort of like saying that owning fire extinguishers is great, but only if they don't make you see everything as a potential fire hazard. If that sounds crazy it's because it is!

I know people who refuse to lock their doors. It's because they feel (at some level) that by doing so, they would be admitting that bad things can happen to them. By intentionally leaving their doors unlocked, by not preparing, they are affirming that they are safe--that their neighborhood isn't dangerous--that bad things can't happen to them. They feel better, but they're fooling themselves...

Bad things happen in bad neighborhoods. Bad things happen in good neighborhoods. Bad things happen in the city. Bad things happen in suburbia. Bad things happen in the country.

Odds are that you'll never lose the reverse lottery. But if you do, life will never be the same.

Good luck!


P.S. I'd rather keep luck out of it as much as possible.
To those that mock my state, don't forget that this is my country as well, and California is a part of this great country. Despite our differences, we should appreciate our bretheren. My father served this country bravely throught the course of Vietnam, and my Grandfather served through the course of WWII. And those that don't appreciate each and every piece of this great nation are closer to Commies than one that can appreciate the fact that I CAN vote, that I CAN own a firearm, that I CAN defend my life, my liberty, and my well being. If you choose to look down upon your bretheren then you are not embracing this nation. I have lived in more states, more countries than I care to disclose. To be proud of the ground that welcomes me is something that I cherish. "Kommifornia" is an insult to me, and and insult to those that live and embrace a beautiful part of this country. Who would you rather have as governor here? Gray Davis? Just because you don't live here doesnt' mean you shouldn't appreciate those that do, because those that do are convicted to most of the same causes to better our nation as you. You should look up the definition of Communism Abelew. You stand a lot to learn from that. As far as issues to not live in California, I respect that. However, those same reasons exist to not live in other states within this great country. I do not insult the integrity of Alabama or the Pan Handle of Florida, Mississipi, Tennessee, Georgia, because of the racial bias that I have faced in the decade spent living there. It is as easy for me to call the south a culturally lacking and intolerant conglomerate of states as it is for you to call California as Communist society, however, I choose to recognize the fact that I am proud of what the south has to offer. I choose to recognize that not everyone in the south is an ignorant culturally lacking racist. I choose to respect the South and my family that lives there. THIS is my home, the UNITED States of America. ALL 50 of them. And if you cannot respect that, then you can kiss my A$$. My family and thousands of people from this state have fought for those rights that you claim are lacking here. Have you ever set foot on foreign soil? If you get the chance to, you don't have a choice in what state you are representing.
Kommifornia might just be a great state. I don't care. This one issue is enough to make me dislike a state enough to never want to be seen in it. It's more a matter of principal, and that Kommifornia want's to enact laws that conflict against, I believe, the US Constitution was designed to protect against. I live in FL, which has many of the same great beaches, maybe more, and has sensable gun laws, and a great CCW law. Long live the free world, and I emplore anyone who values their continued exercize of their Constitutional Rights (notice it didn't say privliages decided upon by PETA, Right Wing Movie Actors, and the like, to move out of that state, and place their votes where they will actually count. When your governer is Arnold, who can't even really speak English, how do you expect your Rights will not be treated as Privliages.

I'm tired of this Bullsh!t. California isn't FULL of a bunch of liberal, anit-gun idiots...there are MILLIONS of Californians that are pro-gun, anti-abortion, anti-gay-marriage, etc...I'm really sick of some of these idiots on these threads that put down California because of the gun policies passed by some of our State politicians. Y'all (pun intended) need to realize that California contributes a lot to this country (financially, agriculture, etc...). Just because California is not full of a bunch of redneck a$$holes doesn't make it Anti-American.

On the topic of the thread, I agree with relientk1988...I don't carry a gun, not because I can't, but because I don't look at life as a constant threat lurking around the corner...I mean, hell, death is always near...when do you decide to live instead of trying not to die? It's going to happen some day you know.

I apologize for going on rant, but it really bothers me when I see stuff like what I quoted...especially from someone who is going to be a LEO. :rolleyes:
You must be a non white person, yes? My Wife of 12 years was born in Guiana, she says the West Indies! but what can't speak can't lie, the atlas shows it is in South America, this same life partner looks somewhat Indian, and has a neutral kind of accent, mine is Liverpool.

Me, I am white as driven snow (except for the bits that show as I walk around in my new resident state (15 months) of Florida.

As retired Brit/Canadian Citizens I had no worries moving to the Sunshine State, my lovely Wife was a bit concerned, at this time we have not had a look, comment or gesture that either one of us could conclude was not of a friendly, kindly nature.

Love our new home, street and neighbors; love my CCW and Glock 19 with 16 rounds of 127g HPs, and a spare Glock 17 mag, with 17 rounds of the same loads on the other side of the belt. I carry an Insurance slip for the Jeep as well.
Traveled to your State, liked it, would sooner live in Florida, and do, can not see why all the fired up retric is is aimed at Ca. Mind you, any group that thinks more rounds than 10 in a Pistol magazine is a bad thing have to have some flaws..... LOL.

But here in Florida we lock doors, keep a loaded firearm handy, and they reside in a big heavey safe when we are out. Murphy is alive and well.
Brit's quote:
Love our new home, street and neighbors; love my CCW and Glock 19 with 16 rounds of 127g HPs, and a spare Glock 17 mag, with 17 rounds of the same loads on the other side of the belt. I carry an Insurance slip for the Jeep as well.

Sounds like you'd do real well in Texas also. If you ever get tired of Florida, come to Texas, where many of us also carry M19s and an extra M-17 mag.

Reidea & Mathl,
The last time I was in Kalifornica the State was sending a man to jail/prison because he defended himself against two Parolees who attempted to rob him on the side of the road after he had a flat tire. He shot both of the armed robbers who were also arrested. He stood trial for "unlicensed carrying of a Pistol" and was sentenced to one year in jail/prison. The two parolees jumped bond and were no where to be found. The prosecutor was more upset because the citizen with no criminal record was carrying an unlicensed handgun and shooting the poor misunderstood perpes, than he was about the robbery attempt. It was in the San Diego area in 1994. Typical Kalifornica. One of my best friends is from Andrews up near the State Capital of Insanity. He is an instructor at FLETC now, couldn't wait to get his family out. Both of my cousins (twins) moved to Arkansas when they retired from LAPD. As did another friend who retired from Riverside SO. Why Arkansas I don't know, but they all pray the Kalifornica slides into the Pacific before it infects the rest of the country. Your right about there being some nice people in Kalifornica and my relatives and friends say one thing, "they are all too stupid to move" out of that lovely looking cess pool. There may be lot of good consertive folks in Kalifornica, but it's obvious that they are not running the place. They have an RINO as head of the Asylum and Hollywierd is running the legislature.

Jungle Work
no one has backed me up yet...

Thanks for all the horror stories of how you all been broken into. Now I ask, how far is too far, .50 cal. on the roof, claymores in the front yard? I'm suprised no one has agreed with me. Where are all the .22 shooters? In response to the fire extinguisher(?) comment, I have a fire extinguisher, do I carry it around everywhere I go? Looking for potential fires? Scanning the house all the time? Until you lock yourself in your house afraid to come out or the fire will get you?

On the topic of the thread, I agree with relientk1988...I don't carry a gun, not because I can't, but because I don't look at life as a constant threat lurking around the corner...I mean, hell, death is always near...when do you decide to live instead of trying not to die? It's going to happen some day you know.

If that's not backing you up, then I don't know what is...
and another thing...

I've read about property alot in this thread. "assault upon your ... property." In my great state of Ohio you cannot shoot someone just to protect property. To use deadly force you must be afraid of serious bodily injury or death and you must retreat until you cannot go any farther. Now I don't know about you guys but I rather just be sound asleep while a robber takes my stuff then wake up and end up going to jail. But if someone wants to do me or my family harm I have the shotgun. But before I can use the shotgun I have to turn my back on the BG and run to the farthest room, Ohio enacted this law so more law-abiding people would be shot in the back, than criminals in the front.

well thats it for now,
"Now I ask, how far is too far"
It depends. You and others may think merely carrying concealed is too far. That's your perogative.....don't carry. I'm not surprised no one here has agreed with you. This is a website for gun enthusiasts, many, if not most, (IMO) of whom DO carry. If you're looking for personal validation that CCW is over the top.....you're not likely to find it here.

I wonder if some of you who call California "Kommifornia" or some such realize that it is one of the most dynamic economies in the world? Really sure you want to say it is Communist?
relientk1988 . . .

"Now I ask, how far is too far."

You are right: (1) this is an INDIVIDUAL decision and (2) it is certainly subject to intelligent trade-offs (i. e., no Claymores, but frequent CCW for me).

With this said, I have seen -- and certainly am daily exposed to via the media -- the terrible things that happen to “average” citizens in fine neighborhood. For example, every evening, it seems, the local DC area news highlights multiple murders, rapes, home invasions, carjackings, and so forth. Recognizing that on any given day these horrific crimes are unlikely to happen to me, I nevertheless believe in reasonable (again, a personal evaluation) preparation. You opt to take a walk around your nice, suburban neighborhood unarmed; that’s fine. I decide to unobtrusively carry a Glock 36 in my pocket; that’s also fine. I simply hope you will never have reason to regret your lack of preparation and I would highlight the fact that my decision hurts no one and, in fact, is unknown to everyone.

Hey U.F.O. read my first post on this thread.

"I think CCW is a great idea"

you said,

"You and others may think merely carrying concealed is too far."

I do agree with CCW and I do think it's a good thing I plan to apply when I can. The reason I started this thread was I started thinking after reading all these posts about people being scared of everything(i.e. carwashes) I do beleive you should be cautious but when it starts consuming you(i.e. paranoia) then that is too far. I'm sorry if I have offended anybody.

Just something to think about,
Sorry relientk1988. I missed that sentence sandwiched amongst the generally negative tone. A little paranoia can be a good thing. Too much, a sign of problems. I haven't detected rampant problems with that issue in the 5 months I've been here. You're new to the board. My only suggestion would be don't judge quickly and harshly. The vast majority of what you'll get here is sincere and worthwhile feedback. Take what you need and leave the rest. I do and it works.



I wasn't trying to be negative just seeing if anyone else thinks that people take it too far. I'm not saying that anyone takes CCW/HD too far but people have. I didn't mean to insult anyone. I do appreciate your views and am very open to everyone. U.F.O. I guess a little paranoia can be a good thing but not if it takes over your entire life. That was all I have been trying to say since the beginning and I'm glad you agree :), The main reason I like guns is to go out in the backyard and shoot the crap out of some cans. Also the neighborhood I live in is relatively safe(most everyone 60+) so I don't think I'll be needing CCW for a while but if I move may change my mind.

Crime can happen anywhere in the world. I bought mine just to have fun as a hobby. Yes, there is the thought of what if. However, I don't let it stress me until it happens. Plinking away at the range and have some fun is all I do. :D
How come so many people from CA are moving to AZ????? They ran all the prices up there and instead of moving to NYC where they belong, they have to go to AZ and artificially inflate the price of everything there!!!! "Dynamic Economy" indeed!!